Publication Abstract Display
Type: Published Abstract
Title: Prevalence of mild neurocognitive disorder at different stages of HIV-1 disease.
Authors: Grant I, Heaton RK, Velin RA, Kirson D, Butters N, Atkinson JH, Chandler J, Oldfield E, Wallace M, McCutchan JA, and the HNRC Group
Year: 1992
Publication: Neurology
Volume: 42 Issue: Suppl. Pages: 255
Abstract:Objective. To examine rates of mild neurocognitive disorder (MND) at different stages of HIV disease. Background. Whereas HIV-1-associated dementia (HAD) may occur in 15% of persons with frank AIDS, the less severe syndrome of MND has been reported in 40-50% of AIDS patients, and a variable proportion at earlier stages of disease. Design/Methods. We performed complete neuropsychological (NP) testing with 340 men, excluding intravenous (IV) drug users. For a more refined look at the relationship of MND to disease course, HIV-f subjects were divided as follows (sample size, mean age, education, and CD4 + ): group A—CDC IV excluding lVc2 and IVb (35, 34.2,15.0, 161); group B—CDC IVc2 (53,, 388); group C—CDC II/III with unknown date of conversion (96, 33.9, 14.8, 492); group D—CDC II/III date of conversion within 4 years (74,27.9,13.2, 515); group E—HIV- controls (72, 34.7,15.3, 863). Results. Blinded clinical ratings revealed NP impairment by group.

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