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Publication Abstract Display | Type: Published Abstract | Title: Anemia and neurocognitive impairment: A longitudinal multi cohort study. | Authors: Okwuegbuna O, Kallianpur AR, Iudicello J, Bharti A, Ellis RJ, McCutchan A, Letendre SL | Year: 2019 | Publication: CROI | Volume: Issue: Pages: | Abstract:Anemia in persons living with HIV (PLWH) may occur from multiple causes and has been identified as a predictor of morbidity and mortality. Prior studies identified associations between anemia and worse neurocognitive (NC) performance in PLWH, but most studies have been cross-sectional and were not limited to those taking antiretroviral therapy (ART). This study compared erythrocyte and anemia biomarkers to NC performance over time in a large cohort of PLWH taking ART. |
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