Publication Abstract Display
Type: Published Abstract
Title: The effects of HIV and methamphetamine abuse on regional sMRI morphometry.
Authors: Archibald SL, Fennema-Notestine C, Grant I, Ellis R, Jernigan TL
Year: 2001
Publication: Society for Neuroscience Abstracts
Volume: 27 Issue: Pages: 657
Abstract:A structural MRI study was performed on four groups of subjects to examine the separate and combined effects of HIV and methamphetamine abuse on the brain. The four groups examined were 1) HIV+/METH+, 2) HIV+/METH-, 3) HIV-/METH+ and 4) HIV-/METH-. Morphometric techniques were performed on tissue segmented MR images to examine the regional neuroanatomical differences between the four groups. As expected, both HIV+ groups demonstrated decreased cerebral white matter volumes and increased abnormal white matter. The HIV-/METH+ group demonstrated increased volumes of abnormal white matter but did not differ in cerebral white matter volume. Decreased basal ganglia volumes were predicted in the HIV+ and METH+ groups with a more severe effect in the HIV+/METH+ group. While there was a trend for the HIV+/METH- to have reduced caudate volumes, surprisingly the HIV-/METH+ group had significantly increased caudate nucleus volumes relative to the HIV-/METH- controls. This increased caudate volume was associated with poorer learning performance in the methamphetamine group. The HIV+/METH+ group did not differ from controls on caudate volume. In post-hoc analyses, the lenticular nucleus and amygdala regions were also significantly increased in the HIV-/METH+ group. This study demonstrated expected findings of changes in white matter volumes with HIV and increased abnormal white matter in both HIV and methamphetamine abuse. The increased basal ganglia volumes in methamphetamine users were unexpected.

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