| Okwuegbuna O, Anderson A, Iudicello J, Perez-Santiago J, Vaida F, Schrier R, McCutchan A, Ellis RJ, Letendre SL. HIV RNA in cerebrospinal fluid off ART predicts more depressive symptoms on ART. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, 03-09-2020. | | Hussain M, Morgan EE, Iudicello JE, Heaton RK, Grant I, and the TMARC Group. Methamphetamine dependence and low self-efficacy have an additive effect on impulsivity and disinhibition. International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting, 02-05-2020. | | Okwuegbuna O, Kallianpur AR, Iudicello J, Bharti A, Ellis RJ, McCutchan A, Letendre SL. (2019). Anemia and neurocognitive impairment: A longitudinal multi cohort study. CROI. | | Ellis R, Iudicello J, Morgan E, Henry B, Schrier R, Cherner M, Hoenigl M, Letendre SL. (2019). Beneficial effects of cannabis on blood brain barrier and inflammation in HIV. CROI. | | Saloner R, Marquine MJ, Sundermann EE, Hong S, McCutchan J, Ellis RJ, Grant I, Cherner M. COMT VAL158 MET polymorphism, cardiometabolic risk, and HIV neurocognitive disorder. INS, 02-20-2019. |  | Hussain M, Morgan E, Iudicello J, Heaton R, Grant I, the TMARC Group. Greater loneliness is associated with riskier beliefs and intentions about
practicing safer sex in methamphetamine dependent (MA+) individuals. INS, 02-20-2019. | | Iudicello JE, Morgan EE, Cookson DR, Potter M, Ellis RJ, Heaton RK, Grant I, Letendre S. Plasma vascular cellular adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) levels are elevated in HIV disease and methamphetamine dependence associated with neurocognitive impairment. International Neuropsychological Society annual meeting, 02-21-2019. | | Brown GG, Bischoff Grethe A, Jordan SJ, Tapert S, Heaton R, Cherner M, Grant I. Varieties of reinforcement learning styles in HIV infection and methamphetamine dependence: A computational modeling study. International Neuropsychological Society annual meeting, 02-21-2019. |  | Paolillo E, Saloner R, Montoya J, Campbell L, Pasiponodya E, Iudicello J, Moore R, Moore D. Combined effects of HIV and past methamphetamine use disorder on frailty: Associations with cognitive and everyday functioning. 38th National Academy of Neuropsychology Annual Meeting, 10-17-2018. | | Patt VM, Kreitner D, Weber E, Henry B, Cherner M, Brown GG, Geyer MA, Perry W, Minassian A, Grant I. Effect of combined HIV infection and methamphetamine dependence on spatial working memory. International Neuropsychological Society annual meeting, 02-15-2018. | | Mehta S, Iudicello J, Ellis R, Lin J, Morgan E, Cookson D, Heaton R, Grant I, Letendre S. Methamphetamine use independently predicts premature aging in HIV+ individuals. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, 03-04-2018. |  | Hussain M, Iudicello J, Morgan E, Kamat R, Heaton R, Grant I, and the TMARC Group. Apathy is associated with poor abstinence self-efficacy (ASE) in methamphetamine-dependent individuals. 15th Conference for the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology, 06-07-2017. |  | Anderson A, Perez-Santiago J, Knezevic A, Yang X, Huang E, Iudicell J, Moore D, Ellis RJ, Heaton RK, Letendre S. Decrease in executive function is associated with detectable plasma HIV during CART. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, 02-14-2017. |  | Hussain M, Morgan E, Watson CWM, Villalobos J, Minassian A, Heaton R, Grant I, Iudicello J, and the TMARC Group. Effects of HIV, Meth, and age on a novel virtual reality measure of everyday functioning (The Virtual Reality Functional Assessment Tool - VRFCAT). 125th Convention for the American Psychological Association, 08-03-2017. |  | Morgan E, Doyle K, Heaton R, Villalobos J, Grant I. Higher levels of emotion dysregulation in methamphetamine users compared to non-users relates to neurobehavioral deficits and craving. 45th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, 02-01-2017. |  | Obermeit L, Morgan E, Iudicello J, Heaton R, Grant I. The cognitive profile of sexual risk taking intentions. 