Publications | Abstracts

Ellis RJ, Vaida F, Hu K, Dube M, Henry B, Chow F, Heaton RK, Lee D, Sattler F.  (2025). Effects of tesamorelin on neurocognitive impairment in abdominally obese persons with HIV. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Epub Jan 15. PMID: 39813152  
Cysique LA, Levin J, Howard C, Taylor J, Rule Jo, Costello J, Bruning J, Njeri P, Mullens AB, Wright E, Gouse H, Daken K, Trunfio M, Aung HL, Robbins RN, Ferraris CM, Muñoz-Moreno JA, Woods SP, Moore DJ, Power C, Wong PL, Hasmukharay K, Nyamayaro P, Vera J, Rajasuriar R, Heaton RK, Goodkin K, Letendre S, Ellis RJ, Brew BJ, Rourke SB.  (2025). Fostering healthy cognitive ageing in people living with HIV. The Lancet. HIV, 12(1), e71-e80. PMID: 39615509  
Tavasoli A, Okwuegbuna OK, Tang B, Iudicello JE, Kallianpur AR, Ellis RJ, Letendre SL.  (2025). Hepcidin modifies the relationship between anemia, erythrocyte indices, and neurocognitive performance in virally suppressed people with HIV. AIDS, Epub Jan 7. PMID: 39764772  
Ham L, Roesch S, Franklin DR, Ellis RJ, Grant I, Moore DJ.  (2025). Predicting trajectories of everyday functioning in adults aging with HIV using latent growth mixture modeling. AIDS and Behavior, Epub Feb 10. PMID: 39928071  
Marquine MJ, Kamalyan L, Zlatar ZZ, Yassai-Gonzalez D, Perez-Tejada A, Umlauf A, Al-Rousan T, Gonzalez V, Breton J, Guarena LA, Brody L, Cherner M, Ellis RJ, Zuniga ML, Mungas DM, Moore RC, Moore DJ, Wojna V, Hall RK, Franklin DR, Heaton RK.  (2024). Disparities in metabolic syndrome and neurocognitive function among older Hispanics/Latinos with Human Immunodeficiency Virus. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 38(5), 195-205. PMID: 38662469  PMCID: 11301713  
Trunfio M, Tang B, Iudicello JE, Ma Q, Franklin DR, Cookson D, Riggs PK, Cherner M, Moore DJ, Heaton RK, Letendre SL, Ellis RJ.  (2024). Distinct effects of SSRIs and SNRIs on soluble biomarkers in blood and cerebrospinal fluid of people with HIV. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 229(5), 1266-1276. PMID: 38059529  PMCID: 11095536  
Andalibi MS, Fields JA, Iudicello JE, Diaz M, Tang B, Letendre SL, Ellis RJ.  (2024). Elevated biomarkers of inflammation and vascular dysfunction are associated with distal sensory polyneuropathy in people with HIV. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(8), 4245. PMID: 38673830  PMCID: 11049997  
Zhao HN, Kvitne KE, Brungs C, Mohan S, Charron-Lamoureux V, Bittremieux W, Tang R, Schmid R, Lamichhane S, El Abiead Y, Andalibi MS, Mannochio-Russo H, Ambre M, Avalon NE, Bryant M, Caraballo-Rodriguez AM, Maya MC, Chin L, Ellis RJ, Franklin D, Girod S, Gomes PWP, Hansen L, Heaton R, Iudicello JE, Jarmusch AK, Khatib L, Letendre S Magyari S, McDonald D, Mohanty I, Cumsille A, Moore DJ, Rajkumar P, Ross DH, Sapre H, Shahneh MRZ, Thomas SP, Tribelhorn C, Tubb HM, Walker C, Wang CX, Xing S, Zemlin J, Zuffa S, Wishart DS, Kaddurah-Daouk R, Wang M, Raffatellu M, Zengler K, Pluskal T, Xu L, Knight R, Tsunoda SM, Dorrestein PC.  (2024). Empirically establishing drug exposure records directly from untargeted metabolomics data. BioRxiv : The Preprint Server for Biology, Epub Oct 26. PMID: 39416075  PMCID: 11482764  
Schlachetzki JC, Gianella S, Ouyang Z, Lana AJ, Yang X O'Brien S, Challacombe JF, Gaskill PJ, Jordan-Sciutto KL, Chaillon A, Moore D, Achim CL, Ellis RJ, Smith DM, Glass CK.  (2024). Gene expression and chromatin conformation of microglia in virally suppressed people with HIV. Life Science Alliance, 7(10). PMID: 39060113  PMCID: 11282357  
Basova LV, Riley T, Franklin D, Delorme-Walker V, Lim WL, Grant I, Letendre SL, Iudicello JE, Cherner M, Ellis RJ, Marcondes MCG.  (2024). Identifying methamphetamine use predictors in HIV infection: Immune-dopaminergic signatures in peripheral leukocytes and the role of COMT genotype. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health, 42, 100873. PMID: 39430881  PMCID: 11490913  
Kohli M, Ham L, Saloner R, Dung D, Iudicello J Ellis RJ, Moore DJ.  (2024). Latent profile analysis of cognitive performance and depressive symptoms among people with HIV. AIDS Patient Care And STDs, 38(2), 93-106. PMID: 38381950  PMCID: 10890962  
Trunfio M, Tang B, Okwuegbuna O, Iudicello JE, Bharti A, Moore DJ, Gelman BB, Morgello S, Patel PB, Rubin LH, Ances BM, Gianella S, Heaton RK, Ellis RJ, Letendre SL.  (2024). Longitudinal analysis of CSF HIV RNA in untreated people with HIV: identification of CSF controllers. Journal of Medical Virology, 96(3), e29550. PMID: 38511593  PMCID: 11139255  
Diaz MM, Mccutchan JA, Crescini M, Tang B, Franklin D, Letendre SL, Heaton RK, Bharti AjR.  (2024). Longitudinal study of cognitive function in people with HIV and toxoplasmic encephalitis or latent toxoplasma infection. AIDS, Epub Aug 9. PMID: 39120536  
Breton J, Watson CW-M, Kamalyan L, Franklin D, Fazeli P, Umlauf A, Moore RC, Ellis R, Grant I, Heaton RK, Cherner M, Moore DJ, Marquine MJ.  (2024). Neurocognition and its predictors in a linguistically and culturally diverse cohort of people with HIV. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 38(8), 1890-1909. PMID: 38588669  PMCID: 11468223  
Serrano VB, Pasipanodya EC, Montoya JL, Heaton RK, Jeste DV, Moore DJ.  (2024). Reactivity of health-related quality of life to perceived stress: The buffering role of psychosocial resources in a longitudinal study of adults with and without HIV. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 31(1), 174-185. PMID: 37204645  PMCID: 10924706  
Moore DJ, Sun-Suslow N, Nichol AA, Paolillo EW, Saloner R, Letendre SL, Iudicello J, Morgan EE.  (2024). The clinical utility of three frailty measures in identifying HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. AIDS, 38(5), 645-655. PMID: 38051787  PMCID: 10939888  
Mannochio-Russo H, Charron-Lamoureux V, van Faassen M, Lamichhane S, Nunes WD Gonçalves, Deleray V, Patan A, Vittali K, Rajkumar P, El Abiead Y, Zhao HN, Gomes PWP, Mohanty I, Lee C, Sund A, Sharma M, Liu Y, Pattynama D, Walker GT, Norton GJ, Khatib L, Andalibi MS, Wang CX, Ellis RJ, Moore DJ, Iudicello JE, Franklin D, Letendre S, Chin L, Walker C, Renwick S, Zemlin J, Meehan M, Song X, Kasper D, Burcham Z, Kim JJ, Kadakia S, Raffatellu M, Bode L, Zengler K, Wang M, Siegel D, Knight R, Dorrestein PC.  (2024). The microbiome diversifies N-acyl lipid pools - including short-chain fatty acid-derived compounds. BioRxiv, Epub Nov 2. PMID: 39554097  PMCID: 11565975  
Campbell LM, Fennema-Notestine C, Sundermann EE, Barrett A, Bondi MW, Ellis RJ, Franklin D, Gelman B, Gilbert PE, Grant I, Heaton RK, Moore DJ, Morgello S, Letendre S, Patel PB, Roesch S, Moore RC.  (2024). The prefrontal cortex, but not the medial temporal lobe, is associated with episodic memory in middle-aged persons with HIV. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society, 30(10), 966-976. PMID: 39545285  PMCID: 11735296  
Watson CW-M, Sundermann E, Helm J, Paolillo EW, Hong S, Ellis RJ, Letendre S, Marcotte TD, Heaton RK, Morgan EE, Grant I.  (2023). A longitudinal study of cannabis use and risk for cognitive and functional decline among older adults with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 27(10), 3401-3413. PMID: 37155086  PMCID: 10766343  
Sundermann EE, Campbell LM, Villers O, Bondi MW, Gouaux B, Salmon DP, Galasko D, Soontornniyomkij V, Ellis RJ, Moore DJ.  (2023). Alzheimer's Disease pathology in middle aged and older people with HIV: Comparisons with non-HIV controls on a healthy aging and Alzheimer's Disease trajectory and relationships with cognitive function. Viruses, 15(6), 1319. PMID: 37376619  PMCID: 10305373  
Moore RC, Kuehn KS, Heaton A, Sundermann EE, Campbell LM, Torre P, Umlauf A, Moore DJ, Kosoris N, Wright DW, LaPlaca MC, Waldrop D, Anderson AM.  (2023). An automated virtual reality program accurately diagnoses HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders in older people with HIV. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, Epub Nov 29. PMID: 38149107  PMCID: 10750141  
Okwuegbuna OK, Kaur H, Ludicello J, Bush WS, Bharti A, Umlauf A, Ellis RJ, Franklin DR, Heaton RK, McCutchan JA, Kallianpur AR, Letendre SL.  (2023). Anemia and erythrocyte indices are associated with neurocognitive performance across multiple ability domains in adults with HIV. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 92(5), 414-421. PMID: 36580636  PMCID: 10006328  
Campbell LM, Montoya JL, Fazeli PL, Marquine MJ, Ellis RJ, Jeste DV, Moore DJ, Moore RC.  (2023). Association between VACS Index and Health-Related Quality of Life in persons with HIV: Moderating role of fruit and vegetable consumption. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 30(3), 356-365. PMID: 35534722  PMCID: PMC9643666  
Umlauf A, Vaida F, Gupta S Cherner M, Gershon RC, Heaton RK.  (2023). Automated procedure for demographic adjustments on cognitive test scores. Applied Neuropsychology. Adult, Epub Dec 5, 1-10. PMID: 38052056  PMCID: 11150334  
Joseph SB, Gianella S, Burdo TH, Cinque P, Gisslen M, Letendre S, Nath A, Morgello S, Ndhlovu LC, Spudich S.  (2023). Biotypes of central nervous system complications in people with Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Virology, immunology, and neuropathology. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 227(Supplement_1), S3-S15. PMID: 36930640  PMCID: PMC1002272  
Rogers JM, Grant I, Marcondes MCG, Morgan EE, Cherner M, Ellis RJ, Letendre SL, Heaton RK, Iudicello JE.  (2023). Cannabis use may attenuate neurocognitive performance deficits resulting from methamphetamine use disorder. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 30(1), 84-93. PMID: 37553288  PMCID: 10841263  
de Almeida SM, Beltrame MP, Tang B, Rotta I, Justus JLP, Schluga Y, da Rocha MT, Martins E, Liao A, Abramson I, Vaida F, Schrier R, Ellis RJ.  (2023). CD3+ CD56+ and CD3-CD56+ lymphocytes in the cerebrospinal fluid of persons with HIV-1 subtypes B and C. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 377, 578067. PMID: 36965365  PMCID: 10817703  
Hussain MA, Watson CW-M, Morgan EE, Heaton RK, Letendre SL, Jeste DV, Moore DJ, Iudicello JE.  (2023). Combined effects of loneliness and inflammation on depression in people with HIV. Journal of Neurovirology, 29(5), 538-554. PMID: 37651083  PMCID: 10645641  
Kohli M, Fisher A, Sun-Suslow N, Heaton A, Dawson MS, Marquie J, Franklin DR, Marquine M, Iudicello JE, Heaton R, Moore DJ.  (2023). Concurrent validity and reliability of at-home teleneuropsychological evaluations among people with and without HIV. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 29(2), 193-204. PMID: 36510855  PMCID: 10205080  
Yu Xiaoying, Lobo JD, Sundermann E, Baker DJ, Tracy RP, Kuchel GA, Stephenson KE, Letendre SL, Brew B, Cysique LA, Dale SK, Wallen C, Kunisaki KM, Guaraldi G, Milic J, Winston A, Moore DJ, Margolick JB, Erlandson KM.  (2023). Current challenges and solutions for clinical management and care of people with HIV: Findings from the 12th Annual International HIV And Aging Workshop. AIDS Research And Human Retroviruses, 39(1), 1-12. PMID: 36322713  PMCID: PMC9889016  
Guarena LA, Kamalyan L, Watson CW-M, Karcher K, Umlauf A, Morgan E, Moore D, Ellis R, Grant I, Cherner M, Moore RC, Zlatar ZZ, Heaton RK, Marquine MJ.  (2023). Emotional health and its association with neurocognition in Hispanic and non-Hispanic white people with HIV. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 30(1), 56-66. PMID: 37078464  PMCID: 10766342  
Oliveira MF, Pankow A, Vollbrecht T, Kumar NM, Cabalero G, Ignacio C, Zhao M Vitomirov A, Gouaux B, Nakawawa M, Murrell B, Ellis RJ, Gianella S.  (2023). Evaluation of archival HIV DNA in brain and lymphoid tissues. Journal of Virology, 97(6), e0054323. PMID: 37184401  PMCID: 10308944  
Ham L, Tang B, Kohli M, Jeste DV, Grant I, Moore DJ.  (2023). Four-year trajectories of internal strengths and socioemotional support among middle-aged and older adults with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 27(2), 628-640. PMID: 35908270  PMCID: PMC9908640  
Matchanova A, Sheppard DP, Medina LD, Morgan EE, Woods SP.  (2023). Health literacy mediates the effects of educational attainment on online pharmacy navigation skills in older adults with HIV disease. Psychology & Health, 38(3), 348-368. PMID: 34378466  PMCID: PMC8831706  
Ham L, Montoya JL, Serrano V, Yeager S, Paltin D, Pasipanodya EC, Marquine MJ, Hoenigl M, Ramers SB, Kua J, Moore DJ.  (2023). High psychosocial burden relates to poorer antiretroviral treatment adherence among Black/African American people with HIV. AIDS Patient Care STDS, 37(2), 103-113. PMID: 36689195  PMCID: PMC9963477  
Sundermann EE, Dastgheyb R, Moore DJ, Buchholz AS, Bondi MW, Ellis RJ, Letendre SL, Heaton RK, Rubin LH.  (2023). Identifying and distinguishing cognitive profiles among virally suppressed people with HIV. Neuropsychology, 38(2), 169-183. PMID: 37971860  PMCID: 11260085  
Mustafa AI, Woods SP, Loft S, Morgan EE.  (2023). Lower prospective memory is associated with higher neurocognitive dispersion in two samples of people with HIV: A conceptual replication study. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 29(7), 677-685. PMID: 36750975  
Basova LV, Lindsey A, McGovern A, Rosander A, Delorme-Walker V, ElShamy WM, Pendyala VV, Gaskill PJ, Ellis RJ, Cherner M, Iudicello JE, Marcondes MCG.  (2023). MRP8/14 is a molecular signature triggered by dopamine in HIV latent myeloid targets that increases HIV transcription and distinguishes HIV+ methamphetamine users with detectable CSF viral load and brain pathology. Viruses, 15(6), 1363. PMID: 37376663  PMCID: 10304659  
Sundermann EE, Tang B, Kim M, Paolillo EW, Heaton RK, Moore RC.  (2023). Neuropsychiatric predictors of cognitive functioning over a one-year follow-up period in HIV. Journal of Affective Disorders, 336, 92-96. PMID: 37211052  PMCID: 10766340  
Deist M, Suliman S, Kidd M, Franklin D, Cherner M, Heaton RK, Spies G, Seedat S.  (2023). Neuropsychological test norms for the assessment of HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment among South African adults. AIDS And Behavior, 27(9), 3080-3097. PMID: 36918465  PMCID: 10386947  
Brody LA, Kamalyan L, Karcher K, Guarena LA, Bender AA, McKenna BS, Umlauf A, Franklin D, Marquine MJ, Heaton RK.  (2023). NIH Toolbox Emotion Battery findings among people with HIV: Normative comparisons and clinical associations. Patient Related Outcome Measures, 14, 15-30. PMID: 36814680  PMCID: PMC9939807  
Rogers JM, Iudicello JE, Marcondes MCG, Morgan EE, Cherner M, Ellis RJ, Letendre SL, Heaton RK, Grant I.  (2023). Reply to Augello, PA; Wu, J. Comment on "Rogers et al. The combined effects of cannabis, methamphetamine, and HIV on neurocognition". Viruses, 15(9). PMID: 37766283  PMCID: 10534708  
Petersen KJ, Yu X, Masters MC, Lobo JD, Lu T, Letendre S, Ellis RJ, McCutchan JA, Sundermann E.  (2023). Sex-specific associations between plasma interleukin-6 and depression in persons with and without HIV. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health, 30, 100644. PMID: 37347049  PMCID: 10279778  
Taylor BC, Sheikh AM, Wandro S, Weldon KC, Sepich-Poore GD, Carpenter CS, Fraraccio S, Franklin Do, Iudicello JE, Letendre S, Gianella S, Grant I, Ellis RJ, Heaton RK, Knight R, Swafford AD.  (2023). Signatures of HIV and major depressive disorder in the plasma microbiome. Microorganisms, 11(4), 1022. PMID: 37110445  PMCID: 10146336  
Ene L, Duiculescu D, Radoi R, Lazar M, Tardei G, Ungureanu E, Ruta S, Vinters HV, Letendre S, Grant I, Ellis RJ, Achim CL.  (2023). Subacute myoclonic measles encephalitis - an opportunistic HIV-associated infection. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 17, 1113935. PMID: 37082207  PMCID: 10110848  
Thompson JL, Sheppard DP, Matchanova A, Morgan EE, Loft S, Woods SP.  (2023). Subjective cognitive decline disrupts aspects of prospective memory in older adults with HIV disease. Neuropsychology, Development, And Cognition, 30(4), 582-600. PMID: 35412440  PMCID: PMC9554043  
Rogers JM, Iudicello JE, Marcondes MCG, Morgan EE, Cherner M, Ellis RJ, Letendre SL, Heaton RK, Grant I.  (2023). The combined effects of cannabis, methamphetamine, and HIV on neurocognition. Viruses, 15(3), 674. PMID: 36992383  PMCID: 10058939  
McIntosh RC, Clark US, Cherner M Cysique LA, Heaton RK, Levin J, Remien RH, Thames A, Moore DJ, Rubin LH.  (2023). The evolution of assessing central nervous system complications in Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Where do we go from here? The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 227(Supplement_1), S30-S37. PMID: 36930636  PMCID: PMC1002271  
Nguyen AL, Hussain MA, Pasipanodya E, Rubtsova AA, Moore RC, Jeste DV, Moore DJ.  (2023). The impact of life stress, psychological resources, and proactive behaviors on quality of life among people living with HIV. Aging & Mental Health, 27(5), 948-956. PMID: 35486380  PMCID: PMC9943531  
Fisher A, Moore DJ, Levine AJ, Masliah E Gouaux B, Soontornniyomkij V, Letendre S, Sundermann EE.  (2023). The relationship between synaptodendritic neuropathology and HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders is moderated by cognitive reserve. Journal of Neurovirology, 29(6), 713-722. PMID: 37943478  
Heaton RK, Ellis RJ, Tang B, Marra CM, Rubin LH, Clifford DB, McCutchan JA, Gelman BB, Morgello S, Franklin DR, Letendre SL.  (2023). Twelve-year neurocognitive decline in HIV is associated with comorbidities, not age: a CHARTER Study. Brain, 146(3), 1121-1131. PMID: 36477867  PMCID: 10169412  
Sheppard DP, Gallagher MW, Morgan EE, Outlaw AY, Naar S, Woods SP.  (2022). "Do I have a memory problem? I can't recall": An evaluation of measurement invariance in subjective reporting of memory symptoms among persons with and without objective HIV-associated memory Impairment. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society, 28(2), 166-176. PMID: 33952370  
Paolillo EW, Saloner R, Kohli M, Watson CW-M, Moore RC, Heaton RK, Moore DJ.  (2022). Binge drinking relates to worse neurocognitive functioning among adults aging with HIV. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society, 28(6), 600-610. PMID: 34308804  PMCID: PMC8789936  
Gianella S, Saloner R, Curtin G, Little SJ, Heaton A, Montoya JL, Letendre SL, Marquine MJ, Jeste DV, Moore DJ.  (2022). Correction to: A cross-sectional study to evaluate the effects of age and duration of HIV infection on anxiety and depression in cisgender men. AIDS And Behavior, 26(1), 204. PMID: 34427814  
Lobo JD, Moore DJ, Bondi MW, Soontornniyomkij V, Soontornniyomkij B, Gouaux B, Achim CL, Ellis RJ, Sundermann EE.  (2022). CSF markers of AD-related pathology relate specifically to memory impairment in older people with HIV: a pilot study. Journal of Neurovirology, 28(1), 162-167. PMID: 35103880  PMCID: PMC9081235  
 Cherner M, Kamalyan L.  (2022). Cultural considerations in the assessment of functional abilities. Marcotte TD, Schmitter-Edgecombe M, Grant I (Eds.), Neuropsychology of Everyday Functioning (2nd edition). , (pp. 112-136). New York: Guilford Press.
Zlatar ZZ, Campbell LM, Tang B, Gabin S, Heaton A, Higgins M, Swendsen J, Moore DJ, Moore RC.  (2022). Daily level association of physical activity and performance on ecological momentary cognitive tests in free-living environments: A mobile health observational study. JMIR MHealth and UHealth, 10(1), e33747. PMID: 35099402  
Hays CCW, Simmons AN, Strigo IA, Timtim S, Ellis RJ, Keltner JR.  (2022). Distal neuropathic pain in HIV is associated with functional connectivity patterns in default mode and salience networks. Frontiers in Pain Research (Lausanne, Switzerland), Eoub Oct 12, 1004060. PMID: 36313219  PMCID: PMC9596968  
 Scott JC, Ceremony H, Marcotte TD.  (2022). Everyday impact of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. Marcotte TD, Schmitter-Edgecombe M, Grant I (Eds.), Neuropsychology of Everyday Functioning (2nd edition). , (pp. 490-521). New York: Guilford Press.
