Abstract:Painful peripheral neuropathy comprises multiple symptoms that can severely erod
quality of life. These include allodynia (pain evoked by light stimuli that are not
normally pain
evoking) and various abnormal sensations termed dysesthesias (e.g.,
electric shock sensations, pins and needles, sensations of coldness or heat,
and other types of uncomfortable and painful sensations). Common
causes of peripheral neuropathy include diabetes, HIV/AIDS, spinal cord injuries,
multiple sclerosis, and certain drugs and toxins. Commonly prescribed treatments
come from drugs of the tric
yclic and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
antidepressant classes, anticonvulsants, opioids, and certain topical agents. Many
patients receive only partial benefit from such treatments, and some either do not
benefit or cannot tolerate these m
edications. The need for additional treatment
modalities is evident. |