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Publication Abstract Display
Type: Published Manuscript
Title: Higher levels of plasma inflammation biomarkers are associated with depressed mood and quality of life in aging, virally suppressed men, but not women, with HIV.
Authors: Ellis RJ, Letendre SL, Atkinson JH, Clifford D, Collier AC, Gelman BB, Marra C, McCutchan JA, Morgello S, Sacktor N, Tang B, Heaton RK
Year: 2020
Publication: Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health
Volume: 7 Issue: Pages: 100121
Abstract:People with HIV (PWH) often suffer from depressive symptoms which have a deleterious impact on numerous domains including antiretroviral adherence and quality of life. In the general population, a treatment-resistant phenotype of depression is associated with systemic inflammation, which is of considerable importance as it responds favorably to anti-inflammatory medications. Aging PWH experience increasing inflammation. We sought to evaluate the impact of chronic inflammation in aging PWH on depressed mood.

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