Campbell LM, Sun-Suslow N, Heaton A, Heaton RK, Ellis RJ, Moore DJ, Moore RC.  (2022). Fatigue is associated with worse cognitive and everyday functioning in older persons With HIV. AIDS, 36(6), 763-772. PMID: 34999606  PMCID: PMC9081180  
Sun-Suslow N, Balon E, Montoya JL, Saloner R, Campbell LM, Serrano V, Ellis RJ, Moore DJ.  (2022). Frailty syndrome is associated with poorer self-reported sleep quality among older persons with Human Immunodeficiency Virus. AIDS Research And Human Retroviruses, 38(2), 87-96. PMID: 34779233  PMCID: PMC8861916  
 Schmitter-Edgecombe M, Marcotte TD, Grant I.  (2022). Future directions in the assessment of everyday functioning. Marcotte TD, Schmitter-Edgecombe M, Grant I (Eds.), Neuropsychology of Everyday Functioning (2nd edition). , (pp. 567-578). New York: Guilford Press.
Ellis RJ, Chenna A, Petropoulos CJ, Lie Y, Curanovic D, Crescini M, Winslow J, Sundermann E, Tang B, Letendre SL.  (2022). Higher cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of neuronal injury in HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment. Journal of Neurovirology, 28(3), 438-445. PMID: 35674935  PMCID: PMC9470698  
de Almeida SM, Rotta I, Tang B, Umlauf A, Vaida F, Cherner M, Franklin D, Letendre S, Ellis RJ, HNRC Group.  (2022). Higher cerebrospinal fluid soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor, but not interferon gamma-inducible protein 10, correlate with higher working memory deficits. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 90(1), 106-114. PMID: 35090158  PMCID: PMC8986587  
Ellis RJ, Paolillo E, Saloner R, Heaton RK.  (2022). Higher comorbidity burden predicts worsening neurocognitive trajectories in people with HIV. Clinical Infectious Diseases : An Official Publication of The Infectious Diseases Society of America, 74(8), 1323-1328. PMID: 34329400  PMCID: PMC9049252  
Timtim SH, Simmons AN, Hays C, Strigo I, Sorg S, Ellis R, Keltner JR.  (2022). HIV peripheral neuropathy-related degeneration of white matter tracts to sensorimotor cortex. Journal of Neurovirology, 28(4-6), 505-513. PMID: 36207560  PMCID: PMC9797459  
Kamalyan L, Guarena LA, Diaz-Santos M, Suarez P, Cherner M, Garcia Alcorn MY, Umlauf A Franklin DR, Rivera MM, Artiola I Fortuny L, Heaton RK, Marquine MJ.  (2022). Influence of educational background, childhood socioeconomic environment, and language use on cognition among Spanish-speaking Latinos living near the US-Mexico border. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 28(8), 876-890. PMID: 34486514  PMCID: PMC8898321  
Saloner R, Savini N, Letendre SL, Moore DJ, Montoya JL.  (2022). Neopterin relates to lifetime depression in older adults with HIV on suppressive antiretroviral therapy. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 89(4), 454-461. PMID: 35202052  
 Marcotte TD, Schmitter-Edgecombe M, Scott JC, Kamat R, Heaton RK.  (2022). Neuropsycholgy and the prediction of everyday functioning. Marcotte TD, Schmitter-Edgecombe M, Grant I (Eds.), Neuropsychology of Everyday Functioning (2nd edition). , (pp. 5-38). New York: Guilford Press.
Marcotte TD, Schmitter-Edgecombe M, Grant I (eds).  (2022). Neuropsychology of Everyday Functioning (2nd edition).
Campbell LM, Kohli M, Lee EE, Kaufmann CN, Higgins M, Delgadillo JD, Heaton RK, Cherner M, Ellis RJ, Moore DJ, Moore RC.  (2022). Objective and subjective sleep measures are associated with neurocognition in aging adults with and without HIV. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 36(6), 1352-1371. PMID: 32993422  PMCID: PMC8007669  
Damian RI, Serrano S, Matchanova A, Morgan EE, Woods SP.  (2022). Personality and everyday functioning in older adults with and without HIV. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 29(1), 120-136. PMID: 34036476  PMCID: PMC8613313  
Saloner R, Sun-Suslow N, Morgan EE, Lobo J, Cherner M, Ellis RJ, Heaton RK, Grant I, Letendre SL, Iudicello JE.  (2022). Plasma biomarkers of vascular dysfunction uniquely relate to a vascular-risk profile of neurocognitive deficits in virally-suppressed adults with HIV. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health, 26, 100560. PMID: 36439059  PMCID: PMC9685288  
Basova LV, Lukkes SE, Milner R, Ellis RJ, Cherner M, Iudicello J, Marcondes MCG.  (2022). Polygenic networks in peripheral leukocytes indicate patterns associated with HIV infection and context-dependent effects of cannabis use. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health, 20, 100414. PMID: 35128491  PMCID: PMC8808072  
Ellis RJ, Heaton RK, Gianella S, Rahman G, Knight R.  (2022). Reduced gut microbiome diversity in people with HIV who have distal neuropathic pain. The Journal of Pain, 23(2), 318-325. PMID: 34530155  PMCID: PMC9854399  
Herbert MS, Wooldridge JS, Paolillo EW, Depp CA, Moore RC.  (2022). Social contact frequency and pain among older adults with HIV: An ecological momentary assessment study. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 56(2), 168-175. PMID: 34057465  PMCID: PMC3405746  
de Almeida SM, Tang B, Vaida F, Letendre S, Ellis RJ, HNRC Group.  (2022). Soluble CD14 is subtype-dependent in serum but not in cerebrospinal fluid in people with HIV. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 366, 577845. PMID: 35313166  PMCID: 10373575  
Sundermann EE, Saloner R, Rubtsova A, Nguyen AL, Letendre S, Moore RC, Cherner M, Ma Q, Marquine MJ.  (2022). The association between benzodiazepine use and greater risk of neurocognitive impairment is moderated by medical burden in people with HIV. Journal of Neurovirology, 28(3), 410-421. PMID: 35389174  PMCID: PMC9470605  
 Moore DJ, Moore RC, Campbell LM, Atkinson JH.  (2022). The influence of depression on cognition and daily functioning. Marcotte TD, Schmitter-Edgecombe M, Grant I (Eds.), Neuropsychology of Everyday Functioning (2nd edition). , (pp. 522-546). New York: Guilford Press.
Sun-Suslow N, Campbell LM, Tang B, Fisher AC, Lee E, Paolillo EW, Heaton A, Moore RC.  (2022). Use of digital health technologies to examine subjective and objective sleep with next-day cognition and daily indicators of health in persons with and without HIV. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 45(1), 62-75. PMID: 34370189  PMCID: PMC8818628  
Gianella S, Saloner R, Curtin G, Little SJ, Heaton A, Montoya JL, Letendre SL, Marquine MJ, Jeste DV, Moore DJ.  (2021). A cross-sectional study to evaluate the effects of age and duration of HIV infection on anxiety and depression in cisgender men. AIDS And Behavior, 26(1), 196-203. PMID: 34287757  PMCID: PMC8294268  
Woods SP, Thompson JL, Babicz MA, Shahani L, Colpo GD, Rocha NP, Morgan EE, Teixeira AL.  (2021). Apathy is not associated with a panel of biomarkers in older adults with HIV disease. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 152, 110666. PMID: 34768029  PMCID: PMC9079184  
Bharti AR, McCutchan JA, Umlauf A, Okwuegbuna OK, Letendre S, Cherner M, Burdo T, Jumare J, Williams K, Blattner W, Royal W.  (2021). Asymptomatic malaria co-infection of HIV-infected adults in Nigeria: Prevalence of and impact on cognition, mood and biomarkers of systemic inflammation. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 86(1), 91-97. PMID: 33021552  
Rourke SB, Bekele Tsegaye, Rachlis Anita, Kovacs Colin, Brunetta Jason, Gill M John, Carvalhal Adriana, Cysique Lucette A, Marcotte Thomas, Power Christopher.  (2021). Asymptomatic neurocognitive impairment is a risk for cymptomatic decline in a large HIV Canadian cohort study. AIDS, 35(1), 63-72. PMID: 33048883  
Montoya JL, Henry B, Moore DJ.  (2021). Behavioral and physical activity interventions for HAND. Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, 50, 479-501. PMID: 30694458  
Woods SP, Babicz M, Shahani L, Colpo GD, Morgan EE, Teixeira AL.  (2021). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is associated with depressive symptoms in older adults with HIV disease. Journal of Neurovirology, 27(1), 70-79. PMID: 33145707  
Ellis RJ, Wilson N, Peterson S.  (2021). Cannabis and inflammation in HIV: A review of human and animal studies. Viruses, 13(8), 1521. PMID: 34452386  PMCID: PMC8402692  
Kiendrebeogo P, Grelotti D, Cherner M, Moore RC, Tang B, Ellis RJ.  (2021). Cannabis use is not associated with increased balance disturbances in HIV-infected individuals. Journal of Cannabis Research, 3(1), 3. PMID: 33536072  PMCID: PMC7860021  
Anderson AM, Kundu S, Tang B, Vaida F, Okwuegbuna O, McClernon D, Cherner M, Deutsch R, Cookson D, Crescini M, Grant I, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Gisslen M, Ellis RJ, Letendre SL.  (2021). Cerebrospinal fluid CXCL10 is associated with the presence of low level CSF HIV during suppressive antiretroviral therapy. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 353, 577493. PMID: 33571816  
Diaz MM.  (2021). Characterization of HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment in middle-aged and older persons with HIV in Lima, Peru. Frontiers in Neurology, 12, 629257. PMID: 34220665  PMCID: PMC8248346  
Saloner R, Paolillo EW, Heaton RK, Grelotti DJ, Stein MB, Miller AH, Atkinson JH, Letendre SL, Ellis RJ, Grant I, Iudicello JE, Moore DJ.  (2021). Chronically elevated depressive symptoms interact with acute increases in inflammation to predict worse neurocognition among people with HIV. Journal of Neurovirology, 27(1), 160-167. PMID: 33405198  
Watson CW, Campbell LM, Sun-Suslow N, Hong S, Umlauf A, Ellis RJ, Iudicello JE, Letendre S, Marcotte TD, Heaton RK, Morgan EE, Grant I.  (2021). Daily cannabis use is associated with lower CNS inflammation in people with HIV. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 27(6), 661-672. PMID: 34261550  PMCID: PMC8288448  
Morlett Paredes A, Carrasco J, Kamalyan L, Cherner M, Umlauf A, Rivera MM, Suarez P, Artiola I Fortuny L, Franklin D, Heaton RK, Marquine MJ.  (2021). Demographically adjusted normative data for the Halstead Category Test in a Spanish-speaking adult population: Results from the Neuropsychological Norms for the U.S.-Mexico Border Region in Spanish (NP-NUMBRS). The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 35(2), 356-373. PMID: 31913746  PMCID: PMC7467216  
Marquine MJ, Yassai-Gonzalez D, Perez-Tejada A, Umlauf A, Kamalyan L, Morlett Paredes A, Suarez P, Rivera MM, Franklin D, Artiola I Fortuny L, Cherner M, Heaton RK.  (2021). Demographically adjusted normative data for the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test-64 Item: Results from the Neuropsychological Norms for The U.S.-Mexico Border Region in Spanish (NP-NUMBRS) Project. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 35(2), 339-355. PMID: 31900055  PMCID: PMC7523029  
Suarez PA, Diaz-Santos M, Marquine MJ, Kamalyan L, Mindt MR, Umlauf A, Heaton RK, Grant I, Cherner M.  (2021). Demographically adjusted norms for the Trail Making Test in Native Spanish Speakers: Results from the Neuropsychological Norms for The US-Mexico Border Region in Spanish (NP-NUMBRS) Project. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 35(2), 308-323. PMID: 32985352  
Marquine MJ, Morlett PA Madriaga C, Blumstein Y, Umlauf A, Kamalyan L, Rivera MM, Suarez P, Artiola I Fortuni L, Heaton RK, Cherner M.  (2021). Demographically-adjusted norms for selected tests of verbal fluency: Results from the Neuropsychological Norms for The US-Mexico Border Region in Spanish (NP-NUMBRS) Project. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 35(2), 269-292. PMID: 32498654  PMCID: PMC7819211  
Heaton A, Gooding A, Cherner M, Umlauf A, Franklin DR, Rivera MM, Suarez P, Artiola I Fortuni L, Heaton RK, Marquine MJ.  (2021). Demographically-adjusted norms for the Grooved Pegboard and Finger Tapping Tests in Spanish-speaking adults: Results trom the Neuropsychological Norms for The U.S.-Mexico Border Region in Spanish (NP-NUMBRS) Project. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 35(2), 396-418. PMID: 32077791  PMCID: PMC7438231  
Gooding A, Seider T, Marquine M, Suarez P, Umlauf A, Rivera MM, Heaton RK, Artiola I Fortuni L, Cherner M.  (2021). Demographically-adjusted norms for the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test and Letter Number Sequencing Test in Spanish-speaking adults: Results from the Neuropsychological Norms for The U.S.-Mexico Border Region in Spanish (NP-NUMBRS) Project. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 35(2), 324-338. PMID: 32043418  
Rivera MM, Marquine MJ, Aghvinian M, Scott TM, Cherner M, Morlett Paredes A, Taylor MJ, Umlauf A, Suarez P, Diaz-Santos M, Kamalyan L, Heaton A, Artiola I Fortuny L, Heaton RK.  (2021). Demographically-adjusted norms for the processing speed subtests of the WAIS-III in a Spanish-speaking adult population: Results from the Neuropsychological Norms for The U.S.-Mexico Border Region in Spanish (NP-NUMBRS) Project. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 35(2), 293-307. PMID: 32233833  
Scott TM, Morlett Paredes A, Taylor MJ, Umlauf A, Artiola I Fortuny L, Heaton RK, Cherner M, Marquine MJ, Rivera MM.  (2021). Demographically-adjusted norms for the WAIS-R Block Design And Arithmetic subtests: Results from the neuropsychological norms for the US-Mexico Border region in Spanish (NP-NUMBRS) Project. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 35(2), 419-432. PMID: 31928314  
Nguyen AL, Sundermann E, Rubtsova AA, Sabbag S Umlauf A, Heaton R Letendre S, Jeste DV, Marquine MJ.  (2021). Emotional health outcomes are influenced by sexual minority identity and HIV serostatus. AIDS Care, 33(9), 1127-1132. PMID: 32590909  PMCID: PMC7762728  
Woods SP, Morgan EE, Loft S, Matchanova A, Verduzco M, Cushman C.  (2021). Enhancing cue salience improves aspects of naturalistic time-based prospective memory in older adults with HIV disease. Neuropsychology, 35(1), 111-122. PMID: 33393805  
Perez-Santiago J, Marquine MJ, Cookson D, Giraud-Colon R, Heaton RK, Grant I, Ellis RJ, Letendre SL, Peterson SN.  (2021). Gut microbiota dysbiosis is associated with worse emotional states in HIV infection. Journal of Neurovirology, 27(2), 228-238. PMID: 33651324  
de Almeida SM, Rotta I, Vidal LRR, Dos Santos JS, Nath A, Johnson K, Letendre S, Ellis RJ, HNRC Group.  (2021). HIV-1C and HIV-1B Tat protein polymorphism in Southern Brazil. Journal of Neurovirology, 27(1), 126-136. PMID: 33462791  
Kamalyan L, Yang J, Pope CN, Paolillo EW, Campbell LM, Tang B, Marquine MJ, Depp CA, Moore RC.  (2021). Increased social interactions reduce the association between constricted life-space and lower daily happiness in older adults with and without HIV: A GPS and ecological momentary assessment study. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 29(8), 867-879. PMID: 33293248  PMCID: PMC8134622  
Marquine MJ, Rivera MM, Umlauf A, Suarez P, Kamalyan L, Morlett Paredes A, Yassai-Gonzalez D, Scott TM, Heaton A, Diaz-Santos M, Gooding A, Artiola I Fortuny L, Heaton RK, Cherner M.  (2021). Introduction to the Neuropsychological Norms for the US-Mexico Border Region in Spanish (NP-NUMBRS) Project. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 35(2), 227-235. PMID: 32431209  
Mukerji SS, Misra V, Lorenz DR, Chettimada S, Keller K, Letendre S, Ellis RJ, Morgello S, Parker RA, Gabuzda D.  (2021). Low neuroactive steroids identifies a biological subtype of depression in adults with Human Immunodeficiency Virus on suppressive antiretroviral therapy. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 223(9), 1601-1611. PMID: 32157292  PMCID: PMC8136979  
Anderson AM, Tang B, Vaida F, Mcclernon D, Deutsch R, Cherner Mariana, Cookson D, Crescini M, Grant I, Ellis RJ, Letendre SL.  (2021). Low-level HIV RNA in cerebrospinal fluid and neurocognitive performance: A longitudinal cohort study. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 87(5), 1196-1204. PMID: 33901102  
Ellis RJ, Iudicello JE, Heaton RK, Isnard S, Lin J, Routy JP, Gianella S, Hoenigl M, Knight R.  (2021). Markers of gut barrier function and microbial translocation associate with lower gut microbial diversity in people with HIV. Viruses, 13(10), 1891. PMID: 34696320  PMCID: PMC8537977  
Morgan EE, Watson CW, Woods SP Gilbert PE, Villalobos J, Verduzco M.  (2021). Misattributions of the source of health-related information in HIV disease. Journal of Clinical And Experimental Neuropsychology, 43(1), 1-14. PMID: 33302782  
Suarez PA, Marquine MJ, Diaz-Santos M, Gollan T, Artiola IFL, Rivera MM, Heaton R, Cherner M.  (2021). Native Spanish-speaker's test performance and the effects of Spanish-English bilingualism: Results from the Neuropsychological Norms for The U.S.-Mexico Border Region in Spanish (NP-NUMBRS) Project. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 35(2), 453-465. PMID: 33356892  
Kamalyan L, Hussain MA, Diaz MM, Umlauf A, Franklin DR, Cherner M, Rivera MM, Artiola I Fortuny L, Grant I, Heaton RK, Marquine MJ.  (2021). Neurocognitive impairment in Spanish-speaking Latinos living with HIV in the US: Application of the neuropsychological norms for the US-Mexico border region in Spanish (NP-NUMBRS). The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 35(2), 433-452. PMID: 31847711  PMCID: PMC7453430  
Cherner M, Marquine MJ, Umlauf A, Morlett Paredes A, Rivera Mindt M, Suarez P, Yassai-Gonzalez D, Kamalyan L, Scott T, Heaton A, Diaz-Santos M, Gooding A, Artiola I Fortuny L, Heaton RK.  (2021). Neuropsychological Norms for the U.S.-Mexico Border Region in Spanish (NP-NUMBRS) Project: Methodology and sample characteristics. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 35(2), 253-268. PMID: 32319851  PMCID: PMC7894577  
Matchanova A, Woods SP, Cushman C, Morgan EE, Medina LD, Babicz MA, Verduzco M, Loft S.  (2021). Online pharmacy navigation skills are associated with prospective memory in HIV disease. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 35(3), 518-540. PMID: 33131420  
Diaz MM, Keltner JR, Simmons AN, Franklin D, Moore RC, Clifford D, Collier AC, Gelman BB, Marra C, McCutchan JA, Morgello S, Sacktor N, Best B, Notestine CF, Weibel SG, Grant I, Marcotte TD, Vaida F, Letendre S, Heaton R, Ellis RJ.  (2021). Paresthesia predicts increased risk of distal neuropathic pain in older people with HIV-associated sensory polyneuropathy. Pain Medicine, 22(8), 1850-1856. PMID: 33565583  PMCID: PMC8502467  
Han MM, Frizzi KE, Ellis RJ, Calcutt NA, Fields JA.  (2021). Prevention of HIV-1 TAT protein-inducedperipheral neuropathy and mitochondrial disruption by the antimuscarinic pirenzepine. Frontiers in Neurology, 12(663373). PMID: 34211430  PMCID: PMC8239242  
Cysique LA, Casaletto KB, Heaton RK.  (2021). Reliably measuring cognitive change in the era of chronic HIV infection and chronic HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, 50, 271-298. PMID: 31559600  
Rivera MM, Marquine MJ, Aghvinian M, Paredes AM, Kamalyan L, Suarez P, Heaton A, Scott TM, Gooding A, Diaz-Santos M, Umlauf A, Taylor MJ, Artiola I Fortuny L, Heaton RK, Cherner M.  (2021). The Neuropsychological Norms for the U.S.-Mexico Border Region in Spanish (NP-NUMBRS) Project: Overview and considerations for life span Research and evidence-based practice. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 35(2), 466-480. PMID: 32727283  
Serrano VB, Montoya JL, Campbell LM, Sundermann EE, Iudicello J, Letendre S, Heaton RK, Moore DJ.  (2021). The relationship between Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and amnestic mild cognitive impairment among older adults living with HIV. Journal of Neurovirology, 27(6), 885-894. PMID: 34735690  PMCID: PMC8901513  
Morlett PA, Gooding A, Artiola I Fortuny L, Rivera MM, Suarez P, Scott TM, Heaton A, Heaton RK, Cherner M, Marquine MJ.  (2021). The state of neuropsychological test norms for Spanish-speaking adults in the United States. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 35(2), 236-252. PMID: 32141802  PMCID: PMC7484438  
Sundermann EE, Fields A, Saloner R, Gouaux B, Bharti A, Murphy C, Moore DJ.  (2021). The utility of olfactory function in distinguishing early stage Alzheimer's disease from HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder. AIDS, 35(3), 429-437. PMID: 33252483  
