Publication Abstract Display
Type: Published Abstract
Title: Neuropsychology of HIV infection.
Authors: Grant I, Atkinson JH, Hesselink J, Jernigan T, Kennedy C, Teschke R, McCutchan JA, Richman D, Spector S
Year: 1988
Publication: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology : official journal of the International Neuropsychological Society
Volume: 10 Issue: Pages: 77
Abstract:HIV infection can result in AIDS Dementia Complex (ADC) and other neurological signs. We have been performing comprehensive neuropsychological (NP) studies of gay men in three general subgroupings: HIV antibody positive symptomatic individuals who qualify for diagnosis of AIDS, ARC, or, if not meeting these criteria, are severely immunocompromised; gay men who are HIV positive but either asymptomatic of not sufficiently symptomatic to qualify for diagnosis of AIDS/ARC, and whose CD4+>200; and gay men who are HIV antibody negative. Findings indicate that there may be a "progression" of NP impairment from a prevalence of approximately 10% impaired in HIV antibody negative to approximately 40% in HIV positive "asymptomatic" and increasing to about 70% for AIDS/ARC. MRI scans also show increasing abnormalities with progression of disease. Whereas AZT may be lifesaving, our local experience does not yet demonstrate a major positive effect on NP, although neurological status may improve. In this presentation, we will review new data from a longitudinal NIMH study of NP/MRI in HIV infected persons.

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