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Publication Abstract Display | Type: Poster | Title: The cognitive profile of sexual risk taking intentions. | Authors: Obermeit L, Morgan E, Iudicello J, Heaton R, Grant I | Date: 02-01-2017 | Abstract:Methamphetamine dependence, HIV+ status and better executive functioning performance each independently predicted riskier sexual intentions.
Methamphetamine use was the strongest predictor of risky sexual intentions, indicating that implementing substance use interventions prior to or concurrently with sexual risk interventions may enhance the effectiveness of the latter.
Due to the riskier intentions associated with having HIV, it is likely beneficial to have interventions aimed at increasing safe intentions among those with HIV to ensure that the disease is not passed to others.
Better executive functioning performance surprisingly resulted in riskier intentions. Further analysis is necessary to determine the mechanism for the direction of this association, but possible explanations include: 1. need to examine in a larger sample, 2. it is possible that having more intact cognition allows for rationalizing risky behaviors; 3. the components of executive functioning that are most relevant to intentions were not measured in this study (e.g., planning).
It is important to assess for these variables when identifying individuals who may be at risk for unsafe sexual behaviors and when evaluating potential concurrent treatments that may improve intervention efficacy. |
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