Kohli M, Moore DJ, Moore RC.  (2021). Using health technology to capture digital phenotyping data in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. AIDS, 35(1), 15-22. PMID: 33048886  PMCID: PMC7718372  
Moore RC, Paolillo EW, Sundermann EE, Campbell LM, Delgadillo J, Heaton A, Swendsen J, Depp CA.  (2021). Validation of the mobile verbal learning test: Illustration of its use for age and disease-related cognitive deficits. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 30(1), e1859. PMID: 33159488  PMCID: PMC7992286  
Kohli M, Pasipanodya EC, Montoya JL, Marquine M, Hoenigl M, Serrano V, Cushman C, Garcia R, Kua Jo, Gant V, Rojas S, Moore DJ.  (2020). A culturally adapted SMS text messaging intervention to promote antiretroviral therapy adherence among African Americans: Protocol for a single-arm trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 9(12), e21592. PMID: 33300885  PMCID: PMC7759437  
Ferrara M, Bumpus NN, Ma Q, Ellis RJ, Soontornniyomkij V, Fields JA, Bharti A, Achim CL, Moore DJ, Letendre SL.  (2020). Antiretroviral drug concentrations in brain tissue of adult decedents. AIDS, 34(13), 1907-1914. PMID: 32694413  
Babicz MA, Woods SP, Fazeli P, Morgan EE.  (2020). Apathy is associated with critical psychological determinants of medication adherence in HIV disease. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, doi: 10.1007/s10880-020-09715-7. PMID: 32253661  PMCID: PMC7541422  
Pope CN, Montoya JL, Vasquez E, Perez-Santiago J, Ellis R, McCutchan JA Jeste DV, Moore DJ, Marquine MJ.  (2020). Association of HIV serostatus and metabolic syndrome with neurobehavioral disturbances. Journal of Neurovirology, 26(6), 888-898. PMID: 32734380  PMCID: PMC7718338  
Sun-Suslow N, Paolillo EW, Morgan EE, Letendre S, Iudicello J, Moore DJ.  (2020). Brief report: Frailty and HIV disease severity synergistically increase risk of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (1999), 84(5), 522-526. PMID: 32692111  
Campbell LM, Tang B, Watson C WM, Higgins M, Cherner M, Henry BL, Moore RC.  (2020). Cannabis use is associated with greater total sleep time in middle-aged and older adults with and without HIV: A preliminary report utilizing digital health technologies. Cannabis (Research Society On Marijuana), 3(2), 180-189. PMID: 32905460  
Anderson AM, Jang JH, Easley KA, Fuchs D, Gisslen M, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Ellis RJ, Franklin D, Heaton RK, Grant I, Letendre SL.  (2020). Cognitive and neuronal link with inflammation: a longitudinal study in people with and without HIV infection. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 85(5), 617-625. PMID: 32932412  
Paolillo EW, Pasipanodya EC, Moore RC, Pence BW, Atkinson JH, Grelotti DJ, Grant I, Heaton RK, Moore DJ.  (2020). Cumulative burden of depression and neurocognitive decline among persons with HIV: A longitudinal study. Journal of AIDS (1999), 84(3), 304-312. PMID: 32195746  
Campbell LM, Paolillo EW, Heaton A, Tang B, Depp CA, Granholm E, Heaton RK, Swendsen J, Moore DJ, Moore RC.  (2020). Daily activities related to mobile cognitive performance in middle-aged and older adults: An ecological momentary cognitive assessment study. JMIR MHealth And UHealth, 8(9), e19579. PMID: 32969829  
Woods SP, Fazeli PL, Matchanova A, Vance DE, Medina LD, Morgan EE.  (2020). Dementia knowledge is low in adults with HIV disease. International Psychogeriatrics, 32(3), 415-416. PMID: 31543080  PMCID: PMC7085437  
Taylor BC, Weldon KC, Ellis RJ, Franklin D, Groth T, Gentry EC, Tripathi A, McDonald D, Humphrey G, Bryant M, Toronczak J, Schwartz T, Oliveira MF, Heaton R, Grant I, Gianella S, Letendre S, Swafford A, Dorrestein PC, Knight R.  (2020). Depression in individuals coinfected with HIV and HCV is associated with systematic differences in the gut microbiome and metabolome. MSystems, 5(5), e00465-20. PMID: 32994287  PMCID: PMC7527136  
Sundermann EE, Bondi MW, Campbell LM, Gouaux B, Moore RC, Soontornniyomkij V, Moore DJ.  (2020). Distinguishing amnestic mild cognitive impairment from HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 224(3), 435-442. PMID: 33319235  
Gabuzda D, McArthur JC, Letendre SL.  (2020). Efficacy and safety of two-drug regimens for treatment of HIV in the central nervous system. AIDS, 34(13), 1975-1977. PMID: 33009012  PMCID: PMC7536841  
Keltner JR, Tong A, Visser E, Jenkinson M, Connolly CG, Dasca A, Sheringov A, Calvo Z, Umbao E, Mande R, Bilder MB, Sahota G, Franklin DR, Corkran S, Grant I, Archibald S, Vaida F, Brown GG, Atkinson JH, Simmons AN, Ellis RJ.  (2020). Evidence for a novel subcortical mechanism for posterior cingulate cortex atrophy in HIV peripheral neuropathy. Journal of Neurovirology, 26(4), 530-543. PMID: 32524422  PMCID: PMC7442648  
Kohli M, Kamalyan L, Pasipanodya EC, Umlauf A, Moore RC, Letendre SL, Jeste DV, Moore DJ.  (2020). Felt age discrepancy differs by HIV serostatus: A secondary analysis. The Journal of The Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 31(5), 587-597. PMID: 32604173  PMCID: PMC7540963  
Garza R, Gill AJ, Bastien BL, Garcia-Mesa Y, Gruenewald AL, Gelman BB, Tsima B, Gross R, Letendre SL, Kolson DL.  (2020). Heme oxygenase-1 promoter (GT)n polymorphism associates with HIV neurocognitive impairment. Neurology, Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation, 7(3), e710. PMID: 32277015  PMCID: PMC7176253  
Gianella S, Chaillon A, Chun T, Sneller MC, Ignacio C, Vargas-Meneses MV, Caballero G, Ellis RJ, Kovacs C, Benko E, Huibner S, Kaul R.  (2020). HIV RNA rebound in seminal plasma after antiretroviral treatment interruption. Journal of Virology, 94(15), e00415-. PMID: 32434884  PMCID: PMC7375368  
LaVergne S, Umlauf A, McCutchan A, Heaton R, Benson C, Kumarasamy N, Bharti AR.  (2020). Impact of latent tuberculosis infection on neurocognitive functioning and inflammation in HIV-infected and uninfected South Indians. Journal of AIDS (1999), 84(4), 430-436. PMID: 32282443  PMCID: PMC7321856  
Sun-Suslow N, Saloner R, Serrano V, Umlauf A, Morgan EE, Ellis RJ, Letendre S, Grant I, Heaton RK.  (2020). Lifetime methamphetamine use disorder and reported sleep quality in adults living with HIV. AIDS And Behavior, 24(11), 3071-3082. PMID: 32274672  PMCID: PMC7508964  
Saloner R, Fields JA, Marcondes MCG, Iudicello JE, von Kanel S, Cherner M, Letendre SL, Kaul M, Grant I, and the TMARC Group.  (2020). Methamphetamine and cannabis: A tale of two drugs and their effects on HIV, brain, and behavior. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, 15(4), 743-764. PMID: 32929575  PMCID: PMC7719083  
de Almeida SM, Ribeiro CE, Tang B, de Pereira AP, Rotta I, Vaida F, Letendre S, Potter M, Ellis RJ.  (2020). Neurocytoskeleton proteins in cerebrospinal fluid of people with HIV-1 subtypes B and C. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 84(5), 514-521. PMID: 32692110  
Pasipanodya EC, Kohli M, Fisher CB, Moore DJ, Curtis B.  (2020). Perceived risks and amelioration of harm in research using mobile technology to support antiretroviral therapy adherence in the context of methamphetamine use: a focus group study among minorities living with HIV. Harm Reduction Journal, 17(1), 41. PMID: 32527276  
Paolillo EW, Sun-Suslow N, Pasipanodya EC, Morgan EE, Ellis RJ, Jeste DV, Moore DJ.  (2020). Pre-frailty predicts cognitive decline at 2-year follow-up in persons living with HIV. Journal of Neurovirology, 26(2), 168-180. PMID: 31858484  
Matchanova A, Babicz MA, Johnson B, Loft S, Morgan EE, Woods SP.  (2020). Prospective memory and spontaneous compensatory mnemonic strategy use in the laboratory and daily life in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. Journal of Clinical And Experimental Neuropsychology, 42(9), 952-964. PMID: 33043812  
Taylor BC, Weldon KC, Ellis RJ, Franklin D, McDonald D, Humphrey G, Bryant M, Toronczak J, Schwartz T, Iudicello J, Heaton R, Grant I, Gianella S, Letendre S, Swafford A, Dorrestein PC, Knight R.  (2020). Reduced independence in daily living is associated with the gut microbiome in people with HIV and HCV. MSystems, 5(5), e00528-20. PMID: 33051377  PMCID: PMC7567581  
Rubin LH, Sundermann EE, Dastgheyb R, Buchholz AS, Pasipanodya E, Heaton RK, Grant I, Ellis R, Moore DJ.  (2020). Sex differences in the patterns and predictors of cognitive function in HIV. Frontiers in Neurology, 11, 551921. PMID: 33329301  PMCID: PMC7732436  
Moore RC, Campbell LM, Delgadillo JD, Paolillo EW, Sundermann EE, Holden J, Schweitzer P, Heaton RK, Swendsen J.  (2020). Smartphone-based measurement of executive function in older adults with and without HIV. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 35(4), 347-357. PMID: 31942632  PMCID: PMC7244889  
Sun-Suslow N, Pasipanodya E, Morgan E, Kohli M, Serrano V, Letendre S, Jeste DV, Moore DJ.  (2020). Social support moderates D-dimer and self-rated successful aging within people with HIV and older adults. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 43(6), 979-988. PMID: 32072364  PMCID: PMC7431367  
Woods SP, Morgan EE, Loft S, Matchanova A, Verduzco M, Cushman C.  (2020). Supporting strategic processes can improve time-based prospective memory in the laboratory among older adults with HIV disease. Neuropsychology, 34(3), 249-263. PMID: 31789564  PMCID: PMC7042030  
Pasipanodya EC, Montoya JL, Watson CW-M, Marquine MJ, Hoenigl M, Garcia R, Kua J, Gant V, Trambley J, Moore DJ.  (2020). Tailoring a mobile health text-messaging intervention to promote antiretroviral therapy adherence among African Americans: A qualitative study. PloS One, 15(6), e0233217. PMID: 32516317  PMCID: PMC7282643  
Kohli M, Paolillo EW, Saloner R, Umlauf A Ellis R, Moore DJ.  (2020). The effects of low-risk drinking on neurocognition among older persons living with HIV as compared to those without HIV. Alcoholism, Clinical And Experimental Research, 44(7), 1389-1399. PMID: 32449941  
Cherner M, Watson CW, Saloner R, Halpin LE, Minassian A, Murray SS, Vaida F, Bousman C, Everall I.  (2019). Adverse effect of catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) Val158Met met/met genotype in methamphetamine-related executive dysfunction. Addictive Behaviors, 98, 106023. PMID: 31301644  PMCID: PMC6733518  
Paolillo EW, Inkelis SM, Heaton A, Saloner R, Moore RC, Moore DJ.  (2019). Age of last alcohol use disorder relates to processing speed among older adults living with HIV. Alcohol And Alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire), 52(4), 139-147. PMID: 30796775  PMCID: PMC6476412  
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Casaletto KB, Moore DJ, Woods SP, Umlauf A, Scott JC, Heaton RK.  (2016). Abbreviated goal management training shows preliminary evidence as a neurorehabilitation tool for HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders among substance users. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 30(1), 107-130. PMID: 26753986  PMCID: PMC4801659  
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Kallianpur AR, Wang Q, Jia P, Hulgan T, Zhao Z, Letendre SL, Ellis RJ, Heaton RK, Franklin DR, Barnholtz-Sloan J, Collier AC, Marra CM, Clifford DB, Gelman BB, McArthur JC, Morgello S, Simpson DM, McCutchan J A, Grant Igor.  (2016). Anemia and red cell indices predict HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment in the HAART Era. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 213(7), 1065-1073. PMID: 26690344  PMCID: PMC4779306  
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Cooley S, Paul R, Fennema-Notestine C, Morgan E, Vaida F, Deng Q, Chen J, Letendre S, Ellis R, Clifford D, Marra C, Collier A, Gelman B, McArthur J, McCutchan JA, Simpson D, Morgello S, Grant I, Ances B.  (2016). Apolipoprotein E ε4 genotype status is not associated with neuroimaging outcomes in a large cohort of HIV+ individuals. Journal of Neurovirology, 22(5), 607-614. PMID: 27021072  PMCID: PMC5040614  
Royal W, Cherner M, Burdo TH, Umlauf A, Letendre SL, Jumare J, Abimiku A, Alabi P, Alkali N, Bwala S, Okwuasaba K, Eyzaguirre LM, Akolo C, Guo M, Williams KC, Blattner WA.  (2016). Associations between cognition, gender and monocyte activation among HIV infected individuals in Nigeria. PloS One, 11(2), e0147182. PMID: 26829391  PMCID: PMC4734765  
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de Almeida SM, Rotta I, Jiang Y, Li X, Raboni SM, Ribeiro CE, Smith D, Potter M, Vaida F, Letendre S, Ellis RJ.  (2016). Biomarkers of chemotaxis and inflammation in cerebrospinal fluid and serum in individuals with HIV-1 subtype C versus B. Journal of Neurovirology, 22(6), 715-724. PMID: 27400932  PMCID: PMC5130607  
de Almeida SM, Rotta I, Ribeiro CE, Smith D, Wang R, Iudicello J, Potter M, Vaida F, Letendre S, Ellis RJ.  (2016). Blood-CSF barrier and compartmentalization of CNS cellular immune response in HIV infection. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 301, 41-48. PMID: 27836178  PMCID: PMC5148696  
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Perez-Santiago J, Schrier RD, Oliveira M, Gianella S, Var SR, Day TR, Ramirez-Gaona M, Suben JD, Murrell B, Massanella M, Cherner M, Smith DM, Ellis RJ, Letendre SL, Mehta SR.  (2016). Cell-free mitochondrial DNA in CSF is associated with early viral rebound, inflammation, and severity of neurocognitive deficits in HIV infection. Journal of Neurovirology, 22(2), 191-200. PMID: 26428514  
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Bryant AK, Fazeli PL, Letendre S, Ellis R, Potter M, Burdo T, Singh K, Jeste DV, Grant I, Moore DJ.  (2016). Complement Component 3 is associated with metabolic comorbidities in older HIV-positive adults. AIDS Research And Human Retroviruses, 32(3), 271-278. PMID: 26499082  
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Bharti AR, Woods SP, Ellis RJ, Cherner M, Rosario D, Potter M, Heaton RK, Everall IP, Masliah E, Grant I, Letendre SL.  (2016). Fibroblast Growth Factors 1 And 2 in cerebrospinal fluid are associated with HIV disease, methamphetamine use, and neurocognitive functioning. HIV/AIDS (Auckland, N.Z.), 8, 93-9. PMID: 27199571  PMCID: PMC4857802  
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Woods SP, Iudicello JE, Morgan EE, Cameron MV, Doyle KL, Smith TV, Cushman C, Grant I, the HNRP Group.  (2016). Health-related everyday functioning in the internet age: HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders disrupt online pharmacy and health chart navigation skills. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology : The Official Journal of The National Academy of Neuropsychologists, 31(2), 176-185. PMID: 26743327  
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Bharti AR, McCutchan A, Deutsch R, Smith DM, Ellis RJ, Cherner M, Woods SP, Heaton RK, Grant I, Letendre SL.  (2016). Latent toxoplasma infection and higher Toxoplasma Gondii immunoglobulin G levels are associated with worse neurocognitive functioning in HIV-infected adults. Clinical Infectious Diseases : An Official Publication of The Infectious Diseases Society of America, 63(12), 1655-1660. PMID: 27794019  PMCID: PMC5146725  
Soontornniyomkij V, Umlauf A, Soontornniyomkij B, Batki IB, Moore DJ, Masliah E, Achim CL.  (2016). Lifetime Methamphetamine dependence is associated with cerebral microgliosis in HIV-1-infected adults. Journal of Neurovirology, 22(5), 650-660. PMID: 27098516  PMCID: PMC5055415  
Ma Q, Vaida F, Wong J, Sanders CA, Kao YT, Croteau D, Clifford DB, Collier AC, Gelman BB, Marra CM, McArthur JC, Morgello S, Simpson DM, Heaton RK, Grant I, Letendre SL.  (2016). Long-term efavirenz use is associated with worse neurocognitive functioning in HIV-infected patients. Journal of Neurovirology, 22(2), 170-178. PMID: 26407716  PMCID: PMC4783211  
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Fazeli PL, Moore DJ, Franklin DR, Umlauf A, Heaton RK, Collier AC, Marra CM, Clifford DB, Gelman BB, Sacktor NC, Morgello S, Simpson DM, McCutchan JA, Grant I, Letendre S L, for the CHARTER Group.  (2016). Lower CSF Aβ is associated with HAND in HIV-infected adults with a family history of dementia. Current HIV Research, 14(4), 324-330. PMID: 26673902  PMCID: PMC4916008  
McKenna B, Brown G, Archibald S, Scadeng M, Bussell R, Kesby J, Markou A, Soontornniyomkij V, Achim C, Semenova S, and the TMARC Group.  (2016). Microstructural changes to the brain of mice after methamphetamine exposure as identified with diffusion tensor imaging. Psychiatry Research, 249, 27-37. PMID: 27000304  PMCID: PMC4831583  
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Chin BS, Chaillon A, Mehta SR, Wertheim JO, Kim G, Shin H, Smith DM.  (2016). Molecular epidemiology identifies HIV transmission networks associated with younger age and heterosexual exposure among Korean individuals. Journal of Medical Virology, 88(10), 1832-1835. PMID: 26990771  PMCID: PMC4969179  
Levine AJ, Soontornniyomkij V, Achim CL, Masliah E, Gelman BB, Sinsheimer JS, Singer EJ, Moore DJ.  (2016). Multilevel analysis of neuropathogenesis of neurocognitive impairment in HIV. Journal of Neurovirology, 22(4), 431-444. PMID: 26637429  PMCID: PMC4893344  
Kamat R, Doyle KL, Iudicello JE, Morgan EE, Morris S, Smith D, Little S, Grant I, Letendre SL, Woods SP, and the TMARC Group.  (2016). Neurobehavioral disturbances in acute and early HIV infection. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, 29(1), 1-10. PMCID: PMC4806542  
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Everall I, Lai GC, Ting SC, Corr M, Huang C, Kim E, Kim H, Khan A, Letendre S, Patrick CL, Thanomsak A, Glenn JT, Wei H, Wong W.  (2016). The burden of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder (HAND) in the Asia-Pacific region and recommendations for screening. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, Aug(22), 182-189. PMID: 26617385  
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Marquine MJ, Iudicello JE, Morgan EE, Brown GG, Letendre SL, Ellis RJ, Deutsch R, Woods SP, Grant I, Heaton RK.  (2014). "Frontal Systems" behaviors in comorbid human immunodeficiency virus infection and methamphetamine dependency. Psychiatry Research, 215(1), 208-216. PMID: 24290100  PMCID: PMC3967865  
Gongvatana A, Morgan EE, Iudicello JE, Letendre SL, Grant I, Woods SP.  (2014). A history of alcohol dependence augments HIV-associated neurocognitive deficits in persons aged 60 and older. Journal of Neurovirology, 20(5), 505-513. PMID: 25201556  PMCID: PMC4206568  
Gupta S, Iudicello JE, Shi C, Letendre S, Knight A, Li J, Riggs PK, Franklin DR, Duarte N, Jin H, Hampton AJ, Yu X, Wu Z, Grant I, Heaton RK.  (2014). Absence of neurocognitive impairment in a large Chinese sample of HCV-infected injection drug users receiving Methadone treatment. Drug And Alcohol Dependence, 137, 29-35. PMID: 24508003  PMCID: PMC3961522  
Andrade R, Torriani F, Ellis RJ.  (2014). Acute HIV infection presenting as fulminant meningoencephalitis with massive CSF viral replication. Neurology Clinical Practice, 4(3), 256-259. PMCID: PMC4121464  
Loft S, Doyle KL, Naar-King S, Outlaw AY, Nichols SL, Weber E, Casaletto KB, Woods SP.  (2014). Allowing brief delays in responding improves event-based prospective memory for young adults living with HIV disease. Journal of Clinical And Experimental Neuropsychology, 36(7), 761-772. PMID: 25116075  PMCID: PMC4205178  
Connolly CG, Bischoff-Grethe A, Jordan SJ, Woods SP, Ellis RJ, Paulus MP, Grant I.  (2014). Altered functional response to risky choice in HIV infection. PloS One, 9(10), e111583. PMID: 25347679  PMCID: PMC4210250  
Fazeli PL, Woods SP, Heaton RK, Umlauf A, Gouaux B, Rosario D, Moore RC, Grant I, Moore DJ.  (2014). An active lifestyle is associated with better neurocognitive functioning in adults living with HIV infection. Journal of Neurovirology, 20(3), 233-242. PMID: 24554483  PMCID: PMC4040153  
 Allen DN, and Woods SP.  (2014). An overview of substance use disorders. D.N. Allen & S.P. Woods (Eds.), Neuropsychological aspects of substance use disorders: Evidence-based perspectives. Oxford University Press.
