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Publication Abstract Display | Type: Published Abstract | Title: Elevated behavioral symptoms of frontal systems dysfunction in methamphetamine dependence. | Authors: Cattie J, Woods SP, Posada C, Grant I, and the TMARC Group | Year: 2011 | Publication: International Neuropsychological Society 39th Annual Meeting, Boston, Mass | Volume: Issue: Pages: | Abstract:Objective:
A growing body of evidence suggests that chronic methamphetamine use is associated with neural injury and cognitive deficits, particularly in frontostriatally-mediated functions. The present study extends this literature by examining the nature and correlates of self-report behavioral symptoms of frontal systems dysfunction in individuals with methamphetamine dependence.
Participants and Methods:
In this investigation, 81 individuals with histories of methamphetamine dependence and 119 demographically matched comparison participants with comparable risk histories but no history of methamphetamine use were administered the Frontal Systems Behavioral Scale (FrSBe) as part of a comprehensive neurocognitive, psychiatric, and medical research evaluation.
The methamphetamine group had significantly higher T-scores on FrSBe total, as well as its disinhibition and executive subscales (ps<.001). A multiple regression analysis indicated that these differences were not better explained by other substance-related diagnoses (e.g., alcohol abuse or dependence), Profile of Mood States total affective distress, or hepatitis C infection. Odds ratios revealed that methampetamine dependence was associated with a twofold risk of clinical elevations on the FrSBe (i.e., T-scores > 64). Of note, clinically elevated total FrSBe T-scores were independently predictive of instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) decline severity in the methamphetamine dependent group.
These findings support the hypothesis that methamphetamine affects behavioral aspects of frontal systems functioning, most notably impulsivity and executive control. Future studies may identify the relationship between these behavioral symptoms and structural and functional brain abnormalities, as well as other biomarkers of methamphetamine-related neural injury (e.g., vasculopathy and inflammation) |
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