45th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, 02-01-2017. | | Obermeit L, McKenna B, Babakhanyan I, Doyle K, Morgan E, Iudicello J, Heaton R. (2016). Frontal systems behaviors significantly impact everyday functioning outcomes in HIV disease and methamphetamine (MA) dependence. INS Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting. |  | Morgan EE, Woods SP, Villalobos J, Doyle KL, Gilbert P, Iudicello J, Grant I, Cameron MV, and the HNRP Group. HIV-seropositive individuals are at risk for misattributing the source of health-related information. Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, 02-03-2016. |  | Villalobos J, Morgan EE, Doyle KL, Cameron MV, Grant I, Woods SP, and the HNRP Group. Social cognition is associated with greater conflict on social aspects of a medical decision-making task. Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, 02-03-2016. | | Casaletto KB, Moore DJ, Woods SP, Scott JC, Heaton RK. (2015). A metacognition-based approach to improve daily functioning among HIV+ substance users. 17th Annual Conference on Rehabilitation Psychology. |  | Cherner M, Minassian A, Ellis R, Heaton R, Suarez P, Bousman C, Grant I , and the TMARC Group. COMT Val158Met Val/Val genotype may mitigate methamphetamine related executive dysfunction. 43rd Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, 02-04-2015. | | Montoya JL, Rooney AS, Gouaux B, Umlauf A, Sanders C, Depp CA, Atkinson JH, & Moore DJ. (2015). Engagement is key to effectiveness of individualized texting for adherence building (iTAB) among HIV+ methamphetamine users. at 10th International Conference on HIV Treatment and Prevention Adherence. | | Sanchez A, Varano G, Kinomoto M, De Rozieres C, Maung R, Catalan I, Dowling C, Sejbuk N, Hoefer M, Kaul M. (2015). HIV-1 gp120 methamphetamine and antiretrovirals all compromise neuronal energy homeostasis in association with varying degrees of synaptic and neuritic damage. Journal of NeuroVirology. |  | Kesby J, Markou A, Semenova S. HIV-1 regulatory protein, TAT, decreases brain reward function and enhances methamphetamine reward. The 13th International Symposium on NeuroVirology, 06-02-2015. |  | McKenna B, Brown GG, Archibald S, Scadeng M, Bussell R, Kesby J, Markou A, Semenova S, the TMARC Group. Independent and combined effects of methamphetamine and HIV gp120 protein on neural microstructure in mice using diffusion tensor imaging. Society for Neurscience 2015 Annual Meeting, 10-17-2015. | | Hoefer MM, Sanchez AB, Maung R, De Rozieresi CM, Dowling CC, Catalan IC, Thaney VE, Pinacrespo J, Zhang D, Robert AJ, Kaul M. (2015). Longterm effects of Methamphetamine abuse in an in vivo model of HIV associated neurocognitive disorders. Society for Neuroscience. | | Soontornniyomkij V, Umlauf A, Soontornniyomkij B, Batki I, Gouaux B, Moore DJ, Masliah E, Grant I, Achim CL. (2015). Methamphetamine dependence is associated with cerebral microgliosis in HIV-infected individuals. 13th International Symposium on NeuroVirology. |  | Var S. Mitochondrial injury and cognitive function in HIV infection and methamphetamine use. 2015 Annual Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, 02-23-2015. | | Sanchez A, Varano G, Kinomoto M, De Rozieres C, Maung R, Catalan I, Dowling C, Sejbik N, Hoefer N, Kaul M. (2015). NeuroAIDS on methamphetamine and cART: Depletion of neuronal energy supplies. Society for Neuroscience. | | Kamat R, Doyle K, Iudicello J, Morgan E, Morris S, Smith D, Little S, Grant I, Letendre S, Woods S. (2015). Neurobehavioral changes in acute and early HIV infection. 43rd Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society. | | Keltner J, Connolly C, Brown G, Atkinson JH, Ellis R. (2015). NeuroHIV and use of addictive substances. 13th International Symposium on NeuroVirology. |  | Montoya JL, Gouaux B, Rooney A, Casaletto K, Grant I, Moore DJ. (2015). Predictors of antiretroviral adherence among active methamphetamine users with HIV. Society of Behavioral Medicine’s 36th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions. | | McKenna B. (2015). The impact of methamphetamine on the brain: Translating cellular and microstructural changes with diffusion tensor imaging in mice and humans. Society for Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting. | | Moore DJ, Rooney AS, Montoya JL, Casaletto KB, Gouaux B, Depp CA, Atkinson JH, and the HNRP Group. (2014). Active methamphetamine us is associated with antiretroviral medication nonadherence. 