Orlov M, Vaida F, Williamson K, Deng Q, Smith DM, Duffy PE, Schooley RT.  (2014). Antigen-presenting phagocytic cells ingest malaria parasites and increase HIV replication in a tumor necrosis factor α-dependent manner. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 210(10), 1562-1572. PMID: 24903666  PMCID: PMC4139176  
Kamat R, Brown GG, Bolden K, Fennema-Notestine C, Archibald S, Marcotte TD, Letendre SL, Ellis RJ, Woods SP, Grant I, Heaton RK.  (2014). Apathy is associated with white matter abnormalities in anterior, medial brain regions in persons with HIV infection. Journal of Clinical And Experimental Neuropsychology, 36(8), 854-866. PMID: 25275424  PMCID: PMC4303236  
Grant I, Franklin DR, Deutsch R, Woods SP, Vaida F, Ellis RJ, Letendre SL, Marcotte TD, Atkinson JH, Collier AC, Marra CM, Clifford DB, Gelman BB, McArthur JC, Morgello S, Simpson DM, McCutchan JA, Abramson I, Gamst A, Fennema-Notestine C, Smith DM, Heaton RK, for the CHARTER Group.  (2014). Asymptomatic HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment increases risk for symptomatic decline. Neurology, 82(23), 2055-2062. PMID: 24814848  PMCID: PMC4118496  
Archibald SL, McCutchan JA, Sanders C, Wolfson T, Jernigan TL, Ellis RJ, Ances BM, Collier AC, McArthur JC, Morgello S, Simpson DM, Marra C, Gelman BB, Clifford DB, Grant I, Fennema-Notestine C; for the CHARTER Group.  (2014). Brain morphometric correlates of metabolic variables in HIV: the CHARTER study. Journal of NeuroVirology, 20(6), 603-611. PMID: 25227933  PMCID: PMC4268263  
Avraham HK, Jiang S, Fu Y, Rockenstein E, Makriyannis A, Zvonok A, Masliah E, Avraham S.  (2014). CB2 cannabinoid agonist enhanced neurogenesis in GFAP/Gp120 transgenic mice displaying deficits in neurogenesis. British Journal of Pharmacology, 171(2), 468-479. PMID: 24148086  PMCID: PMC3904265  
Rotta I, Raboni SM, Ribeiro CEL, Riedel M, Winhescki MGr, Smith DM, Ellis RJ, Almeida SM.  (2014). Cerebrospinal fluid can be used for HIV genotyping when it fails in blood. Arquivos De Neuro-psiquiatria, 72(7), 506-9. PMID: 25054982  PMCID: PMC4139176  
Adiga R, Ozdemir AY, Carides A, Wasilewski M, Yen W, Chitturi P, Ellis R, Langford D.  (2014). Changes in PINCH levels in the CSF of HIV+ individuals correlate with HpTau and CD4 count. Journal of Neurovirology, 20(4), 371-379. PMID: 24817145  PMCID: PMC4104596  
 Biswas B, Spitznagel E, Collier A, Gelman B, McArthur J, Morgello S, McCutchan JA, Clifford DB and the CHARTER Group.  (2014). Characterizing HIV medication adherence for virologic successes among individuals living with HIV/AIDS: Lessons from the CNS HIV Antiretroviral Therapy Effects Research. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, 13(1), 8-25. PMCID: PMC3963153  
Kamat R, Weinborn M, Kellogg EJ, Bucks RS, Velnoweth A, Woods SP.  (2014). Construct validity of the Memory for Intentions Screening Test (MIST) in healthy older adults. Assessment, 21(6), 742-753. PMID: 24752386  PMCID: PMC4205226  
Nightingale S, Winston A, Letendre S, Michael BD, McArthur JC, Khoo S, Solomon T.  (2014). Controversies in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. The Lancet. Neurology, 13(11), 1139-1151. PMID: 25316020  PMCID: PMC4313542  
Tatro ET, Soontornniyomkij B, Letendre SL, Achim CL.  (2014). Cytokine secretion from brain macrophages infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus in vitro and treated with raltegravir. BMC Infectious Diseases, 14(1), 386. PMID: 25015002  PMCID: PMC4227040  
Gianella S, Massanella M, Richman DD, Little SJ, Spina CA, Vargas MV, Lada SM, Daar ES, Dube MP, Haubrich RH, Morris SR, Smith DM.  (2014). Cytomegalovirus replication in semen is associated with higher levels of proviral HIV DNA and CD4+ T cell activation during antiretroviral treatment. Journal of Virology, 88(14), 7818-7827. PMID: 24789781  PMCID: PMC4097769  
Iudicello JE, Morgan EE, Gongvatana A, Letendre SL, Grant I, Woods SP.  (2014). Detrimental impact of remote methamphetamine dependence on neurocognitive and everyday functioning in older but not younger HIV+ adults: Evidence for a legacy effect? Journal of Neurovirology, 20(1), 85-98. PMID: 24470237  PMCID: PMC3949511  
Letendre Scott.  (2014). Editorial Commentary - Protease inhibitor monotherapy: Safe for the CNS in durably suppressed patients? Clinical Infectious Diseases : An Official Publication of The Infectious Diseases Society of America, 59(11), 1635-1637. PMID: 25114033  PMCID: NA  
Morgan EE, Doyle KL, Minassian A, Henry BL, Perry W, Marcotte TD, Woods SP, Grant I.  (2014). Elevated intraindividual variability in methamphetamine dependence is associated with poorer everyday functioning. Psychiatry Research, 220(1-2), 527-534. PMID: 25081313  PMCID: PMC4252574  
Desplats P, Dumaop W, Cronin P, Gianella S, Woods S, Letendre S, Smith D, Masliah E, Grant I.  (2014). Epigenetic alterations in the brain associated with HIV-1 infection and methamphetamine dependence. PloS One, 9(7), e102555. PMID: 25054922  PMCID: PMC4108358  
Woods SP, Weinborn M, Maxwell BR, Gummery A, Mo K, Ng ARJ, Bucks RS.  (2014). Event-based prospective memory is independently associated with self-report of medication management in older adults. Aging & Mental Health, 18(6), 745-753. PMID: 24410357  PMCID: PMC4040152  
 Scott J, Blackstone K, Marcotte T.  (2014). Everyday Functioning in Substance Use Disorders. D. N. Allen & S.P. Woods (Eds.), Neuropsychological aspects of substance use disorders: Evidence-based perspectives. , (pp. 364-389). Oxford University Press.
Suh HS, Lo Y, Choi N, Letendre S, Lee SC.  (2014). Evidence of the innate antiviral and neuroprotective properties of Progranulin. PloS One, 9(5), e98184. PMID: 24878635  PMCID: PMC4039467  
Mungas D, Heaton R, Tulsky D, Zelazo PD, Slotkin J, Blitz D, Lai J, Gershon R.  (2014). Factor structure, convergent validity, and discriminant validity of the NIH Toolbox Cognitive Health Battery (NIHTB-CHB) in adults. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 20(6), 579-587. PMID: 24960474  PMCID: PMC4103956  
Kallianpur AR, Jia P, Ellis RJ, Zhao Z, Bloss C, Wen W, Marra CM, Hulgan T, Simpson DM, Morgello S, McArthur JC, Clifford DB, Collier AC, Gelman BB, McCutchan JA, Franklin D, Samuels DC, Rosario D, Holzinger E, Murdock DG, Letendre S, Grant I.  (2014). Genetic variation in iron metabolism is associated with neuropathic pain and pain severity in HIV-infected patients on antiretroviral therapy. PloS One, 9(8), e103123. PMID: 25144566  PMCID: PMC4140681  
Saravanan S, Madhavan V, Velu V, Murugavel KG, Waldrop G, Solomon SS, Balakrishnan P, Kumarasamy N, Smith DM, Mayer KH, Solomon S, Thyagarajan SP.  (2014). High prevalence of Hepatitis Delta virus among patients with chronic Hepatitis B virus infection and HIV-1 in an intermediate Hepatitis B virus endemic region. Journal of The International Association of Providers of AIDS Care, 13(1), 85-90. PMID: 23722085  PMCID: PMC4114572  
Cañizares S, Cherner M, Ellis RJ.  (2014). HIV and aging: Effects on the central nervous system. Seminars in Neurology, 34(1), 27-34. PMID: 24715486  PMCID: PMC4296735  
Soontornniyomkij V, Umlauf A, Chung SA, Cochran ML, Soontornniyomkij B, Gouaux B, Toperoff W, Moore DJ, Masliah E, Ellis RJ, Grant I, Achim CL.  (2014). HIV protease inhibitor exposure predicts cerebral small vessel disease. AIDS (London, England), 28(9), 1297-1306. PMID: 24637542  PMCID: PMC4071161  
Keltner JR, Fennema-Notestine C, Vaida F, Wang D, Franklin DR, Dworkin RH, Sanders C, McCutchan JA, Archibald SL, Miller DJ, Kesidis G, Cushman C, Kim SM, Abramson I, Taylor MJ, Theilmann RJ, Julaton MD, Notestine RJ, Corkran S, Cherner M, Duarte NA, Alexander T, Robinson-Papp J, Gelman BB, Simpson DM, Collier AC, Marra CM, Morgello S, Brown G, Grant I, Atkinson JH, Jernigan TL, Ellis RJ.  (2014). HIV-associated distal neuropathic pain is associated with smaller total cerebral cortical gray matter. Journal of Neurovirology, 20(3), 209-218. PMID: 24549970  PMCID: PMC4040150  
Cysique LA, Heaton RK, Kamminga J, Lane T, Gates TM, Moore DM, Hubner E, Carr A, Brew BJ.  (2014). HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder in Australia: A case of a high-functioning and optimally treated cohort and implications for international NeuroHIV research. Journal of Neurovirology, 20(3), 258-268. PMID: 24696363  PMCID: PMC4268870  
 Loftis J, Huckans M, Weber E, and Woods SP.  (2014). Infectious disease & substance use disorder comorbidity. D.N. Allen & S.P. Woods (Eds.), Neuropsychological aspects of substance use disorders: Evidence-based perspectives. , (pp. 310-340). Oxford University Press.
Letendre SL, Mills AM, Tashima KT, Thomas DA, Min SS, Chen S, Song IH, Piscitelli SC.  (2014). ING116070: A study of the pharmacokinetics and antiviral activity of Dolutegravir in cerebrospinal fluid in HIV-1-infected, ART-naive subjects. Clinical Infectious Diseases : An Official Publication of The Infectious Diseases Society of America, 59(7), 1032-1037. PMID: 24944232  PMCID: PMC4166983  
Teodorof C, Divakar S, Soontornniyomkij B, Achim CL, Kaul M, Singh KK.  (2014). Intracellular mannose binding lectin mediates subcellular trafficking of HIV-1 gp120 in neurons. Neurobiology of Disease, 69, 54-64. PMID: 24825317  PMCID: PMC4099293  
Dikmen SS, Bauer PJ, Weintraub S, Mungas D, Slotkin J, Beaumont JL, Gershon R, Temkin NR, Heaton RK.  (2014). Measuring episodic memory across the lifespan: NIH Toolbox Picture Sequence Memory Test. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 20(6), 611-619. PMID: 24960230  PMCID: PMC4254833  
 Iudicello JE, Bolden KA, Griglak SR, and Woods SP.  (2014). Methamphetamine. D. N. Allen & S.P. Woods (Eds.), Neuropsychological aspects of substance use disorders: Evidence-based perspectives. Oxford University Press.
 Ellis RJ, Croteau D, Hong S.  (2014). Nervous System Infections. Anil Nair and Marwan Sabbagh (Eds.), Geriatric Neurology. , (pp. 460-477). John Wiley and Sons.
Ene L, Franklin DR, Burlacu R, Luca AE, Blaglosov AG, Ellis RJ, Alexander TJ, Umlauf A, Grant I, Duiculescu DC, Achim CL, Marcotte TD.  (2014). Neurocognitive functioning in a Romanian cohort of young adults with parenterally-acquired HIV-infection during childhood. Journal of Neurovirology, 20(5), 496-504. PMID: 25185868  PMCID: PMC4324616  
Akolo C, Royal W, Cherner M, Okwuasaba K, Eyzaguirre L, Adebiyi R, Umlauf A, Hendrix T, Johnson J, Abimiku A, Blattner WA.  (2014). Neurocognitive impairment associated with predominantly early stage HIV infection in Abuja, Nigeria. Journal of Neurovirology, 20(4), 380-387. PMID: 24927825  PMCID: PMC4312476  
 Allen DN, Woods SP.  (2014). Neuropsychological aspects of substance use disorders: Evidence-based perspectives.
Chaillon A, Gianella S, Vasquez H, Ignacio C, Zweig AC, Richman DD, Smith DM.  (2014). Novel codon insert in HIV-1 clade B reverse transcriptase associated with low-level viremia during antiretroviral therapy. AIDS Research And Human Retroviruses, 30(2), 165-169. PMID: 24020934  PMCID: PMC3910474  
Cattie JE, Letendre SL, Woods SP, Barakat F, Perry W, Cherner M, Umlauf A, Franklin D, Heaton RK, Hassanein T, Grant I.  (2014). Persistent neurocognitive decline in a clinic sample of Hepatitis C virus-infected persons receiving Interferon and Ribavirin treatment. Journal of Neurovirology, 20(6), 561-570. PMID: 25326107  PMCID: PMC4367690  
Almeida SM, Marquie-Beck J, Bhatt A, Letendre S, McCutchan A, Ellis R and the HNRC Group.  (2014). Portable lactate analyzer for measuring lactate in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma ? method-comparison evaluations. Arquivos De Neuro-psiquiatria, 72(7), 500-5. PMID: 25054981  PMCID: PMC4259897  
King HL, Keller SB, Giancola MA, Rodriguez DA, Chau JJ, Young JA, Little SJ, Smith DM.  (2014). Pre-exposure prophylaxis accessibility research and evaluation (PrEPARE Study). AIDS And Behavior, 18(9), 1722-1725. PMID: 25017425  PMCID: PMC4127131  
Karris MY, Kao Y, Patel D, Dawson M, Woods SP, Vaida F, Spina C, Richman D, Little S, Smith DM.  (2014). Predictors of virologic response in persons who start antiretroviral therapy during recent HIV infection. AIDS (London, England), 28(6), 841-849. PMID: 24401640  PMCID: PMC4049563  
Jeong SJ, Kim MH, Song JE, Ahn JY, Kim SB, Ann HW, Kim JK, Choi H, Ku NS, Han SH, Kim JM, Smith DM, Kim H, Choi JY.  (2014). Prospective comparison of qualitative versus quantitative PCR for monitoring virologic treatment failure in HIV-infected patients. AIDS Research And Human Retroviruses, 30(8), 827-829. PMID: 24724838  PMCID: PMC4118713  
Ellis RJ, Letendre S, Vaida F, Haubrich R, Heaton RK, Sacktor N, Clifford DB, Best BM, May S, Umlauf A, Cherner M, Sanders C, Ballard C, Simpson DM, Jay C, McCutchan JA.  (2014). Randomized trial of CNS-targeted antiretrovirals for HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder. Clinical Infectious Diseases : An Official Publication of The Infectious Diseases Society of America, 58(7), 1015-1022. PMID: 24352352  PMCID: PMC3952601  
Montoya JL, Georges S, Poquette A, Depp CA, Atkinson JH, Moore DJ.  (2014). Refining a personalized mHealth intervention to promote medication adherence among HIV+ methamphetamine users. AIDS Care, 26(12), 1477-1481. PMID: 24911433  PMCID: PMC4188758  
Heaton RK, Akshoomoff N, Tulsky D, Mungas D, Weintraub S, Dikmen S, Beaumont J, Casaletto KB, Conway K, Slotkin J, Gershon R.  (2014). Reliability and validity of composite scores from the NIH Toolbox Cognition Battery in adults. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 20(6), 588-598. PMID: 24960398  PMCID: PMC4103963  
Suarez PA, Gollan TH, Heaton R, Grant I, Cherner M.  (2014). Second-language fluency predicts native language Stroop effects: Evidence from spanish-english bilinguals. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 20(3), 342-8. PMID: 24622502  PMCID: PMC4296729  
Casaletto KB, Doyle KL, Weber E, Woods SP, Grant I, the HNRP Group.  (2014). Self-Predictions of prospective memory in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders: Evidence of a metamemory deficit. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology : The Official Journal of The National Academy of Neuropsychologists, 29(8), 818-27. PMID: 25404005  PMCID: PMC4296161  
Fazeli PL, Doyle KL, Scott JC, Iudicello JE, Casaletto KB, Weber E, Moore DJ, Morgan EE, Grant I, Woods SP, and the HNRP Group.  (2014). Shallow encoding and forgetting are associated with dependence in instrumental activities of daily living among older adults living with HIV infection. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology : The Official Journal of The National Academy of Neuropsychologists, 29(3), 278-88. PMID: 24695591  PMCID: PMC4000232  
Moore RC, Fazeli PL, Jeste DV, Moore DJ, Grant I, Woods SP.  (2014). Successful cognitive aging and health-related quality of life in younger and older adults infected with HIV. AIDS And Behavior, 18(6), 1186-97. PMID: 24633788  PMCID: PMC4020963  
Woods SP, Doyle KL, Morgan EE, Naar-King S, Outlaw AY, Nichols SL, Loft S.  (2014). Task importance affects event-based prospective memory performance in adults with HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders and HIV-infected young adults with problematic substance use. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 20(6), 652-662. PMID: 24834469  PMCID: PMC4103958  
Hammond ER, Crum RM, Treisman GJ, Mehta SH, Marra CM, Clifford DB, Morgello S, Simpson DM, Gelman BB, Ellis RJ, Grant I, Letendre SL, McArthur JC.  (2014). The Cerebrospinal Fluid HIV Risk Score for assessing central nervous system activity in persons with HIV. American Journal of Epidemiology, 180(3), 297-307. PMID: 24966216  PMCID: PMC4108039  
Weintraub S, Dikmen SS, Heaton RK, Tulsky DS, Zelazo PD, Slotkin J, Carlozzi NE, Bauer PJ, Wallner-Allen K, Fox N, Havlik R, Beaumont JL, Mungas D, Manly JJ, Moy C, Conway K, Edwards E, Nowinski CJ, Gershon R.  (2014). The Cognition Battery of the NIH Toolbox for assessment of neurological and behavioral function: Validation in an adult sample. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 20(6), 567-578. PMID: 24959840  PMCID: PMC4103959  
Ferrara M, Umlauf A, Sanders C, Meyer JM, McCutchan JA, Duarte N, Atkinson JH, Grant I, Ellis RJ, and the CHARTER Group.  (2014). The concomitant use of second-generation antipsychotics and long-term antiretroviral therapy may be associated with increased cardiovascular risk. Psychiatry Research, 218(1-2), 201-208. PMID: 24794030  PMCID: PMC4082695  
Wertheim JO, Leigh BAJ, Hepler NL, Mehta SR, Richman DD, Smith DM, Kosakovsky PSL.  (2014). The global transmission network of HIV-1. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 209(2), 304-313. PMID: 24151309  PMCID: PMC3873788  
Akshoomoff N, Newman E, Thompson WK, McCabe C, Bloss CS, Chang L, Amaral DG, Casey BJ, Ernst TM, Frazier JA, Gruen JR, Kaufmann WE, Kenet T, Kennedy DN, Libiger O, Mostofsky S, Murray S, Sowell ER, Schork N, Dale AM, Jernigan TL.  (2014). The NIH Toolbox Cognition Battery: Results from a large normative developmental sample (PING). Neuropsychology, 28(1), 1-10. PMID: 24219608  PMCID: PMC3925365  
Marquine MJ, Umlauf A, Rooney A, Fazeli P, Gouaux B, Woods SP, Letendre SL, Ellis RJ, Grant I, Moore DJ and the HNRP Group.  (2014). The Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS) Index is associated with concurrent risk for neurocognitive impairment. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 65(2), 190-197. PMID: 24442225  PMCID: PMC3907119  
Casaletto KB, Cattie J, Franklin DR, Moore DJ, Woods SP, Grant I, Heaton RK.  (2014). The Wide Range Achievement Test-4 Reading Subtest "holds" in HIV-infected individuals. Journal of Clinical And Experimental Neuropsychology, 36(9), 992-1001. PMID: 25283135  PMCID: PMC4241141  
Little SJ, Kosakovsky Pond SL, Anderson CM, Young JA, Wertheim JO, Mehta SR, May S, Smith DM.  (2014). Using HIV networks to inform real time prevention interventions. PloS One, 9(6), e98443. PMID: 24901437  PMCID: PMC4047027  
Barteselli G, Chhablani J, Gomez ML, Doede AL, Dustin L, Kozak I, Bartsch DU, Azen SP, Letendre SL, Freeman WR.  (2014). Visual function assessment in simulated real-life situations in HIV-infected subjects. PloS One, 9(5), e97023. PMID: 24809827  PMCID: PMC4014600  
Moore RC, Moore DJ, Thompson WK, Vahia IV, Grant I, Jeste DV.  (2013). A case-controlled study of successful aging in older HIV-infected adults. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 74(5), e417-23. PMID: 23759460  PMCID: PMC3683870  
Marcotte TD, Deutsch R, Michael BD, Franklin D, Cookson Rosario D, Bharti A, Grant I, Letendre SL.  (2013). A concise panel of biomarkers identifies neurocognitive functioning changes in HIV-infected individuals. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology : The Official Journal of The Society On NeuroImmune Pharmacology, 8(5), 1123-1135. PMID: 24101401  PMCID: PMC3874146  
Bandaru VVR, Mielke MM, Sacktor N, McArthur JC, Grant I, Letendre S, Chang L, Wojna V, Pardo C, Calabresi P, Munsaka S, Haughey NJ.  (2013). A lipid storage-like disorder contributes to cognitive decline in HIV-infected subjects. Neurology, 81(17), 1492-1499. PMID: 24027056  PMCID: PMC3888167  
Fields J, Dumaop W, Rockenstein E, Mante M, Spencer B, Grant I, Ellis R, Letendre S, Patrick C, Adame A, Masliah E.  (2013). Age-dependent molecular alterations in the autophagy pathway in HIVE patients and in a gp120 tg mouse model: reversal with beclin-1 gene transfer. Journal of NeuroVirology, 19(1), 89-101. PMID: 23341224  PMCID: PMC3567331  
Fields J, Dumaop W, Adame A, Ellis RJ, Letendre S, Grant I, Masliah E.  (2013). Alterations in the levels of vesicular trafficking proteins involved in HIV replication in the brains and CSF of patients with HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology : The Official Journal of The Society On NeuroImmune Pharmacology, 8(5), 1197-209. PMID: 24292993  PMCID: PMC3973444  
