Publication Abstract Display
Type: Published Manuscript
Title: Effects of Alzheimer caregiving on allostatic load.
Authors: Roepke SK
Year: 2011
Publication: Journal of Health Psychology
Volume: 16 Issue: 1 Pages: 58-69
Abstract:This study aimed to determine if Alzheimer caregivers have increased allostatic load compared to noncaregivers. Potential psychological moderators (mastery, depression, and role overload) of the relationship between caregiving status and allostatic load were also explored. Eighty-seven caregivers and 43 noncaregivers underwent biological assessment of allostatic load and psychological assessments. Caregivers had significantly higher allostatic load compared to non-caregivers (p < .05). Mastery, but not depression or overload, moderated the relationship between caregiving status and allostatic load. In conclusion, allostatic load may represent a link explaining how stress translates to downstream pathology, but more work is necessary to understand the role of psychological factors.

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