9th International Association of Providers of AIDS Care. |  | Kamat R, Brown G, Bolden K, Marcotte T, Letendre S, Ellis R, Woods SP, Heaton R, Grant I, and the TMARC Group. Apathy is associated with white matter abnormalities in anterior medial regions in persons with HIV. 42nd Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, 02-12-2014. | | Mcllwain ME, Minassian A, Henry BL, Young JW, Grant I, Geyer MA, Perry W. (2014). Behavioral and cognitive constructs underlying disorders of inhibitory deficits. 53rd Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. | | Minassian A, Perry W, Henry BL, Young JW, Mcllwian ME, Geyer MA. (2014). Biomarkers of novelty seeking and exploration in Bipolar Disorder and substance use. 53rd Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. |  | Gongvatana W, Bischoff-Grethe A, Morgan EE, Archibald S, Fennema-Notestine C, Woods SP, Brown G, Grant I, and the TMARC Group. Chronic methamphetamine use and HIV infection are associated with alterations in regional brain volumes and cortical thickness. 9th Annual Lewis L. Judd Young Investigator's Research Symposium, 03-10-2014. |  | Gongvatana W, Bischoff-Grethe A, Morgan EE, Archibald S, Fennema-Notestine C, Woods SP, Brown G, Grant I, and the TMARC Group. Chronic methamphetamine use and HIV infection are associated with alterations in regional brain volumes and cortical thickness. 42nd Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, 02-12-2014. |  | Iudicello JE, Rosario D, Morgan EE, Ellis RJ, Woods SP, Grant I, Heaton RK, Letendre SL, and the TMARC Group. Higher levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) are associated with neurocognitive impairment in HIV disease and methamphetamine dependence. 42nd Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, 02-12-2014. |  | Cattie JE, Knight A, Morgan EE, Woods SP, Grant I, and the TMARC Group. Methamphetamine dependence is associated
with deficits in affective but not cognitive
Theory of Mind. 42nd Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, 02-12-2014. | | Kesby JP, Heaton RK, Young JW, Umlauf AA, Woods SP, Letendre S, Markou A, Grant I, Semenova S, and the TMARC Group. (2014). Methamphetamine exposure combined with HIV-1 infection or gp120 expression: Comparison of learning and executive functions in humans and mice. International Behavioral Neuroscience Society. |  | Henry B, Minassian A, Perry W and the TMARC Group. Physical activity and heart rate variability in HIV infection and methamphetamine dependence. 9th Annual Lewis L. Judd Young Investigator's Research Symposium, 03-10-2014. | | Henry BL, Minassian A, Perry W, and the TMARC group. (2014). Physical activity and heart rate variability in HIV infection and methamphetamine dependence. 53rd Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. |  | Doyle K, Morgan EE, Morris S, Smith DM, Little S, Iudicello JE, Blackstone K, Moore DJ, Grant I, Letendre SL, Woods SP, and the TMARC Group. Real-world impact of neurocognitive deficits in acute and early HIV infection. 42nd Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, 02-12-2014. | | Bischoff-Grethe A, Connolly CG, Jordan SJ, Brown GG, Paulus MP, Tapert SF, Heaton RK, Woods SP, Grant I, and the TMARC Group. (2014). Reduced striatal response to feedback expectancy but elevated response to receipt of punishment in individuals with prior methamphetamine dependence. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. |  | Morgan E, Iudicello J, Cattie J, Blackstone K, Grant I, Woods SP, and the TMARC Group. Social cognitive deficits in HIV are associated with poorer real-world functioning. 9th Annual Lewis L. Judd Young Investigator's Research Symposium, 03-10-2014. | | Bolden K, Brown GG, Woods SP and Grant I. Assessing callosal fiber tracts in methamphetamine dependence and HIV infection. 41st Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, 02-06-2013. |  | Obermeit L, Cattie JE, Bolden K, Marquine M, Morgan EE, Franklin D, Grant I, Woods SP and the TMARC Group. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder adversely impacts everyday functioning in chronic methamphetamine users. 75th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, 06-18-2013. |  | Morgan EE, Minassian A, Marcotte T, Henry BL, Perry W, Woods SP, Grant I and the TMARC Group. Cognitive inconsistency in methamphetamine dependence is associated with poor everyday functioning. 75th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, 06-18-2013. | | Kesby JP, Markou A, Semenova S. (2013). Differential cognitive impairments induced by methamphetamine and/or HIV gp120 expression in the mouse. 75th Annual Meeting College on Problems of Drug Dependence. | | Kesby JP, Semenova S, Kim JJ, Olefsky JM, Achim CL, Soontornniyomkij V, Soontornniyomkij B, Jeste DV. (2013). Differential effects of aging and high fat diet on cognitive function in mice. The American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 52nd annual meeting. | | Woods SP, Blackstone K, Morgan EE, Franklin D, Grant I and the TMARC Group. (2013). Evidence of a meta-memory deficit among chronic methamphetamine users. 75th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence. | | Montoya JL, Georges S, Poquette AJ, Depp CA, Atkinson JH, Moore DJ. (2013). Focus groups inform refinement of the individualized texting for adherence building (iTAB) intervention to improve medication adherence among HIV+ methamphetamine users. Society of Behavioral Medicine. |  | Marquine M, Iudicello J, Morgan EE, Brown G, Letendre S, Ellis R, Deutsch R, Woods SP, Grant I, Heaton RK, the TMARC Group. Frontal systems behaviors in comorbid HIV infection and methamphetamine dependence. 121st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, 07-31-2013. | | Marquine MJ, Iudicello JE, Morgan EE, Brown G, Letendre S, Ellis RJ, Deutsch R, Woods SP, Grant I, Heaton RK, and the TMARC Group. (2013). Frontal systems behaviors in comorbid HIV-infection and methamphetamine dependency. 8th Annual Department of Psychiatry Junior Faculty and Postdoctoral Fellow Research Symposium. | | Marquine MJ, Iudicello JE, Morgan EE, Deutsch R, Woods SP, Grant I, Heaton RK and the TMARC Group. (2013). Frontal systems behaviors in HIV infection and methamphetamine dependence. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 27, 14. |  | Blackstone K, Iudicello JE, Morgan EE, Weber E, Moore DJ, Franklin DR, Ellis RJ, Grant I, Woods SP, and the TMARC Group. HIV infection heightens concurrent risk of functional dependence in persons with chronic methamphetamine user. 75th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, 06-17-2013. | | Kesby JP, Markou A, Semenova, S. (2013). Interactions of methamphetamine and HIV gp120 expression on discrimination learning in the mouse. Society for Neuroscience. | | Cattie JE, Montoya JL, Morgan EE, Woods SP, Grant I and the TMARC Group. (2013). Longer abstinence from methamphetamine is associated with better neurocognitive performance in younger but not older adults. 75th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence. |  | Marcotte TD, Meyer R, Hendrix T, Rosenthal T, Kay G, Heaton RK, Woods SP, Ellis R, Grant I, the TMARC Group. Methamphetamine dependence and risky driving behaviors. 41st Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, 02-06-2013. |  | Iudicello JE, Henry BL, Minassian A, Perry W, Marquine MJ, Morgan EE, Letendre SL, Ellis R, Woods SP, Grant I, Heaton RK, and the TMARC Group. Neurocognitive deficits predict performance-based functional impairment in methamphetamine-dependent individuals with HIV infection. National Academy of Neuropsychology 33rd Annual Conference, 10-16-2013. |  | Montoya JL, Cattie JE, Morgan EE, Woods SP, Moore DJ, Atkinson JH, Grant I and the TMARC Group. Patterns of methamphetamine use vary by age and HIV serostatus. 75th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, 06-17-2013. |  | Cattie J, Morgan E, Knight A, Woods SP, Grant I, and the TMARC Group. Poorer Theory Of Mind and risky decision making. 2013 Mid-Year Meeting International Neuropsychological Society, 07-11-2013. |  | Weber E, Woods SP, Grant I, Basso MR and the TMARC Group. Self-generation enhances verbal recall in HIV-infected stimulant users. 