Morgan EE, Woods SP, Letendre SL, Franklin DR, Bloss C, Goate A, Heaton RK, Collier AC, Marra CM, Gelman BB, McArthur JC, Morgello S, Simpson DM, McCutchan JA, Ellis RJ, Abramson I, Gamst A, Fennema-Notestine C, Smith DM, Grant I, Vaida F, Clifford DB; The CNS HIV Antiretroviral Therapy Effects Research (CHARTER) Group.  (2013). Apolipoprotein E4 genotype does not increase risk of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. Journal of NeuroVirology, 19(2), 150-156. PMID: 23408335  PMCID: PMC3668779  
Panos SE, Hinkin CH, Singer EJ, Thames AD, Patel S, Sinsheimer JS, Del Re AC, Gelman BB, Morgello S, Moore DJ, Levine AJ.  (2013). Apolipoprotein-E genotype and human immunodeficiency virus-associated neurocognitive disorder: Modulating effects of older age and disease severity. Neurobehavioral HIV Medicine, 5, 11-22. PMID: 26617462  PMCID: PMC4659385  
The Mind Exchange Working Group.  (2013). Assessment, diagnosis and treatment of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND): A consensus report of the Mind Exchange Program. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 56(7), 1004-1017. PMID: 23175555  PMCID: PMC3657494  
Obermeit LC, Cattie JE, Bolden KA, Marquine MJ, Morgan EE, Franklin DR, Atkinson JH, Grant I, Woods SP, and the TMARC Group.  (2013). Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder among chronic methamphetamine users: Frequency, persistence, and adverse effects on everyday functioning. Addictive Behaviors, 38(12), 2874-2878. PMID: 24018233  PMCID: PMC3805791  
Henry BL, Geyer MA, Buell MR, Perry W, Young JW, Minassian A.  (2013). Behavioral effects of chronic methamphetamine treatment in HIV-1 gp120 transgenic mice. Behavioural Brain Research, 236(1), 210-220. PMID: 22960458  PMCID: PMC3482284  
Weintraub S, Dikmen SS, Heaton RK, Tulsky DS, Zelazo PD, Bauer PJ, Carlozzi NE, Slotkin J, Blitz D, Wallner-Allen K, Fox NA, Beaumont JL, Mungas D, Nowinski CJ, Richler J, Deocampo JA, Anderson JE, Manly JJ, Borosh B, Havlik Rd, Conway K, Edwards E, Freund L, King JW, Moy C, Witt E, Gershon RC.  (2013). Cognition assessment using the NIH Toolbox. Neurology, 80(11 Suppl 3), S54-64. PMID: 23479546  PMCID: PMC366234  
Weber E, Woods SP.  (2013). Cognitive neurorehabilitation of HAND: Have we forgotten something? APA Psychology and AIDS Exchange Newsletter, 23(1), 81-98. PMCID: NA  
Weber E, Blackstone K, Woods SP.  (2013). Cognitive neurorehabilitation of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders: A qualitative review and call to action. Neuropsychology Review, 23(1), 81-98. PMID: 23417497  PMCID: PMC3606924  
Rodriguez-Penny, A, Iudicello JE, Riggs PK, Doyle KL, Ellis RJ, Letendre, SL, Grant I, Woods SP, and the HNRP Group.  (2013). Comorbidities in persons affected with HIV: Increased burden with older age and negative effects on health-related quality of life. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 27, 5-16. PMID: 23305257  PMCID: PMC3545369  
Sakamoto M, Marcotte TD, Umlauf A, Franklin D, Heaton RK, Ellis RJ, Letendre S, Alexander T, McCutchan JA, Morgan EE, Woods SP, Collier AC, Marra CM, Clifford DB, Gelman BB, McArthur JC, Morgello S, Simpson D, Grant I.  (2013). Concurrent classification accuracy of the HIV Dementia Scale for HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders in the CHARTER Cohort. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 62(1), 36-42. PMID: 23111573  PMCID: PMC3529802  
Sakamoto M, Marcotte TM.  (2013). Consequences of HAND for everyday functioning. APA Psychology and AIDS Exchange Newsletter, January
Mano QR, Brown GG, Bolden K, Aupperle R, Sullivan S, Paulus MP, Stein MB.  (2013). Curvilinear relationship between phonological working memory load and social-emotional modulation. Cognition & Emotion, 27(2), 283-304. PMID: 22928750  PMCID: PMC4549278  
Gianella S, Anderson CM, Vargas MV, Richman DD, Little SJ, Morris SR, Smith DM.  (2013). Cytomegalovirus DNA in semen and blood is associated with higher levels of proviral HIV DNA. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 207(6), 898-902. PMID: 23275608  PMCID: PMC3571441  
Croteau D, Rossi SS, Best BM, Capparelli E, Ellis RJ, Clifford DB, Collier AC, Gelman BB, Marra CM, McArthur J, McCutchan JA, Morgello S, Simpson DM, Grant I, Letendre S.  (2013). Darunavir is predominantly unbound to protein in cerebrospinal fluid and concentrations exceed the wild-type HIV-1 median 90% inhibitory concentration. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 68(3), 684-689. PMID: 23143899  PMCID: PMC3566670  
Morris S, Woods SP, Deutsch R, Little SJ, Wagner G, Morgan EE, Heaton RK, Letendre SL, Grant I, Smith DM and the TMARC Group.  (2013). Dual-mixed HIV-1 co-receptor tropism is associated with HIV associated neurocognitive dysfunction. Journal of NeuroVirology, 19(5), 488-494. PMID: 24078557  PMCID: PMC3921071  
Montoya JL, Umlauf A, Abramson I, Badiee J, Woods SP, Atkinson JH, Grant I, Moore DJ, and the TMARC Group.  (2013). Dynamic indices of methamphetamine dependence and HIV infection predict fluctuations in affective distress: A five-year longitudinal analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 151(2), 728-737. PMID: 24012068  PMCID: PMC3845675  
Chaillon A, Wagner G A, Hepler NL, Little SJ, Kosakovsky Pond SL, Caballero G, Pacold ME, Phung P, Wrin T, Richman DD, Wertheim JO, Smith DM.  (2013). Dynamics of viral evolution and neutralizing antibody response after HIV-1 superinfection. Journal of Virology, 87(23), 12737-44. PMID: 24049166  PMCID: PMC3838120  
Burdo TH, Weiffenbach A, Woods SP, Letendre S, Ellis RJ, Williams KC.  (2013). Elevated SCD163 in plasma but not csf is a marker of neurocognitive impairment in HIV infection. AIDS (London, England), 27(9), 1387-1395. PMID: 23435298  PMCID: PMC3844286  
Nguyen A, Rossi S, Croteau D, Best BM, Clifford D, Collier AC, Gelman B, Marra C, McArthur J, McCutchan JA, Morgello S, Simpson D, Ellis RJ, Grant I, Capparelli E, Letendre S, on behalf of the CHARTER Group.  (2013). Etravirine in CSF is highly protein bound. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 68(5), 1161-1168. PMID: 23335197  PMCID: PMC3625433  
Zipursky AR, Gogolishvili D, Rueda S, Brunetta J, Carvalhal A, McCombe JA, Gill MJ, Rachlis A, Rosenes R, Arbess G, Marcotte T, Rourke SB.  (2013). Evaluation of brief screening tools for neurocognitive impairment in HIV/AIDS: A systematic review of the literature. AIDS (London, England), 27(15), 2385-2401. PMID: 23751261  PMCID: PMC3814629  
Tilghman MW, Bhattacharya J, Deshpande S, Ghate M, Espitia S, Grant I, Marcotte TD, Smith D, Mehendale S.  (2013). Genetic attributes of blood-derived subtype-C HIV-1 Tat and Env in India and neurocognitive function. Journal of Medical Virology, 86(1), 88-96. PMID: 24150902  PMCID: PMC3872113  
Joseph J, Achim CL, Boivin MJ, Brew BJ, Clifford DB, Colosi DA, Ellis RJ, Heaton RK, Gallo-Diop A, Grant I, Kanmogne GD, Kumar M, Letendre S, Marcotte TD, Nath A, Pardo CA, Paul RH, Pulliam L, Robertson K, Royal W, Sacktor N, Sithinamsuwan P, Smith DM, Valcour V, Wigdahl B, Wood C.  (2013). Global NeuroAIDS Roundtable. Journal of NeuroVirology, 19(1), 1-9. PMID: 23354550  PMCID: PMC3713197  
Perez-Santiago J, Gianella S, Massanella M, Spina CA, Karris MY, Var SR, Patel D, Jordan PS, Young JA, Little SJ, Richman DD, Smith DM.  (2013). Gut lactobacillales are associated with higher CD4 and less microbial translocation during HIV infection. AIDS (London, England), 27(12), 1921-31. PMID: 24180001  PMCID: PMC3816380  
Gianella S, Morris SR, Anderson C, Spina CA, Vargas MV, Young JA, Richman DD, Little SJ, Smith DM.  (2013). Herpesviruses and HIV-1 drug resistance mutations influence the virologic and immunologic milieu of the male genital tract. AIDS (London, England), 27(1), 39-47. PMID: 22739399  PMCID: PMC3769229  
Moore D, Posada C.  (2013). HIV and psychiatric comorbidities: What do we know and what can we do? APA Psychology and AIDS Exchange Newsletter, January
Blackstone K, Iudicello JE, Morgan EE, Weber E, Moore DJ, Franklin D, Ellis RJ, Grant I, Woods SP, and the TMARC Group.  (2013). HIV infection heightens concurrent risk of functional dependence in persons with chronic methamphetamine use. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 7(4), 255-263. PMID: 23648641  PMCID: PMC3737384  
Hightower GK, May SJ, Perez-Santiago J, Pacold ME, Wagner GA, Little SJ, Richman DD, Mehta SR, Smith DM, Pond S.  (2013). HIV-1 clade B Pol evolution following primary infection. PloS One, 8(6), e68188. PMID: 23840830  PMCID: PMC3695957  
Weintraub S, Bauer PJ, Zelazo PD, Wallner-Allen K, Dikmen SS, Heaton RK, Tulsky DS, Slotkin J, Blitz DL, Carlozzi NE, Havlik RJ, Beaumont JL, Mungas D, Manly JJ, Borosh BG, Nowinski CJ, Gershon RC.  (2013). I. Nih Toolbox Cognition Battery (cb): Introduction and pediatric data. Monographs of The Society for Research in Child Development, 78(4), 1-15. PMID: 23952199  PMCID: PMC3954750  
Bauer PJ, Dikmen SS, Heaton RK, Mungas D, Slotkin J, Beaumont JL.  (2013). Iii. Nih Toolbox Cognition Battery (cb): Measuring episodic memory. Monographs of The Society for Research in Child Development, 78(4), 34-48. PMID: 23952201  PMCID: PMC3950959  
Fennema-Notestine C, Ellis RJ, Archibald SL, Jernigan TL, Letendre SL, Notestine RJ, Taylor MJ, Theilmann RJ, Julaton MD, Croteau DJ, Wolfson T, Heaton RK, Gelman BB, Marra C, McArthur JC, McCutchan JA, Morgello S, Simpson DM, Grant I, for the CHARTER Group.  (2013). Increases in brain white matter abnormalities and subcortical gray matter are linked to CD4 recovery in HIV infection. Journal of NeuroVirology, 19(4), 393-401. PMID: 23838849  PMCID: PMC3776609  
Cherner M.  (2013). Introduction to current issues in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND). APA Psychology and AIDS Exchange Newsletter, January
Crum-Cianflone NF, Moore DJ, Letendre S, Poehlman RM, Eberly L, Weintrob A, Ganesan A, Johnson E, Del Rosario R, Agan BK, Hale BR.  (2013). Low prevalence of neurocognitive impairment in early diagnosed and managed HIV-infected persons. Neurology, 80(4), 371-379. PMID: 23303852  PMCID: PMC3589242  
Blackstone K, Woods SP, Weber E, Grant I, Moore DJ, and the HNRP Group.  (2013). Memory-based adherence strategies for antiretroviral medication management in HIV: An evaluation of clinical predictors, adherence behavior awareness, and effectiveness. AIDS and Behavior, 17(1), 74-85. PMID: 22968399  PMCID: PMC3538103  
Tatro ET, Hefler S, Shumaker-Armstrong S, Soontornniyomkij B, Yang M, Yermanos A, Wren N, Moore DJ, Achim CL.  (2013). Modulation of BK channel by MicroRNA-9 in neurons after exposure to HIV and Methamphetamine. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology : The Official Journal of The Society On NeuroImmune Pharmacology, 8(5), 1210-1223. PMID: 23508624  PMCID: PMC3715589  
Desplats PA, Dumaop W, Smith DM, Adame A, Everall I, Letendre S, Ellis RJ, Cherner M, Grant I, Masliah E.  (2013). Molecular and pathologic insights from latent HIV-1 infection in the human brain. Neurology, 80(15), 1415-1423. PMID: 23486877  PMCID: PMC3662272  
de Almeida SM, Ribeiro CE, de Pereira AP, Badiee J, Cherner M, Smith D, Maich I, Raboni SM, Rotta I, Barbosa FJ, Heaton RK, Umlauf A, Ellis RJ.  (2013). Neurocognitive impairment in HIV-1 Clade C- versus B-infected individuals in southern Brazil. Journal of Neurovirology, 19(6), 550-556. PMID: 24277437  PMCID: PMC3923762  
Marra CM, Deutsch R, Collier AC, Morgello S, Letendre S, Clifford D, Gelman B, McArthur J, McCutchan JA, Simpson DM, Duarte NA, Heaton RK, Grant I.  (2013). Neurocognitive impairment in HIV-infected individuals with previous syphilis. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 24(5), 351-355. PMID: 23970701  PMCID: PMC4560461  
Gelman BB, Lisinicchia JG, Morgello S, Masliah E, Commins D, Achim CL, Fox HS, Kolson DL, Grant I, Singer E, Yiannoutsos CT, Sherman S, Gensler G, Moore DJ, Chen T, Soukup VM.  (2013). Neurovirological correlation with HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders and encephalitis in a HAART-era cohort. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 62(5), 487-495. PMID: 23242157  PMCID: PMC3664102  
Chen H, Clifford DB, Deng L, Wu K, Lee AJ, Bosch RJ, Riddler SA, Ellis RJ, Evans SR.  (2013). Peripheral neuropathy in ART-experienced patients: Prevalence and risk factors. Journal of Neurovirology, 19(6), 557-64. PMID: 24297499  PMCID: PMC3965352  
Croteau D.  (2013). Pharmacologic interventions for HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. APA Psychology and AIDS Exchange Newsletter, January
Dusaban SS, Purcell NH, Rockenstein E, Masliah E, Cho MK, Smrcka AV, Brown JH.  (2013). Phospholipase C epsilon links G protein-coupled receptor activation to inflammatory astrocytic responses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(9), 3609-14. PMID: 23401561  PMCID: PMC3587233  
Dufour CA, Marquine MJ, Fazeli PL, Henry BL, Ellis RJ, Grant I, Moore DJ, and the HNRP Group.  (2013). Physical exercise is associated with less neurocognitive impairment among HIV-infected adults. Journal of Neurovirology, 19(5), 410-417. PMID: 23934585  PMCID: PMC3795938  
Minassian A, Henry BL, Woods SP, Vaida F, Grant I, Geyer MA, Perry W, the TMARC Group.  (2013). Prepulse inhibition in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 19(6), 709-717. PMID: 23552464  PMCID: PMC3729041  
Gongvatana A, Harezlak J, Buchthal S, Daar E, Schifitto G, Campbell T, Taylor M, Singer E, Algers J, Zhong J, Brown M, McMahon D, So YT, Mi D, Heaton R, Robertson K, Yiannoutsos C, Cohen RA, Navia B.  (2013). Progressive cerebral injury in the setting of chronic HIV infection and antiretroviral therapy. Journal of Neurovirology, 19(3), 209-218. PMID: 23613008  PMCID: PMC3740160  
Poquette AJ, Moore DJ, Gouaux B, Morgan EE, Grant I, Woods SP.  (2013). Prospective memory and antiretroviral medication non-adherence in HIV: An analysis of ongoing task delay length using the memory for intentions screening test. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 19(2), 155-161. PMID: 23095304  PMCID: PMC3693472  
Doyle KL, Loft S, Morgan EE, Weber E, Cushman C, Johnston E, Grant I, Woods SP, and the HNRP Group.  (2013). Prospective memory in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND): The neuropsychological dynamics of time monitoring. Journal of Clinical And Experimental Neuropsychology, 35(4), 359-372. PMID: 23465043  PMCID: PMC3631446  
Sakamoto M, Woods SP, Kolessar M, Kritz D, Anderson JR, Olavarria H, Sasaki AW, Chang M, Flora KD, Loftis JM, Huckans M.  (2013). Protective effects of higher cognitive reserve for neuropsychological and daily functioning among individuals infected with Hepatitis C. Journal of NeuroVirology, 19(5), 442-451. PMID: 24018902  PMCID: PMC3920983  
Doyle KL, Morgan EE, Morris S, Smith DM, Little S, Iudicello JE, Blackstone K, Moore DJ, Grant I, Letendre SL, Woods SP, and the TMARC Group.  (2013). Real-world impact of neurocognitive deficits in acute and early HIV infection. Journal of Neurovirology, 19(6), 565-573. PMID: 24277439  PMCID: PMC3865175  
Andrade A, Deutsch R, Celano S, Duarte NA, Marcotte TD, Umlauf A, Atkinson JH, McCutchan JA, Franklin D, Alexander TJ, McArthur J, Marra C, Grant I, Collier AC.  (2013). Relationships among neurocognitive status, medication adherence measured by pharmacy refill records, and virologic suppression in HIV-infected persons. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 62(3), 282-92. PMID: 23202813  PMCID: PMC3906725  
Jin H, Atkinson JH, Duarte NA, Yu X, Shi C, Riggs PK, Li J, Gupta S, Wolfson T, Knight A, Franklin D, Letendre S, Wu Z, Grant I, Heaton RK.  (2013). Risks and predictors of current suicidality in HIV-infected heroin users in treatment in Yunnan, China: A controlled study. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 62(3), 311-316. PMID: 23196829  PMCID: PMC3975910  
Iudicello JE, Woods SP, Cattie JE, Doyle K, Grant I and the HIV Neurobehavioral Research Program (HNRP) Group.  (2013). Risky decision-making in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND). The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 27(2), 256-275. PMID: 23181946  PMCID: PMC3609907  
Langford D, Letendre S.  (2013). Severe HIV-associated CD8+ T-cell encephalitis: Is it the tip of the iceberg? Clinical Infectious Diseases : An Official Publication of The Infectious Diseases Society of America, 57(1), 109-111. PMID: 23515206  PMCID: NA  
Tatro ET, Risbrough V, Soontornniyomkij B, Young J, Shumaker-Armstrong S, Jeste DV, Achim CL.  (2013). Short-term recognition memory correlates with regional CNS expression of MicroRNA-138 in mice. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry : Official Journal of The American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, 21(5), 461-73. PMID: 23570889  PMCID: PMC3660985  
Malan-Müller S, Hemmings SM, Spies G, Kidd M, Fennema-Notestine C, Seedat S.  (2013). Shorter telomere length - A potential susceptibility factor for HIV-associated neurocognitive impairments in South African woman. PloS One, 8(3), e58351. PMID: 23472184  PMCID: PMC3589394  
Weber E, Morgan EE, Iudicello JE, Blackstone K, Grant I, Ellis RJ, Letendre SL, Little S, Morris S, Smith DM, Moore DJ, Woods SP, and the TMARC Group.  (2013). Substance use is a risk factor for neurocognitive deficits and neuropsychiatric distress in acute and early HIV infection. Journal of NeuroVirology, 19(1), 65-74. PMID: 23250704  PMCID: PMC3568179  
Levine A, Miller J, Shapshak P, Gelman B, Singer E, Hunkin C, Commins D, Morgello S, Grant I, Horvath S.  (2013). Systems analysis of human brain expression: Mechanisms for HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment and common pathways with Alzheimer's Disease. BMC Medical Genomics, 6(1), 4. PMID: 23406646  PMCID: PMC3626801  
Cherner M.  (2013). The HIV+ brain on drugs: Focus on methamphetamine. APA Psychology and AIDS Exchange Newsletter, January
Gianella S, Morris SR, Vargas MV, Young JA, Callahan B, Richman DD, Little SJ, Smith DM.  (2013). The role of seminal shedding of Herpesviruses in HIV-1 transmission. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 207(2), 257-261. PMID: 23148284  PMCID: PMC3532824  
Weinborn M, Moyle J, Bucks RS, Stritzke W, Leighton A, Woods SP.  (2013). Time-based prospective memory predicts engagement in risk behaviors among substance users: Results from clinical and nonclinical Samples. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 19(3), 284-294. PMID: 23312588  PMCID: PMC3694418  
Wagner GA, Pacold ME, Vigil E, Caballero G, Morris SR, Pond SLK, Little SJ, Richman DD, Gianella S, Smith DM.  (2013). Using ultradeep pyrosequencing to study HIV-1 co-receptor usage in primary and dual infection. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 208(2), 271-274. PMID: 23599311  PMCID: PMC3685231  
Mungas D, Widaman K, Zelazo PD, Tulsky D, Heaton RK, Slotkin J, Blitz DL, Gershon RC.  (2013). Vii. Nih Toolbox Cognition Battery (cb): Factor structure for 3 to 15 year olds. Monographs of The Society for Research in Child Development, 78(4), 103-18. PMID: 23952205  PMCID: PMC3950958  
Akshoomoff N, Beaumont JL, Bauer PJ, Dikmen SS, Gershon RC, Mungas D, Slotkin J, Tulsky D, Weintraub S, Zelazo PD, Heaton RK.  (2013). Viii. Nih Toolbox Cognition Battery (cb): Composite scores of crystallized, fluid, and overall cognition. Monographs of The Society for Research in Child Development, 78(4), 119-32. PMID: 23952206  PMCID: PMC4103789  
Woods SP, Hoebel C, Pirogovsky E, Rooney A, Cameron MV, Grant I, Gilbert PE, and the HNRP Group.  (2013). Visuospatial temporal order memory deficits in older adults with HIV infection. Cognitive And Behavioral Neurology : Official Journal of The Society for Behavioral And Cognitive Neurology, 26(4), 171-80. PMID: 24378603  PMCID: PMC3893039  
Kamat A, Misra V, Cassol E, Ancuta P, Yan Z, Li C, Morgello S, Gabuzda D.  (2012). A plasma biomarker signature of immune activation in HIV patients on antiretroviral therapy. PLoS One, 7(2), e30881. PMID: 22363505  PMCID: PMC3281899  
Doyle K, Weber E, Atkinson JH, Grant I, Woods SP, and the HNRP Group.  (2012). Aging, prospective memory, and health-related quality of life in HIV infection. AIDS And Behavior, 16(8), 2309-2318. PMID: 22246512  PMCID: PMC3352996  
Schweinsburg BC, Scott JC, Schweinsburg AD, Jacobus J, Theilmann RJ, Frank LR, Weber E, Grant I, Woods SP, and the HNRC Group.  (2012). Altered prefronto-striato-parietal network response to mental rotation in HIV. Journal of NeuroVirology, 18(1), 74-79. PMID: 22271019  PMCID: PMC3729929  
Soontornniyomkij V, Soontornniyomkij B, Moore DJ, Gouaux B, Masliah E, Tung S, Vinters HV, Grant I, Achim CL.  (2012). Antioxidant Sestrin-2 redistribution to neuronal soma in human immunodeficiency virus-associated neurocognitive disorders. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, 7(3), 579-590. PMID: 22450766  PMCID: PMC3573843  
Badiee J, Riggs PK, Rooney AS, Vaida F, Grant I, Atkinson JH, Moore DJ, and the HNRP Group.  (2012). Approaches to identifying appropriate medication adherence assessments for HIV infected individuals with comorbid Bipolar Disorder. AIDS Patient Care And STDs, 26(7), 388-394. PMID: 22686169  PMCID: PMC3961000  
Soontornniyomkij V, Moore DJ, Gouaux B, Soontornniyomkij B, Tatro ET, Umlauf A, Masliah E, Levine AJ, Singer EJ, Vinters HV, Gelman BB, Morgello S, Cherner M, Grant I, Achim CL.  (2012). Cerebral β-amyloid deposition predicts HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders in APOE ε4 carriers. AIDS (London, England), 26(18), 2327-2335. PMID: 23018443  PMCID: PMC3576852  
Wiederin JL, Yu F, Donahoe RM, Fox HS, Ciborowski P, Gendelman HE.  (2012). Changes in the plasma proteome follows chronic opiate administration in simian immunodeficiency virus infected rhesus macaques. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 120(1-3), 105-112. PMID: 21821369  PMCID: PMC3245805  
Royal W, Cherner M, Carr J, Habib AG, Akomolafe A, Abimiku A, Charurat M, Farley J, Oluyemisi A, Mamadu I, Johnson J, Ellis R, McCutchan JA, Grant I, Blattner WA.  (2012). Clinical features and preliminary studies of virological correlates of neurocognitive impairment among HIV-infected individuals in Nigeria. Journal of NeuroVirology, 18(3), 191-199. PMID: 22528480  PMCID: PMC3717366  
Iudicello JE, Woods SP, Deutsch R, Grant I, and the HNRP Group.  (2012). Combined effects of aging and HIV infection on semantic verbal fluency: A view of the cortical hypothesis through the lens of clustering and switching. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 34(5), 476-488. PMID: 22292479  PMCID: PMC3329578  
Perez-Valero I, Cysique L, Letendre S, Heaton R.  (2012). Comments to Garvey et al.: "Low rates of neurocognitive impairment are observed in neuro-asymptomatic HIV-infected subjects on effective antiretroviral therapy". HIV Clinical Trials, 13(5), 296-298. PMID: 23134631  
Cattie JE, Woods SP, Arce M, Weber E, Delis DC, Grant I, and the HNRP Group.  (2012). Construct validity of the Item-Specific Deficit Approach to the California Verbal Learning Test (2nd Ed) in HIV infection. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 26(2), 288-304. PMID: 22394206  PMCID: 3310968  
Bharti AR, Saravanan S, Madhavan V, Smith DM, Sharma J, Balakrishnan P, Letendre SL, Kumarasamy N.  (2012). Correlates of HIV and Malaria co-infection in southern India. Malaria Journal, 11(1), 306. PMID: 22943054  PMCID: PMC3504568  
Blackstone K, Moore DJ, Franklin Dr, Clifford DB, Collier, AC, Marra CM, Gelman BB, McArthur JC, Morgello S, Simpson DM, Ellis RJ, Atkinson JH, Grant I, Heaton RK, for the CHARTER Group.  (2012). Defining neurocognitive impairment in HIV: Deficit scores versus clinical ratings. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 26(6), 894-908. PMID: 22708483  PMCID: PMC3848322  
Blackstone K, Moore DJ, Heaton RK, Franklin DR, Woods SP, Clifford DB, Collier AC, Marra CM, Gelman BB, McArthur JC, Morgello S, Simpson DM, Rivera-Mindt M, Deutsch R, Ellis RJ, Hampton Atkinson J, Grant I, and the CHARTER Group.  (2012). Diagnosing symptomatic HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders: Self-report versus performance-based assessment of everyday functioning. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 18(1), 79-88. PMID: 22114912  PMCID: PMC3882265  
Kamat R, Ghate M, Gollan TH, Meyer R, Vaida F, Heaton RK, Letendre S, Franklin D, Alexander T, Grant I, Mehendale S, Marcotte TD, and the HNRP Group.  (2012). Effects of Marathi-Hindi bilingualism on neuropsychological performance. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 18(2), 305-313. PMID: 22206622  PMCID: PMC3581332  
Cattie JE, Woods SP, Iudicello JE, Posada C, Grant I, and the TMARC Group.  (2012). Elevated neurobehavioral symptoms are associated with poorer everyday functioning problems in chronic methamphetamine users. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 24(3), 331-339. PMID: 23037647  PMCID: PMC3735421  
Archibald SL, Jacobson MW, Fennema-Notestine C, Ogasawara M, Woods SP, Letendre S, Grant I, Jernigan TL.  (2012). Functional interactions of HIV-infection and methamphetamine dependence during motor programming. Psychiatry Research, 202(1), 46-52. PMID: 22608157  PMCID: PMC3380171  
Choi JY, Hightower GK, Wong JK, Heaton R, Woods S, Grant I, Marcotte TD, Ellis RJ, Letendre SL, Collier AC, Marra CM, Clifford DB, Gelman BB, McArthur JC, Morgello S, Simpson DM, McCutchan JA, Richman DD, Smith DM, and the CHARTER Group.  (2012). Genetic features of cerebrospinal fluid-derived Subtype B HIV-1 Tat. Journal of NeuroVirology, 18(2), 81-90. PMID: 22528397  PMCID: PMC2572198  
Maung R, Medders KE, Sejbuk NE, Desai MK, Russo R, Kaul M.  (2012). Genetic knockouts suggest a critical role for HIV co-receptors in models of HIV gp120-induced brain injury. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, 7, 306-318. PMID: 22124968  PMCID: PMC3690779  
Keltner JR, Vaida F, Ellis RJ, Moeller-Bertram T, Fitzsimmons C, Duarte NA, Robinson-Papp J, Dworkin RH, Clifford DB, McArthur JC, Simpson DM, Collier AC, Marra CM, Atkinson JH, Grant I, and the CHARTER Group.  (2012). Health-related quality of life 'Well-Being' in HIV distal neuropathic pain is more strongly associated with depression severity than with pain intensity. Psychosomatics, 53(4), 380-386. PMID: 22748751  PMCID: PMC3389373  
Hightower GK, Wong JK, Letendre SL, Umlauf AA, Ellis RJ, Ignacio CC, Heaton RK, Collier AC, Marra CM, Clifford DB, Gelman BB, McArthur JC, Morgello S, Simpson DM, McCutchan JA, Grant I, Little SJ, Richman DD, Pond SLK, Smith DM, and the CHARTER Study Group.  (2012). Higher HIV-1 genetic diversity is associated with AIDS and neuropsychological impairment. Virology, 433(2), 498-505. PMID: 22999095  PMCID: PMC3466337  
Soontornniyomkij V, Risbrough VB, Young JW, Soontornniyomkij B, Jeste DV, Achim CL.  (2012). Hippocampal calbindin-1 immunoreactivity correlate of recognition memory performance in aged mice. Neuroscience Letters, 516(1), 161-5. PMID: 22503902  PMCID: PMC3338865  
Reid E, Morris SR.  (2012). HIV Co-receptor usage in HIV-related non-hodgkin's lymphoma. Infectious Agents and Cancer, 7(1), 6. PMID: 22420651  PMCID: PMC3338399  
Evans SR, Lee AJ, Ellis RJ, Chen H, Wu K, Bosch RJ, Clifford DB.  (2012). HIV peripheral neuropathy progression: Protection with glucose-lowering drugs? Journal of Neurovirology, 18(5), 428-433. PMID: 22806348  PMCID: PMC3485691  
Moore DJ, Posada C, Parikh M, Arce M, Vaida F, Riggs K, Gouaux B, Ellis RJ, Letendre SL, Grant I, Atkinson JH, and the HNRP Group.  (2012). HIV-infected individuals with co-occurring bipolar disorder evidence poor antiretroviral and psychiatric medication adherence. AIDS and Behavior, 16(8), 2257-2266. PMID: 22041931  PMCID: PMC3351543  
Blackstone K, Tobin A, Posada C, Gouaux B, Grant I, Moore DJ, and the HNRP.  (2012). HIV-infected persons with Bipolar Disorder are less aware of memory deficits than HIV-infected persons without Bipolar Disorder. Journal of Clinical And Experimental Neuropsychology, 34(7), 773-781. PMID: 22571839  PMCID: PMC3718038  
Moore DJ, Roediger MJP, Eberly LE, Blackstone K, Hale B, Weintrob A, Ganesan A, Agan BK, Letendre SL, Crum-Cianflone NF.  (2012). Identification of an abbreviated test battery for detection of HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment in an early-managed HIV-infected cohort. PloS One, 7(11), e47310. PMID: 23144815  PMCID: PMC3493574  
Kamat R, Woods SP, Marcotte TD, Ellis RJ, Grant I.  (2012). Implications of apathy for everyday functioning outcomes in persons living with HIV infection. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology : The Official Journal of The National Academy of Neuropsychologists, 27(5), 520-531. PMID: 22705481  PMCID: PMC3399510  
Soontornniyomkij V, Everall IP, Moore DJ, Gouaux B, Tatro ET, Gospodarev V, Masliah E, Yin NS, Vinters HV, Achim CL.  (2012). Increased cortical expression of FK506 binding protein-51 in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. Journal of NeuroVirology, 18(4), 313-322. PMID: 22234543  PMCID: PMC3374917  
Morgan EE, Woods SP, Grant I, and the HNRP Group.  (2012). Intra-individual neurocognitive variability confers risk of dependence in activities of daily living among HIV-seropositive individuals without HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 27(3), 293-303. PMID: 22337933  PMCID: PMC3329179  
Morgan EE, Woods SP, Rooney A, Perry W, Grant I, Letendre SL, and the HNRP Group.  (2012). Intra-individual variability across neurocognitive domains in chronic hepatitis C infection: Elevated dispersion is associated with serostatus and unemployment risk. Clinical Neuropsychology, 26(4), 654-674. PMID: 22533778  PMCID: PMC3412152  
 Crum-Cianflone NF, Moore DJ, Hale B, Agan BK, Letendre S.  (2012). Letter to the Editor - Reply to Gamaldo And McArthur. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 55(10), 1430-31. 
Badiee J, Moore DJ, Atkinson JH, Vaida F, Gerard M, Duarte NA, Franklin D, Gouaux B, McCutchan JA, Heaton RK, McArthur J, Morgello S, Simpson D, Collier A, Marra CM, Gelman B, Clifford D, Grant I.  (2012). Lifetime suicidal ideation and attempt are common among HIV+ individuals. Journal of Affective Disorders, 136(3), 993-999. PMID: 21784531  PMCID: PMC3222733  
Morgan EE, Weber E, Rooney A, Grant I, Woods SP, and the HNRP Group.  (2012). Longer ongoing task delay interval exacerbate prospective memory deficits in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND). Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 34(4), 416-427. PMID: 22299658  PMCID: PMC3311720  
Best BM, Letendre SL, Koopmans P, Rossi SS, Clifford DB, Collier AC, Gelman BB, Marra CM, McArthur JC, McCutchan JA, Morgello S, Simpson DM, Capparelli EV, Ellis RJ, Grant I, and the CHARTER Study Group.  (2012). Low CSF concentrations of the nucleotide HIV reverse transcriptase inhibitor, Tenofovir. Journal of AIDS, 59(4), 376-381. PMID: 22217676  PMCID: PMC3299895  
Morgan EE, Woods SP, Smith C, Weber E, Scott JC, Grant I.  (2012). Lower cognitive reserve among individuals with syndromic HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND). AIDS And Behavior, 16(8), 2279-2285. PMID: 22677976  PMCID: PMC3443502  
Croteau D, Best BM, Letendre S, Rossi SS, Ellis RJ, Clifford DB, Collier AC, Gelman BB, McArthur JC, McCutchan JA, Morgello S, Grant I, and the CHARTER Group.  (2012). Lower than expected maraviroc concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid exceed the wild-type CCR5-tropic HIV-1 50% inhibitory concentration. AIDS, 26(7), 890-893. PMID: 22313954  PMCID: PMC3454507  
Woods SP, Weinborn M, Velnoweth A, Rooney A, Bucks RS.  (2012). Memory for intentions is uniquely associated with instrumental activities of daily living in healthy older adults. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 18(1), 134-138. PMID: 22032776  PMCID: PMC3268683  
Spies G, Afifi TO, Archibald SL, Fennema-Notestine C, Sareen J, Seedat S.  (2012). Mental health outcomes in HIV and childhood maltreatment: a systematic review. Systemic Reviews, 1(1), 30. PMID: 22742536  PMCID: PMC3441909  
Moore DJ, Blackstone K, Woods SP, Ellis RJ, Atkinson JH, Heaton RK, Grant I, the HNRC Group and the TMARC Group.  (2012). Methamphetamine use and neuropsychiatric factors are associated with antiretroviral nonadherence. AIDS Care, 24(12), 1504-1513. PMID: 22530794  PMCID: PMC3466384  
Holzinger ER, Hulgan T, Ellis RJ, Samuels DC, Ritchie MD, Haas DW, Kallianpur AR, Bloss CS, Clifford DB, Collier AC, Gelman BB, Marra CM, McArthur JC, McCutchan JA, Morgello S, Simpson DM, Franklin DR, Rosario D, Selph D, Letendre S, Grant I.  (2012). Mitochondrial DNA variation and HIV-associated sensory neuropathy in CHARTER. Journal of Neurovirology, 18(6), 511-520. PMID: 23073667  PMCID: PMC3587171  
Weber E, Blackstone K, Iudicello JE, Morgan EE, Grant I, Moore DJ, Woods SP, and the TMARC Group.  (2012). Neurocognitive deficits are associated with unemployment in chronic methamphetamine users. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 125(1-2), 146-153. PMID: 22560676  PMCID: PMC3735422  
 Spies G, Fennema-Notestine C, Archibald SL, Cherner M, Seedat S.  (2012). Neurocognitive deficits in HIV-infected women and victims of childhood trauma. AIDS Care, 24(9), 1126-1135. PMID: 22672200  
Cattie JE, Doyle K, Weber E, Grant I, Woods SP, and the HNRP Group.  (2012). Planning deficits in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders: Component processes, cognitive correlates, and implications for everyday functioning. Journal of Clinical And Experimental Neuropsychology, 34(9), 380-386. PMID: 22731608  PMCID: PMC3460068  
Pottiez G, Jagadish T, Yu F, Letendre S, Ellis R, Duarte NA, Grant I, Gendelman H, Fox HS, Ciborowski P.  (2012). Plasma proteomic profiling in HIV-1 infected methamphetamine abusers. PLOS One, 7(2), e31031. PMID: 22359561  PMCID: PMC3281056  
Crum-Cianflone NF, Roediger MP, Moore DJ, Hale B, Weintrob A, Ganesan A, Eberly LE, Johnson E, Agan BK, Letendre S.  (2012). Prevalence and factors associated with sleep disturbances among early-treated HIV-infected persons. Clinical Infectious Diseases : An Official Publication of The Infectious Diseases Society of America, 54(10), 1485-1494. PMID: 22431801  
Patton DE, Woods SP, Franklin D, Cattie JE, Heaton RK, Collier AC, Marra C, Clifford D, Gelman B, McArthur J, Morgello S, Simpson D, McCutchan JA, Grant I.  (2012). Relationship of Medication Management Test-Revised (MMT-R) performance to neuropsychological functioning and antiretroviral adherence in adults with HIV. AIDS And Behavior, 16(8), 2286-2296. PMID: 22722882  PMCID: PMC3575112  
McCutchan JA, Marquie-Beck J, Fitzsimons C, Letendre SL, Ellis RJ, Heaton RK, Wolfson T, Rosario D, Alexander TJ, Marra C, Ances BM, Grant I, and the CHARTER Group.  (2012). Role of obesity, metabolic variables, and diabetes in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder. Neurology, 78(7), 485-492. PMID: 22330412  PMCID: PMC3280051  
Cobb SJ, Woods SP, Vigil O, Heaton RK, Grant I, Ellis RJ, Marcotte TD.  (2012). Script generation of activities of daily living in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 17(4), 740-745. PMID: 22882813  PMCID: PMC3419482  
Weber E, Woods SP, Kellog EJ, Grant I, Basso MR, and the HNRP Group.  (2012). Self-generation enhances verbal recall in individuals infected with HIV. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 18(1), 128-133. PMID: 22014146  PMCID: PMC326868  
Iudicello JE, Kellogg E, Weber E, Smith C, Grant I, Drane D, Woods SP, and the HNRP Group.  (2012). Semantic cueing improves category verbal fluency in persons living with HIV infection. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 24(2), 183-190. PMID: 22772666  PMCID: PMC3396423  
Hestad KA, Menon J A, Silalukey-Ngoma M, Franklin DR, Imasiku ML, Kalima K, Heaton RK.  (2012). Sex differences in neuropsychological performance as an effect of human immunodeficiency virus infection: A pilot study in Zambia, Africa. The Journal of Nervous And Mental Disease, 200(4), 336-342. PMID: 22456588  PMCID: PMC3886829  
Robinson-Papp J, Gelman BB, Grant I, Singer E, Gensler G, Morgello S, for the National NeuroAIDS Tissue Consortium.  (2012). Substance abuse increases the risk of neuropathy in an HIV-infected cohort. Muscle & Nerve, 45(4), 471-476. PMID: 22431078  PMCID: PMC331307  
Posada C, Moore DJ, Deutsch R, Rooney A, Gouaux B, Letendre S, Grant I, Atkinson JH, and the HNRP Group.  (2012). Sustained attention deficits among HIV-positive individuals with comorbid Bipolar Disorder. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 24(1), 61-70. PMID: 22450615  PMCID: PMC3575087  
Morgan EE, Iudicello JE, Weber E, Duarte NA, Riggs PK, Delano-Wood L, Ellis RJ, Grant I Woods SP, and the HNRP Group.  (2012). Synergistic effects of HIV infection and older age on daily functioning. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 61, 341-348. PMID: 22878422  PMCID: PMC3480962  
Schrier RD, Gupta S, Riggs P, Cysique LA, Letendre S, Jin H, Spector SA, Singh KK, Wolfson T, Wu Z, Hong KX, Yu X, Shi C, Heaton RK.  (2012). The influence of HLA on HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment in Anhui, China. PloS One, 7(5), e32303. PMID: 22693541  PMCID: PMC3365058  
Gelman BB, Chen T, Lisinicchia JG, Soukup VM, Carmical JR, Starkey JM, Masliah E, Commins DL, Brandt D, Grant I, Singer EJ, Levine AJ, Miller J, Winkler JM, Fox HS, Luxon BA.  (2012). The National NeuroAIDS Tissue Consortium Brain Gene Array: Two types of HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment. PloS One, 7(9), e46178. PMID: 23049970  PMCID: PMC3458860  
Zogg JB, Woods SP, Sauceda JA, Wiebe JS, Simoni JM.  (2012). The role of prospective memory in medication adherence: a review of an emerging literature. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 35(1), 47-62. PMID: 21487722  PMCID: PMC3574793  
 Blackstone K, Moore DJ, Woods SP.  (2012). The role of secondary factors in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. P.A. Arnett (Eds.), Secondary influences on neuropsychological test performance. Oxford University Press: New York.
Croteau D, Letendre S, Best BM, Rossi SS, Ellis RJ, Clifford DB, Collier AC, Gelman BB, Marra CM, McArthur J, McCutchan JA, Morgello S, Simpson DM, Way L, Capparelli E, Grant I; and the CHARTER Group.  (2012). Therapeutic amprenavir concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 56(4), 1985-89. PMID: 22290964  PMCID: PMC3318381  
Morgan EE, Woods SP, Poquette AJ, Vigil O, Heaton RK, Grant I, and the TMARC Group.  (2012). Visual memory in methamphetamine dependent individuals: Deficient strategic control of encoding and retrieval. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 46(2), 141-152. PMID: 22311530  PMCID: PMC3278859  
Duarte N, Woods SP, Rooney A, Grant I, Atkinson JA, and the TMARC Group.  (2012). Working memory deficits affect risky decision-making in methamphetamine users with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 46, 492-499. PMID: 22305489  PMCID: PMC330787  
Scott JC, Woods SP, Vigil O, Heaton RK, Schweinsburg BC, Ellis RJ, Grant I, Marcotte TD, and the HNRC Group.  (2011). A neuropsychological investigation of multitasking in HIV infection: Implications for everyday functioning. Neuropsychology, 25, 511-519. PMID: 21401259  PMCID: PMC3125422  
 Soontornniyomkij V, Achim CL.  (2011). Aging. In Gendelman HE, Grant I, Everall IP, Fox HS, Gelbard HA, Lipton SA, and Swindells S (Eds.), The Neurology of AIDS, 3rd edition. , (pp. 567-580). New York: Oxford University Press.