75th Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, 06-17-2013. | | Ipser JC, Bischoff-Grethe A, Brown GG, Connolly CG, Jordan SJ, Grant I, and the TMARC Group. (2013). Syncline: An open-source platform for evaluating functional intrinsic connectivity preprocessing pipelines. Human Brain Mapping. |  | Henry BL, Minassian A, Geyer M, Perry W. A tale of mice and men: Translational cross-species assessment of inhibitory deficits in HIV and comorbid methamphetamine dependence using a novel human open-field paradigm. 11th International Symposium on NeuroVirology, 05-29-2012. | | Ipser JC, Bischoff-Grethe A, Brown GG, Connolly CG, Jordan SJ, Grant I, and the TMARC group. (2012). Altered DLPFC intrinsic connectivity in chronic HIV. 3rd Biennial on Resting State Brain Connectivity. |  | Desplats P, Dumaop W, Letendre S, Grant I, Masliah E. Effects of methamphetamine on the epigenetic regulation of HIV-1 in the human brain. 11th International Symposium on NeuroVirology, 05-29-2012. |  | Semenova S, Kesby JP, Hubbard DT, Markou A. Expression of HIV gp120 protein increases sensitivity to the rewarding properties of methamphetamine in mice. 11th International Symposium on NeuroVirology, 05-29-2012. | | Morgan EE, Woods SP, Duarte NA, Grant I, Letendre S, Smith D, Morris S, Little S and the TMARC Group. (2012). High risk alcohol use is associated with depression and anxiety symptoms in acute and early HIV infection. Alcoholism: Clincial and Experimental Research, 36(s1). |  | Morris S, Little S, Woods SP, Grant I, Smith DM, and the TMARC Study Group. HIV-Associated neurocognitive disorders are correlated with X4/dual mixed tropism. 19th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, 03-05-2012. | | Cattie J, Franklin D, Cherner M, Woods S, Heaton RK, Perry W, Hassanein T, Barakat F, Letendre S, Grant I, and the TMARC Group. (2012). Longitudinal cognitive, affective, and neurobehavioral effects of interferon and ribavarin therapy for Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). 40th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society. |  | Weber E, Woods SP, Smith D, Morris S, Letendre SL, Grant I, Ellis RJ, Little S, and The TMARC Group. Methamphetamine use exacerbates HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment in acute and early HIV infection. 11th International Symposium on NeuroVirology, 05-29-2012. |  | Tatro ET, Hefler S, Shumaker S, Yang M, Soontornyiomkij B, Achim C. MicroRNA-9 is increased in CNS HIV-infection and methamphetamine exposure. 11th International Symposium on NeuroVirology, 05-29-2012. |  | Weber E, Blackstone KB, Iudicello JE, Morgan EE, Grant I, Moore DJ, Woods SP, and the TMARC Group. Neurocognitive deficits are associated with risk of unemployment among methamphetamine dependent adults. 40th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, 02-15-2012. |  | Kamat R, Marcotte T, Deutsch R, Umlauf A, Woods SP, Heaton RK, Atkinson JH, Ellis RJ, Grant I, and the HNRP Group. The effect of apathy on medication adherence in HIV+ persons with a history of Methamphetamine Dependence. 40th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, 02-15-2012. | | Montoya JL, Moore DJ, Umlauf A, Abramson I, Duarte N, Badiee J, Woods SP, Atkinson JH, Grant I, and the HNRP Group. (2012). The temporal association of methamphetamine use, HIV status, and affective distress. 120th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (Division 1), Orlando, FL. |  | Cushman C, Gamst A, Yamada L, Ellis R, Alexander T, Grant I. Web-based collection of antiretroviral medication histories. 11th International Symposium on NeuroVirology, 05-29-2012. | | Morgan E, Woods SP, Grant I, and the HNRP Group. (2011). Comparison of the neurocognitive impact of alcohol and methamphetamine dependence. 