Weber E, Woods SP, Delano-Wood L, Bondi MW, Gilbert PE, Grant I, and the HNRP Group.  (2011). An examination of the age-prospective memory paradox in HIV-infected adults. Journal of Clinical And Experimental Neuropsychology, 33(10), 1108-1118. PMID: 21992453  PMCID: PMC3327134  
Zogg J, Woods SP, Weber E, Doyle K, Grant I, and the HNRP Group.  (2011). Are time- and event-based prospective memory comparably affected in HIV infection? Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 26, 250-259. PMID: 21459901  PMCID: PMC3081684  
Bousman CA, Salgado H, Hendrix T, Fraga M, Cherner M.  (2011). Assessing neuropsychological performance in a migrant farm working colonia in Baja California, Mexico: A feasibility study. Journal of Immigrant And Minority Health / Center for Minority Public Health, 13(4), 742-747. PMID: 21264515  PMCID: PMC3132389  
Zhou D, Masliah E, Spector SA.  (2011). Autophagy is increased in postmortem brains of persons with HIV-1-associated encephalitis. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 203(11), 1647-57. PMID: 21592995  PMCID: PMC3096793  
Ellis RJ, Badiee J, Vaida F, Letendre S, Heaton RK, Clifford D, Collier AC, Gelman B, McArthur J, Morgello S, McCutchan JA, Grant I, and the CHARTER Group.  (2011). CD4 nadir is a predictor of HIV neurocognitive impairment in the era of combination antiretroviral therapy. AIDS (London, England), 25(14), 1747-1751. PMID: 21750419  PMCID: PMC3867631  
Letendre S.  (2011). Central nervous system complications in HIV disease: HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder. Topics in Antiviral Medicine, 19(4), 137-42. PMID: 22156215  
Letendre SL, Zheng JC, Kaul M, Yiannoutsos CT, Ellis RJ, Taylor MJ, Marquie-Beck J, Navia B, for the HIV Neuroimaging Consortium.  (2011). Chemokines in cerebrospinal fluid correlate with cerebral metabolite patterns in HIV-infected individuals. Journal of NeuroVirology, 17(1), 63-69. PMID: 21246320  PMCID: PMC3032187  
Jernigan TL, Archibald SL, Fennema-Notestine C, Taylor MJ, Theilmann RJ, Julaton MD, Notestine RJ, Wolfson T, Letendre SL, Ellis RJ, Heaton RK, Gamst AC, Franklin DR, Clifford DB, Collier AC, Gelman BB, Marra CM, McArthur JC, McCutchan JA, Morgello S, Simpson DM, Grant I, and the CHARTER Group.  (2011). Clinical factors related to brain structure in HIV: The CHARTER Study. Journal of NeuroVirology, 17, 248-257. PMID: 21544705  PMCID: PMC3702821  
Bharti AR, Letendre SL, Wolfson T, Clifford D, Collier AC, Gelman B, McArthur J, Marra C, McCutchan A, Morgello S, Simpson D, Ellis RJ, Grant I, for the CHARTER Group.  (2011). Clinical variables identify seronegative HCV co-infection in HIV-infected individuals. Journal of Clinical Virology, 52(4), 328-32. PMID: 21924674  PMCID: PMC3217127  
Norman MA, Moore DJ, Taylor M, Franklin D, Cysique L, Ake C, Lazarretto D, Vaida F, Heaton RK, and the HNRC Group.  (2011). Demographically corrected norms for African Americans and caucasians on the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised, Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised, Stroop Color and Word Test, and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test 64-Card Version. Journal of Clinical And Experimental Neuropsychology, 33(7), 793-804. PMID: 21547817  PMCID: PMC3154384  
Gupta S, Bousman CA, Chana G, Cherner M, Heaton RK, Deutsch R, Ellis RJ, Grant I, Everall IP.  (2011). Dopamine receptor D3 genetic polymorphism (rs6280TC) is associated with rates of cognitive impairment in methamphetamine-dependent men with HIV: preliminary findings. Journal of NeuroVirology, 17(3), 239-247. PMID: 21491142  PMCID: PMC3151555  
Best B, Koopmans P, Letendre S, Capparelli E, Rossi S, Clifford D, Collier A, Gelman B, Mbeo G, McCutchan J, Simpson D, Haubrich R, Ellis R, Grant I, and the CHARTER Group.  (2011). Efavirenz concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid exceed wild-type HIV IC50. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 66, 354-357. PMID: 21098541  PMCID: PMC3019085  
Henry BL, Minassian A, van Rhenen M, Young JW, Geyer MA, Perry W, and the TMARC Group.  (2011). Effect of Methamphetamine dependence on inhibitory deficits in a novel human open-field paradigm. Psychopharmacology, 215(4), 697-707. PMID: 21279333  PMCID: PMC3102201  
Lin K, Taylor MJ, Heaton RK, Franklin D, Jernigan TL, Fennema-Notestine C, McCutchan A, Atkinson JH, McArthur J, Morgello Simpson D, Collier A, Marra C, Gelman B, Clifford D, Grant I, and the CHARTER Group.  (2011). Effects of traumatic brain injury on cognitive functioning and cerebral metabolites in HIV infected individuals. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 33, 326-334. PMID: 21229435  PMCID: PMC3062232  
Tate DF, Sampat M, Harezlak J, Fiecas M, Hogan J, Dewey J, McCaffrey D, Branson D, Russell T, Conley J, Taylor M, Schifitto G, Zhong J, Daar ES, Alger J, Brown M, Singer E, Campbell T, McMahon D, Tso Y, Matesan J, Letendre S, Paulose S, Gaugh Michelle, Tripoli C, Yiannoutsos C, Bigler ED, Cohen RA, Guttmann CR, Navia B.  (2011). Erratum to: Regional areas and widths of the midsagittal corpus callosum among HIV-infected patients on stable antiretroviral therapies. Journal of NeuroVirology, 17(4), 380-381. PMID: 21556960  
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Singh KK, Nathamu S, Adame A, Alire TU, Dumaop W, Gouaux B, Moore DJ, Masliah E, and the HNRC Group.  (2011). Expression of Mannose Binding Lectin in HIV-1-infected brain: Implications for HIV-related neuronal damage and neuroAIDS. Neurobehavioral HIV Medicine, 3, 41-52. PMID: 21852898  PMCID: PMC3156486  
Moore DJ, Arce M, Moseley S, McCutchan JA, Marquie-Beck J, Franklin DR, Vaida F, Achim C, McArthur J, Morgello S, Simpson DM, Gelman BB, Collier AC, Marra CM, Clifford DB, Heaton RK, Grant I, the CHARTER Group and the HNRC Group.  (2011). Family history of dementia predicts worse neuropsychological functioning among HIV infected persons. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 23(3), 316-323. PMID: 21948893  PMCID: PMC3279193  
Ances BM, Vaida F, Cherner M, Yeh MJ, Liang CL, Gardner C, Grant I, Ellis RJ, Buxton RB, and the HNRC Group.  (2011). HIV and chronic methamphetamine dependence affect cerebral blood flow. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, 6(3), 409-19. PMID: 21431471  PMCID: PMC325131  
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Heaton RK, Franklin DR, Ellis RJ, McCutchan JA, Letendre SL, Leblanc S, Corkran SH, Duarte NA, Clifford DB, Woods SP, Collier AC, Marra CM, Morgello S, Mindt M, Taylor MJ, Marcotte TD, Atkinson JH, Wolfson T, Gelman BB, McArthur JC, Simpson DM, Abramson I, Gamst A, Fennema-Notestine C, Jernigan TL, Wong J, Grant I, the CHARTER Group, and the HNRC Group.  (2011). HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders before and during the era of combination antiretroviral therapy: Differences in rates, nature, and predictors. Journal of NeuroVirology, 17(1), 3-16. PMID: 21174240  PMCID: PMC3032197  
Banerjee S, McCutchan JA, Ances BM, Deutsch R, Riggs PK, Way L, Ellis RJ.  (2011). Hypertriglyceridemia in combination antiretroviral-treated HIV-positive individuals: Potential impact on HIV sensory polyneuropathy. AIDS (London, England), 25(2), F1-6. PMID: 21150557  PMCID: PMC3729045  
Troeman ZC, Spies G, Cherner M, Archibald SL, Fennema-Notestine C, Theilmann RJ, Spottiswoode B, Stein DJ, Seedat S.  (2011). Impact of childhood trauma on functionality and quality of life in HIV-infected women. Health And Quality of Life Outcomes, 30(9), 84. PMID: 21958030  PMCID: PMC3198878  
de Almeida SM, Shumaker SD, Leblanc SK, Delaney P, Marquie-Beck J, Ueland S, Alexander T, Ellis RJ.  (2011). Incidence of post-dural puncture headache in research volunteers. Headache, 51(10), 1503-1510. PMID: 21797856  PMCID: PMC3217171  
Patrick C, Crews L, Desplats P, Dumaop W, Rockenstein E, Achim CL, Everall IP, Masliah E.  (2011). Increased CDK5 expression in HIV encephalitis contributes to neurodegeneration via tau phosphorylation and is reversed with roscovitine. The American Journal of Pathology, 178(4), 1646-61. PMID: 21435449  PMCID: PMC3078446  
Morgan EE, Woods SP, Delano-Wood L, Bondi MW, Grant I, and the HNRP Group.  (2011). Intraindividual variability in HIV infection: Evidence for greater neurocognitive dispersion in older HIV seropositive adults. Neuropsychology, 25(5), 645-54. PMID: 21574712  PMCID: PMC3158302  
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Iudicello JE, Weber E, Dawson M, Grant I, Weinborn M, Woods SP, and the HNRC Group.  (2011). Misremembering future intentions in methamphetamine dependent individuals. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 25, 269-286. PMID: 21331980  PMCID: PMC3264429  
Scott JC, Woods SP, Carey CL, Weber E, Bondi MW, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2011). Neurocognitive consequences of HIV infection in older adults: An evaluation of the "cortical" hypothesis. AIDS and Behavior, 15(6), 1187-1196. PMID: 20865313  PMCID: PMC3110599  
Moore DJ, Letendre SL, Morris S, Umlauf A, Deutsch R, Smith DM, Little S, Rooney A, Franklin DR, Gouaux B, Leblanc S, Rosario D, Fennema-Notestine C, Heaton RK, Ellis RJ, Atkinson JH, Grant I, and the CHARTER Group.  (2011). Neurocognitive functioning in acute or early HIV infection. Journal of NeuroVirology, 17(1), 50-57. PMID: 21165782  PMCID: PMC3032208  
Byrd DA, Fellows RP, Morgello S, Franklin D, Heaton RK, Deutsch R, Atkinson JA, Clifford DB, Collier AC, Marra C, Gelman B, McCutchan JA, Duarte NA, Simpson D, McArthur J, Grant I, and the CHARTER Group.  (2011). Neurocognitive impact of substance use in HIV infection. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 58(2), 154-162. PMID: 21725250  PMCID: PMC3183737  
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Gupta S, Vaida F, Riggs K, Jin H, Grant I, Cysique L, Shi C, Yu X, Wu Z, Heaton RK, and the HNRC Group.  (2011). Neuropsychological performance in mainland China: The effect of urban/rural residence and self-reported daily academic skill use. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 17(1), 163-173. PMID: 21083967  PMCID: PMC3963423  
Paulino AD, Ubhi K, Rockenstein E, Adame A, Crews L, Letendre S, Ellis R, Everall IP, Grant I, Masliah E.  (2011). Neurotoxic effects of the HCV core protein are mediated by sustained activation of ERK via TLR2 signaling. Journal of NeuroVirology, 17(4), 327-340. PMID: 21660601  PMCID: PMC3919659  
Cysique LA, Franklin, D, Abramson I, Ellis RJ, Letendre S, Collier A, Clifford D, Gelman B, McArthur J, Morgello S, Simpson D, McCutchan JA, Grant I, Heaton RK, the CHARTER Group, and the HNRC Group.  (2011). Normative data and validation of a regression based summary score for assessing meaningful neuropsychological change. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 33, 505-522. PMID: 21391011  PMCID: PMC3151558  
Valcour V, Sithinamsuwan P, Letendre S, Ances B.  (2011). Pathogenesis of HIV in the central nervous system. Current HIV/AIDS Reports, 8(1), 54-61. PMID: 21191673  PMCID: PMC3035797  
Harezlak J, Buchthal S, Taylor M, Schifitto G, Zhong J, Daar ES, Alger J, Singer E, Campbell T, Yiannoutsos C, Cohen R, Navia BA and the HIV Neuroimaging Consortium.  (2011). Persistence of HIV-associated cognitive impairment, inflammation and neuronal injury in the era of highly active antiretroviral treatment. AIDS, 25, 625-633. PMID: 21297425  
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Woods SP, Weber E, Weisz B, Twamley EW, Grant I, and the HNRP Group.  (2011). Prospective memory deficits are associated with unemployment in persons living with HIV infection. Rehabilitation Psychology, 56, 77-84. PMID: 21401289  PMCID: PMC3264430  
Atkinson JH, Jin H, Shi C, Yu X, Casey C, Franklin DR, Duarte NA, Vigil O, Cysique L, Wolfson T, Riggs PK, Gupta S, Marcotte TD, Grant I, Wu Z, Heaton RK, and the HNRC Group.  (2011). Psychiatric context of Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection among former plasma donors in rural China. Journal of Affective Disorders, 130, 421-428. PMID: 21094530  PMCID: PMC3307799  
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Scott JC, Woods SP, Vigil O, Heaton RK, Grant I, Ellis RJ, Marcotte TD, and the HNRP Group.  (2011). Script generation of activities of daily living in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 17, 740-745. PMID: 22882813  PMCID: PMC3419482  
Burdo TH, Lentz MR, Autissier P, Krishnan A, Halpern E, Letendre S, Rosenberg ES, Ellis RJ, Williams KC.  (2011). Soluble CD163 made by monocyte/macrophages is a novel marker of HIV activity in early and chronic infection prior to and after anti-retroviral therapy. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 204(1), 154-63. PMID: 21628670  PMCID: PMC3105035  
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Spector SA, Singh KK, Gupta S, Cysique LA, Jin H, Letendre S, Schrier R, Wu Z, Hong KX, Yu X, Shi C, Heaton RK, and the HNRC Group.  (2010). APOE ε4 and MBL-2 O/O genotypes are associated with neurocognitive impairment in HIV-infected plasma donors from Anhui Province, China. AIDS (London, England), 24(10), 1471-79. PMID: 20442634  PMCID: PMC3063510  
de Almeida SM, Bhatt A, Riggs PK, Durelle J, Lazzaretto D, Marquie-Beck J, McCutchan A, Letendre S, Ellis R.  (2010). Cerebrospinal fluid human immunodeficiency virus viral load in patients with neurosyphilis. Journal of NeuroVirology, 16(1), 6-12. PMID: 20132081  PMCID: PMC3076453  
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Cherner M, Bousman C, Everall I, Barron D, Letendre S, Vaida F, Atkinson JH, Heaton R, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2010). Cytochrome P450-2D6 extensive metabolizers are more vulnerable to methamphetamine-associated neurocognitive impairment: Preliminary findings. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 16(5), 890-901. PMID: 20727252  PMCID: PMC3543816  
Dawes SE, Suarez P, Vaida F, Marcotte TD, Atkinson JH, Grant I, Heaton R, Cherner M, and the HNRC Group.  (2010). Demographic influences and suggested cut-scores for the Beck Depression Inventory in a non-clinical Spanish speaking population from the US-Mexico border region. International Journal of Culture and Mental Health, 3(1), 34-42. PMCID: PMC3889073  
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Woods S, Iudicello J, Dawson M, Weber E, Grant I, Letendre S, and the HNRC Group.  (2010). HIV-associated deficits in action (verb) generation may reflect astrocytosis. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 32(5), 522-527. PMID: 19844819  PMCID: PMC2878376  
Heaton RK, Clifford DB, Franklin Jr DR, Woods SP, Ake C, Vaida F, Ellis RJ, Letendre SL, Marcotte TD, Atkinson JH, Rivera-Mindt M, Vigil OR, Taylor MJ, Collier AC, Marra CM, Gelman BB, McArthur JC, Morgello S, Simpson DM, McCutchan JA, Abramson I, Gamst A, Fennema-Notestine C, Jernigan TL, Wong J, Grant I, and the CHARTER Group.  (2010). HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders persist in the era of potent antiretroviral therapy: CHARTER Study. Neurology, 75(23), 2087-2096. PMID: 21135382  PMCID: PMC2995535  
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Posada C, Moore DJ, Woods SP, Vigil O, Ake C, Perry W, Hassanein TI, Letendre SL, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2010). Implications of hepatitis C virus infection for behavioral symptoms and activities of daily living. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 32(6), 637-644. PMID: 20603743  PMCID: PMC2898888  
Cysique LA, Letendre SL, Ake C, Jin H, Franklin DR, Gupta S, Shi C, Yu X, Wu Z, Abramson IS, Grant I, Heaton RK, and the HNRC Group.  (2010). Incidence and nature of cognitive decline over 1 year among HIV-infected former plasma donors in China. AIDS (London, England), 24(7), 983-990. PMID: 20299964  PMCID: PMC2898923  
Gupta S, Woods SP, Weber E, Dawson M, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2010). Is prospective memory a dissociable cognitive function in HIV infection? Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 32(8), 898-908. PMID: 20425662  PMCID: PMC2912973  
Iudicello JE, Woods SP, Vigil O, Cobb SJ, Cherner M, Heaton RK, Atkinson JH, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2010). Longer term improvement in neurocognitive functioning and affective distress among methamphetamine users who achieve stable abstinence. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 32(7), 704-718. PMID: 20198527  PMCID: PMC2911490  
Weber E, Woods SP, Cameron MV, Gibson S, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2010). Mental rotation of hands in HIV infection: Neuropsychological evidence of dysfunction in fronto-striato-parietal networks. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 22(1), 115-122. PMID: 20160219  PMCID: PMC2945904  
Cherner M, Suarez P, Casey C, Deiss R, Letendre S, Marcotte T, Vaida F, Atkinson JH, Grant I, Heaton RK, and the HNRC Group.  (2010). Methamphetamine use parameters do not predict neuropsychological impairment in currently abstinent dependent adults. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 106, 154-163. PMID: 19815352  PMCID: PMC2814900  
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Bousman CA, Glatt SJ, Cherner M, Atkinson JH, Grant I, Tsuang MT, Everall IP, and the HNRC Group.  (2010). Preliminary evidence of ethnic divergence in associations of putative genetic variants for methamphetamine dependence. Psychiatry Research, 178(2), 295-298. PMID: 20478633  PMCID: PMC2902702  
Bousman CA, Cherner M, Emory KT, Barron D, Grebenstein P, Atkinson JH, Heaton RK, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2010). Preliminary evidence of motor impairment among polysubstance 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine users with intact neuropsychological functioning. Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 16(6), 1047-1055. PMID: 20735886  PMCID: PMC3737074  
Woods SP, Weber E, Cameron M, Dawson MS, Delano-Wood L, Bondi MW, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2010). Spontaneous strategy use protects against visual working memory deficits in older adults infected with HIV. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 25, 724-733. PMID: 20876195  PMCID: PMC2979348  
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Everall I, Vaida F, Khanlou N, Lazzaretto D, Achim C, Letendre SL, Moore D, Ellis R, Cherner M, Gelman B, Morgello S, Singer E, Grant I, Masliah E, and the National NeuroAIDS Tissue Consortium.  (2009). Cliniconeuropathologic correlates of human immunodeficiency virus in the era of antiretroviral therapy. Journal of NeuroVirology, 15(5-6), 360-370. PMID: 20175693  PMCID: PMC3078805  
Woods SP, Moore DJ, Weber E, Grant I.  (2009). Cognitive neuropsychology of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. Neuropsychology Review, 19(2), 152-168. PMID: 19462243  PMCID: PMC2690857  
Harrington PR, Schnell G, Letendre SL, Ritola K, Robertson K, Hall C, Burch CL, Jabara CB, Moore DT, Ellis RJ, Price RW, Swanstrom R.  (2009). Cross-sectional characterization of HIV-1 Env compartmentalization in cerebrospinal fluid over the full disease course. AIDS (London, England), 23(8), 907-15. PMID: 19414991  PMCID: PMC3089803  
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Mehta SR, Macgruder C, Looney D, Johns S, Smith DM.  (2009). Differences in tuberculin reactivity: an experience from a VA employee health screening program. Clin Vaccine Immunol, 16(4), 541-543. PMID: 19225075  PMCID: PMC2668276  
Tatro ET, Everall IP, Masliah E, Hult BJ, Lucero G, Chana G, Soontornniyomkij V, Achim CL, and the HNRC.  (2009). Differential expression of immunophilins FKBP51 and FKBP52 in the frontal cortex of HIV-infected patients with Major Depressive Disorder. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology : The Official Journal of The Society On NeuroImmune Pharmacology, 4(2), 218-226. PMID: 19199039  PMCID: PMC2929573  
Cysique L, Vaida F, Letendre S, Gibson S, Cherner M, Woods S, McCutchan J, Heaton R, Ellis R.  (2009). Dynamics of cognitive change in impaired HIV+ individuals initiating antiretroviral therapy. Neurology, 73(5), 342-348. PMID: 19474412  PMCID: PMC2725933  
Vaida F, Liu L.  (2009). Fast implementation for normal mixed effects models for censored data. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 18, 797-817. 