34th Annual Research Society on Alcoholism Scientific Meeting, June 25th - 29th, Atlanta, Georgia. |  | Moore DJ, Blackstone K, Gouaux B, Atkinson JH, Grant I, and the HNRC Group. (2011). Delayed recall impairment among HIV+ methamphetamine users is associated with medication nonadherence. International Neuropsychological Society 39th Annual Meeting, Boston, Mass. |  | Cattie J, Woods SP, Posada C, Grant I, and the TMARC Group. (2011). Elevated behavioral symptoms of frontal systems dysfunction in methamphetamine dependence. International Neuropsychological Society 39th Annual Meeting, Boston, Mass. | | Duarte N, Woods SP, Rooney A, Riggs PK, Atkinson JH, Grant I, and the HNRP Group. (2011). Risky decision making in methamphetamine dependent adults with ADHD. American Psychological Association 119th Convention, Washington, D.C., August 4-7. | | Bousman C. (2010). Methamphetamine-associated psychosis: A model for biomarker discovery in schizophrenia. Trends in Psychiatric Genetics Meeting. | | Cherner M, Bousman C, Letendre S, Vaida F, Heaton R, Atkinson JH, Grant I, and the TMARC Group. (2010). Putative cytochrome P450-2D6 metabolic activity and cognitive functioning in methamphetamine dependence. Translational Research in Methamphetamine Addiction Conference, July 19-21, Pray, Montana. |  | Achim CL, Soontornniyomkij V, Kaul M, Tatro E, Moore DJ, Everall IP, Grant I, Masliah E. (2009). Brain immunophilin response in HIV infected METH users. Journal of NeuroVirology, 15(S1), 2. |  | Bousman CA, Cherner M, Atkinson JH, Heaton RK, Grant I, Everall IP. (2009). Catechol-o-methyltransferase, executive dysfuncton, and sexual risk behavior in the context of HIV infection and methamphetamine dependence. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 15(Suppl. 1), 99. | | Archibald SL, Jacobson MW, Theilmann R, Ogasawara M, Woods SP, Grant I, Jernigan TL. (2009). HIV and methamphetamine related diffusion effects. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, Illinois. |  | Morgan E, Woods S, Poquette A, Vigil O, Heaton R, Grant I. (2009). Item and associative memory in methamphetamine dependence. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 15(Suppl. 1), 39. |  | Letendre SL, Ellis RJ, Woods SP, Everall I, Masliah E, Potter M, Rosario D, Heaton RK, Grant I, and the HNRC Group. (2009). Lower fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-1 levels in cerebrospinal fluid from HIV-infected methamphetamine users are associated with worse neuropsychological performance. Journal of NeuroVirology, 15(S1), 48. |  | Iudicello J, Weber E, Dawson MS, Grant I, Woods SP, and the HNRC Group. (2009). Prospective memory deficits in methamphetamine dependence. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 23(5), 893. |  | Cherner M, Bousman C, Barron D, Letendre S, Everall I, Heaton R, Atkinson J, Grant I. (2008). Cytochrome P450 2D6 phenotype and methamphetamine-associated cognitive impairment. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 14(Suppl. 2), 130. | | Iudicello JE, Woods SP, Vigil O, Scott JC, Cherner M, Heaton RK, Atkinson JH, Grant I, and the HNRC Group. (2008). Effects of methamphetamine abstinence on neuropsychological functioning. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 22(4), 742. | | Bousman C, Cherner M, Atkinson J, Grant I, Tsuang M, Everall I, and the HNRC Group. (2008). Impact of the Catechol-O-methyltransferease Val158Met Polymorphism on Executive Functioning in the context of HIV-Infection and Methamphetamine Dependence. XVI World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics. | | Cherner M, Bousman C, Letendre S, Atkinson JH, Heaton R, Everall I, Grant I, and the HNRC Gorup. (2008). Role of cytochrome P450 2D6 phenotype in cognitive impairment associated with methamphetamine dependence. XVIth World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics, Osaka, Japan. | | Rippeth J, Carey CL, Woods SP, Heaton RK, Grant I, and the HNRC Group. (2004). Cognitive, psychiatric, and medical predictors of relapse in HIV+ methamphetamine abusers. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 10(Suppl S1), 20. | | Gonzalez R, Heaton RK, Miller W, Taylor M, Jernigan T, Archibald SL, Norman MA, Carey CL, Schweinsburg BC, Rippeth J, Woods SP, Lazzaretto D, Grant I, and the HNRC Group. (2004). Measuring HIV and methamphetamine related cognitive impairments using modified scoring guidelines for the PASAT. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 10(Suppl 1), 47. |