Nguyen TB, Lucero GR, Chana G, Hult BJ, Tatro ET, Masliah E, Grant I, Achim CL, Everall IP, and the HNRC Group.  (2009). Glycogen synthase kinase-3beta (GSK-3beta) inhibitors AR-A014418 and B6B3O prevent human immunodeficiency virus-mediated neurotoxicity in primary human neurons. Journal of NeuroVirology, 15(5-6), 434-438. PMID: 19688630  PMCID: PMC3065998  
Ellis RJ, Calero P, Stockin MD.  (2009). HIV infection and the central nervous system: a primer. Neuropsychology Review, 19(2), 144-151. PMID: 19415500  PMCID: PMC2690832  
Morgan EE, Woods SP, Weber E, Dawson MS, Carey CL, Moran LM, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2009). HIV-associated episodic memory impairment: evidence of a possible differential deficit in source memory for complex visual stimuli. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 21(2), 189-198. PMID: 19622690  PMCID: PMC2774938  
Marra CM, Zhao Y, Clifford DB, Letendre S, Evans S, Henry K, Ellis RJ, Rodriguez B, Coombs RW, Schifitto G, McArthur JC, Robertson K, and the AIDS Clinical Trials Group 736 Study Team.  (2009). Impact of combination antiretroviral therapy on cerebrospinal fluid HIV RNA and neurocognitive performance. AIDS (London, England), 23(11), 1359-1366. PMID: 19424052  PMCID: PMC2706549  
Achim CL, Adame A, Dumaop W, Everall IP, Masliah E, and the HNRC Group.  (2009). Increased accumulation of intraneuronal amyloid beta in HIV-infected patients. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology : The Official Journal of The Society On NeuroImmune Pharmacology, 4(2), 190-199. PMID: 19288297  PMCID: PMC3055557  
Khanlou N, Moore DJ, Chana G, Cherner M, Lazzaretto D, Dawes S, Grant I, Masliah E, Everall I, and the HNRC Group.  (2009). Increased frequency of Alpha-synuclein in the substantia nigra in Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection. Journal of NeuroVirology, 15(2), 131-138. PMID: 19115126  PMCID: PMC3979854  
Bharti AR, Letendre SL, Patra KP, Vinetz JM, Smith DM.  (2009). Malaria diagnosis by a polymerase chain reaction-based assay using a pooling strategy. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine And Hygiene, 81(5), 754-757. PMID: 19861605  PMCID: PMC2770880  
McCutchan JA.  (2009). Management of HIV in resource limited settings. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases, 22(5), 464-70. PMID: 19730283  
Crews L, Patrick C, Achim CL, Everall IP, Masliah E.  (2009). Molecular pathology of neuro-AIDS (CNS-HIV). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 10(3), 1045-63. PMID: 19399237  PMCID: PMC2672018  
Bousman CA, Cherner M, Ake C, Letendre S, Atkinson JH, Patterson TL, Grant I, Everall IP, and the HNRC Group.  (2009). Negative mood and sexual behavior among non-monogamous men who have sex with men in the context of methamphetamine and HIV. Journal of Affective Disorders, 119, 84-91. PMID: 19419773  PMCID: PMC3051049  
 Posada C, Morgan EE, Moore DJ, Woods SP, Letendre SL, Grant I and the HNRC Group.  (2009). Neurocognitive Effects of the Hepatitis C Virus. Current Hepatitis Reports Hepatitis C: Complex Clinical Issues, 8, 158-166. 
Letendre SL, Ellis RJ, Everall I, Ances B, Bharti A, McCutchan JA.  (2009). Neurologic complications of HIV disease and their treatment. Topics in HIV Medicine : a Publication of The International AIDS Society, USA, 17(2), 46-56. PMID: 19401607  PMCID: PMC3065886  
 Woods SP, Carey CL, Iudicello JE, Letendre SL, Fennema-Notestine C, Grant I.  (2009). Neuropsychological aspects of HIV infection. I Grant and KM Adams (Eds.), Neuropsychological Assessment of Neuropsychiatric & Neuromedical Disorders, Third Edition. , (pp. 366-397). New York: Oxford University Press.
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 Gonzalez R, Vassileva J, Scott JC.  (2009). Neuropsychological Consequences of Drug Abuse. I Grant and KM Adams (Eds.), Neuropsychological Assessment of Neuropsychiatric and Neuromedical Disorders, 3rd Edition. , (pp. 455-479). New York: Oxford University Press.
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 Marcotte TD, Scott JC.  (2009). Neuropsychological performance and the assessment of driving behavior. Neuropsychological Assessment of Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Third Edition, I. Grant & K. Adams, (Eds.), (pp. 652-687). Oxford University Press.
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Manosuthi W, Butler DM, Perez-Santiago J, Poon A, Pillai SK, Mehta SR, Pacold ME, Richman DD, Pond SK, Smith DM.  (2009). Protease polymorphisms in HIV-1 subtype CRF01_AE represent selection by antiretroviral therapy and host immune pressure. AIDS (London, England), 24(3), 411-416. PMID: 20009919  PMCID: PMC2913588  
Deutsch R, Mindt MR, Xu R, Cherner M, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2009). Quantifying relative superiority among many binary-valued diagnostic tests in the presence of a gold standard. Journal of Data Science, 7, 161-177. 
Ances BM, Sisti D, Vaida F, Liang CL, Leontiev O, Perthen J, Buxton RB, Benson D, Smith D, Little S, Richman D, Moore DJ, Ellis RJ, and the HNRC Group.  (2009). Resting cerebral blood flow: A potential biomarker of the effects of HIV in the brain. Neurology, 73(9), 702-708. PMID: 19720977  PMCID: PMC2734291  
Mitha K, Yirsalign M, Cherner M, McCutchan A, Langford TD.  (2009). Risk perception and beliefs regarding HIV infection among Ethiopian immigrants. AIDS Education And Prevention : Official Publication of The International Society for AIDS Education, 21(5), 484-94. PMID: 19842831  NIHMSID: 432668  
Ances BM, Bhatt A, Vaida F, Rosario D, Alexander T, Marquie-Beck J, Ellis RJ, Letendre S, Grant I, McCutchan JA, and the HNRC Group.  (2009). Role of metabolic syndrome components in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-associated stroke. Journal of NeuroVirology, 15, 249-256. PMID: 19562611  PMCID: PMC2891579  
Hightower GK, Letendre SL, Cherner M, Gibson SA, Ellis RJ, Wolfson TJ, Gamst AC, Ignacio CC, Heaton RK, Grant I, Richman DD, Smith DM, and the HNRC Group.  (2009). Select resistance-associated mutations in blood are associated with lower CSF viral loads and better neuropsychological performance. Virology, 394(2), 243-248. PMID: 19762060  PMCID: PMC3046809  
Koopmans PP, Ellis R, Best BM, Letendre S.  (2009). Should antiretroviral therapy for HIV infection be tailored for intracerebral penetration. The Netherlands Journal of Medicine, 67(6), 206. PMID: 19749389  
Ellis RJ, Toperoff W, Vaida F, van den Brande G, Gonzales J, Gouaux B, Bentley H, Atkinson JH.  (2009). Smoked medicinal cannabis for neuropathic pain in HIV: a randomized, crossover clinical trial. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of The American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 34(3), 672-80. PMID: 18688212  PMCID: PMC3066045  
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Butler DM, Pacold ME, Jordan PS, Richman DD, Smith DM.  (2009). The efficiency of single genome amplification and sequencing is improved by quantitation and use of a bioinformatics tool. Journal of Virological Methods, 162(1-2), 280-283. PMID: 19698751  PMCID: PMC2761514  
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Woods SP, Dawson MS, Weber E, Gibson S, Grant I, Atkinson JH, and the HNRC Group.  (2009). Timing is everything: Antiretroviral nonadherence is associated with impairment in time-based prospective memory. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 15, 45-52. PMID: 19128527  PMCID: PMC2776623  
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Cachay ER, Moini N, Kosakovsky Pond SL, Pesano R, Lie YS, Aiem H, Butler DM, Letendre S, Mathews WC, Smith DM.  (2008). Active methamphetamine use is associated with transmitted drug resis-tance to non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors in individuals with HIV infection of unknown duration. The Open AIDS Journal, 1, 5-10. PMID: 18923691  PMCID: PMC2556194  
Letendre SL, McCutchan JA, Ellis RJ.  (2008). Better biomarkers are needed to improve the management of the neurologic complications of HIV infection. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 46(12), 1940-1941. 
Brew BJ, Letendre SL.  (2008). Biomarkers of HIV related central nervous system disease. International Review of Psychiatry (Abingdon, England), 20(1), 73-88. PMID: 18240064  
Mocchetti I, Bachis A, Masliah E.  (2008). Chemokine receptors and neurotrophic factors: potential therapy against AIDS dementia. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 86(2), 243-55. PMID: 17847079  
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Gonzalez R, Cherner M.  (2008). Co-factors in HIV neurobehavioural disturbances: substance abuse, Hepatitis C and aging. International Review of Psychiatry (Abingdon, England), 20(1), 49-60. PMID: 18240062  
Marcotte, TD.  (2008). Cognitive disorders in the era of combination HIV antiviral treatment. Focus, 23(3), 1-5. PMID: 19062781  
Childers ME, Woods SP, Letendre S, McCutchan JA, Rosario D, Grant I, Mindt MR, Ellis RJ, and the HNRC Group.  (2008). Cognitive functioning during highly active antiretroviral therapy interruption in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 infection. Journal of NeuroVirology, 14, 550-557. PMID: 19016380  
Iudicello J, Woods SP, Weber E, Dawson M, Scott JC, Carey C, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2008). Cognitive mechanisms of switching in HIV-associated category fluency deficits. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 30(7), 797-804. PMID: 18608694  PMCID: PMC2837758  
Liu L, May S, Richman DD, Hecht FM, Markowitz M, Daar ES, Routy JP, Margolick JB, Collier AC, Woelk CH, Little SJ, Smith DM.  (2008). Comparison of algorithms that interpret genotypic HIV-1 drug resistance to determine the prevalence of transmitted drug resistance. AIDS, 22(7), 835-839. PMID: 18427201  PMCID: PMC2716722  
Cherner M, Suarez P, Posada C, Fortuny LA, Marcotte T, Grant I, Heaton R, and the HNRC Group.  (2008). Equivalency of Spanish language versions of the Trail Making Test Part B including or excluding CH. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 22, 662-665. PMID: 17853122  PMCID: PMC3059802  
Kosakovsky Pond SL, Poon AF, Zarate S, Smith DM, Little SJ, Pillai SK, Ellis RJ, Wong JK, Leigh Brown AJ, Richman DD, Frost SD.  (2008). Estimating selection pressures on HIV-1 using phylogenetic likelihood models. Stat Med, 27(23), 4779-4789. PMID: 18381707  PMCID: PMC2634745  
Woods SP, Scott JC, Fields JA, Poquette A, Alexander I.  (2008). Executive dysfunction and neuropsychiatric symptoms predict lower health status in essential tremor. Cognitive And Behavioral Neurology : Official Journal of The Society for Behavioral And Cognitive Neurology, 21(1), 28-33. PMID: 18327020  
Butler DM, Smith DM, Cachay ER, Hightower GK, Nugent CT, Richman DD, Little SJ.  (2008). Herpes simplex virus 2 serostatus and viral loads of HIV-1 in blood and semen as risk factors for HIV transmission among men who have sex with men. AIDS, 22(13), 1667-1671. PMID: 18670228  PMCID: PMC2653089  
Cachay ER, Frost SD, Poon AF, Looney D, Rostami SM, Pacold ME, Richman DD, Little SJ, Smith DM.  (2008). Herpes simplex virus type 2 acquisition during recent HIV infection does not influence plasma HIV levels. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 47(5), 592-596. PMID: 18197122  PMCID: 2630881  
 Letendre S, McCutchan JA, Ellis RJ.  (2008). Highlights of the 15th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. Neurologic complications of HIV disease and their treatment. Topics in HIV Medicine, 16(1), 15-22. PMID: 18441379  
Woods SP, Iudicello JE, Moran LM, Carey CL, Dawson MS, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2008). HIV-associated prospective memory impairment increases risk of dependence in everyday functioning. Neuropsychology, 22(1), 110-117. PMID: 18211160  PMCID: PMC2249562  
Hung C, Gibson S, Letendre S, Lonergan J, Marquie-Beck J, Vaida F, Ellis R.  (2008). Impact of long-term treatment with neurotoxic dideoxynucleoside antiretrovirals: implications for clinical care in resource-limited settings. HIV Medicine, 9, 731-737. PMID: 18651859  PMCID: PMC3081246  
Vigil O, Posada C, Woods SP, Atkinson JH, Heaton RK, Perry W, Hassanein TI, Grant I, Letendre SL, and the HNRC Group.  (2008). Impairments in fine-motor coordination and speed of information processing predict declines in everyday functioning in Hepatitis C infection. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 30, 805-815. PMID: 18608687  PMCID: PMC2837785  
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Heaton RK, Cysique LA, Jin H, Shi C, Yu X, Letendre S, Franklin DR, Ake C, Vigil O, Atkinson JH, Marcotte TD, Grant I, Wu Z, and the HNRC Group.  (2008). Neurobehavioral effects of Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection among former plasma donors in rural China. [Published erratum appears in Journal of Neurovirology, 16(2), 185-188, 2010]. Journal of NeuroVirology, , 1-14. PMID: 18991068  PMCID: PMC2889205  
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Grant I.  (2008). Neurocognitive disturbances in HIV. International Review of Psychiatry, 20, 33-47. PMID: 18240061  
Letendre S, McCutchan JA, Ellis RJ.  (2008). Neurologic complications of HIV disease and their treatment. Topics in HIV Medicine : a Publication of The International AIDS Society, USA, 16(1), 15-22. PMID: 18441379  
Burdo TH, Ellis RJ, Fox HS.  (2008). Osteopontin is increased in HIV-Associated Dementia. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 198, 715-722. PMID: 18616394  PMCID: PMC2587027  
Morgan EE, Woods SP, Scott JC, Childers M, Marquie Beck J, Ellis RJ, Grant I, Heaton RK, and the HNRC Group.  (2008). Predictive validity of demographically-adjusted normative standards for the HIV Dementia Scale. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 30(1), 83-90. PMID: 17852582  PMCID: PMC3659773  
Chittiprol S, Kumar AM, Satishchandra P, Taranath SK, Bhimasena Rao RS, Subbakrishna DK, Philip M, Satish KS, Ravi KH, Kumar M.  (2008). Progressive dysregulation of autonomic and HPA axis functions in HIV-1 Clade C infection in South India. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 33(1), 30-40. PMID: 17993249  
Woods SP, Moran LM, Carey CL, Dawson MS, Iudicello JE, Gibson S, Grant I, Atkinson JH, and the HNRC Group.  (2008). Prospective memory in HIV infection: Is "remembering to remember" a unique predictor of self-reported medication management. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 23(3), 257-270. PMID: 18243645  PMCID: PMC2408931  
Woods SP, Moran LM, Dawson MS, Carey CL, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2008). Psychometric characteristics of the Memory for Intentions Screening Test. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 22(5), 864-878. PMID: 18756389  PMCID: PMC3057368  
 Moore DJ, Depp CA, Posada C, Parikh M, Bhatt A, Moseley S, Vigil O, Everall IP, Atkinson JH, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2008). Risk for cognitive impairment among HIV-infected persons with Bipolar Disorder. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 10(2), 256-260. 
Ances BM, Letendre SL, Alexander T, Ellis RJ.  (2008). Role of psychiatric medications as adjunct therapy in the treatment of HIV associated neurocognitive disorders. International Review of Psychiatry (Abingdon, England), 20, 89-93. PMID: 18240065  
Depp CA, Savla GN, Moore DJ, Palmer BW, Stricker JL, Lebowitz BD, Jeste DV.  (2008). Short-term course of neuropsychological abilities in middle-aged and older adults with Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar Disorders, 10(6), 684-90. PMID: 18837862  PMCID: PMC2575128  
Everall IP, Grant I.  (2008). Special issue dedicated to the topic of HIV. Introduction. International Review of Psychiatry, 20, 1. PMID: 18240057  
Au A, Cheng C, Chan I, Leung P, Li P, Heaton RK.  (2008). Subjective memory complaints, mood, and memory deficits among HIV/AIDS patients in Hong Kong. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 30, 338-348. PMID: 17852611  
Atkinson JH, Heaton RK, Patterson TL, Wolfson T, Deutsch R, Brown SJ, Summers J, Sciolla A, Gutierrez R, Ellis RJ, Abramson I, Hesselink JR, McCutchan JA, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2008). Two-year prospective study of major depressive disorder in HIV-infected men. Journal of Affective Disorders, 108, 225-234. PMID: 18045694  PMCID: PMC2494949  
Letendre S, Marquie-Beck J, Capparelli E, Best B, Clifford D, Collier AC, Gelman BB, McArthur JC, McCutchan JA, Morgello S, Simpson D, Grant I, Ellis RJ, and the CHARTER Group.  (2008). Validation of the CNS Penetration-Effectiveness rank for quantifying antiretroviral penetration into the central nervous system. Archives of Neurology, 65(1), 65-70. PMID: 18195140  PMCID: PMC2763187  
Dawes S, Suarez P, Casey CY, Cherner M, Marcotte TD, Letendre S, Grant I, Heaton RK, and the HNRC Group.  (2008). Variable patterns of neuropsychological performance in HIV-1 infection. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 30(6), 613-626. PMID: 18608689  PMCID: PMC3092709  
Cachay ER, Moini N, Kosakovsky Pond SL, Pesano R, Lie YS, Aiem H, Butler DM, Letendre S, Mathews WC, Smith DM.  (2007). Active methamphetamine use is associated with transmitted drug resistance to non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors in individuals with HIV infection of unknown duration. The Open AIDS Journal, 1, 5-10. PMID: 18923691  PMCID: PMC2556194  
Ellis RJ.  (2007). Clinical trials in HIV CNS disease and treatment management. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology : The Official Journal of The Society On NeuroImmune Pharmacology, 2(1), 20-5. PMID: 18040822  
Ances BM, Ellis RJ.  (2007). Dementia and neurocognitive disorders due to HIV-1 infection. Semin Neurol, 27(1), 86-92. PMID: 17226745  
Cherner M, Suarez P, Lazzaretto D, Fortuny LA, Mindt MR, Dawes S, Marcotte T, Grant I, Heaton R, and the HNRC Group.  (2007). Demographically corrected norms for the Brief Visual Spatial Memory Test-revised and Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-revised in monolingual Spanish speakers from the U.S.-Mexico border region. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists, 22(3), 343-53. PMID: 17293078  
Wallace M, Schulteis G, Atkinson JH, Wolfson T, Lazzaretto D, Bentley H, Gouaux B, Abramson I.  (2007). Dose-dependent effects of smoked cannabis on capsaicin-induced pain and hyperalgesia in healthy volunteers. Anesthesiology, 107(5), 785-96. PMID: 18073554  
Taylor MJ, Schweinsburg BC, Alhassoon OM, Gongvatana A, Brown GG, Young-Casey C, Letendre SL, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2007). Effects of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and methamphetamine on cerebral metabolites measured with magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Journal of NeuroVirology, 13(2), 150-9. PMID: 17505983  
Vaida F, Fitzgerald A, DeGruttola V.  (2007). Efficient hybrid EM for linear and nonlinear mixed effects models with censored data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51, 5718-5730. PMID: 19578533  PMCID: PMC2705201  
Kuczenski R, Everall IP, Crews L, Adame A, Grant I, Masliah E.  (2007). Escalating dose-multiple binge methamphetamine exposure results in degeneration of the neocortex and limbic system in the rat. Experimental Neurology, 207(1), 42-51. PMID: 17603040  PMCID: PMC2796472  
Ellis RJ.  (2007). Evidence-based treatment for HIV-associated dementia and cognitive impairment: why so little? PLoS Clinical Trials, 2(3), e15. PMID: 17401455  PMCID: PMC1845157  
Woods SP, Carey CL, Moran LM, Dawson MS, Letendre SL, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2007). Frequency and predictors of self-reported prospective memory complaints in individuals infected with HIV. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists, 22(2), 187-95. PMID: 17289343  PMCID: PMC1851919  
Podzamczer D, King MS, Klein CE, Flexner C, Katlama C, Havlir DV, Letendre SL, Eron JJ, Brun SC, Bernstein B.  (2007). High-dose Lopinavir/Ritonavir in highly treatment-experienced HIV-1 patients: efficacy, safety, and predictors of response. HIV Clinical Trials, 8(4), 193-204. PMID: 17720659  
Ellis R, Langford D, Masliah E.  (2007). HIV and antiretroviral therapy in the brain: neuronal injury and repair. Nat Rev Neurosci, 8(1), 33-44. PMID: 17180161  
Vitiello B, Goodkin K, Ashtana D, Shapshak P, Atkinson JH, Heseltine PN, Eaton E, Heaton R, Lyman WD.  (2007). HIV-1 RNA concentration and cognitive performance in a cohort of HIV-positive people. AIDS (London, England), 21(11), 1415-22. PMID: 17589187  
Cysique LA, Deutsch R, Atkinson JH, Young C, Marcotte TD, Dawson L, Grant I, Heaton RK, and the HNRC Group.  (2007). Incident major depression does not affect neuropsychological functioning in HIV-infected men. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 13(1), 1-11. PMID: 17166298  
Flynn PM, Rodman J, Lindsey JC, Robbins B, Capparelli E, Knapp KM, Rodriguez JF, McNamara J, Serchuck L, Heckman B, Martinez J, and the ACTG Team.  (2007). Intracellular pharmacokinetics of once versus twice daily Zidovudine and Lamivudine in adolescents. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 51(10), 3516-22. PMID: 17664328  PMCID: PMC2043291  
Vigil O, Woods SP, Moran LM, Letendre SL, Young-Casey C, Grant I, Atkinson JH, and the HNRC Group.  (2007). Is Hepatitis C infection associated with increased risk of depression in persons with methamphetamine dependence. The American Journal on Addictions, 16, 418-423. PMID: 17882614  
Smith DM, Wong JK, Shao H, Hightower GK, Mai SH, Moreno JM, Ignacio CC, Frost SD, Richman DD, Little SJ.  (2007). Long term persistence of transmitted HIV drug resistance in male genital tract secretions: implications for secondary transmission. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 196(3), 356-360. PMID: 17597449  
Huang JS, Letendre S, Marquie-Beck J, Cherner M, McCutchan JA, Grant I, Ellis R.  (2007). Low CSF Leptin levels are associated with worse learning and memory performance in HIV-infected men. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, 2(4), 352-358. PMID: 18040853  
Noviello CM, Pond SL, Lewis MJ, Richman DD, Pillai SK, Yang oo, Little SJ, Smith DM, Guatelli JC.  (2007). Maintenance of Nef-mediated modulation of major histocompatibility complex class I and CD4 after sexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus type I. Journal of Virology, 81(9), 4776-86. PMID: 17329339  PMCID: PMC1900175  
May S, Letendre S, Haubrich R, McCutchan JA, Heaton R, Capparelli E, Ellis R.  (2007). Meeting practical challenges of a trial involving a multitude of treatment regimens: an example of a multi-center randomized controlled clinical trial in NeuroAIDS. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology : The Official Journal of The Society On NeuroImmune Pharmacology, 2(1), 97-104. PMID: 18040832  
Schifitto G, Navia BA, Yiannoutsos CT, Marra CM, Chang L, Ernst T, Jarvik JG, Miller EN, Singer EJ, Ellis RJ, Kolson DL, Simpson D, Nath A, Berger J, Shriver SL, Millar LL, Colquhoun D, Lenkinski R, Gonzalez RG, Lipton SA, the Adult AIDS Clinical Trial Group, and the HIV MRS Cosortium.  (2007). Memantine and HIV-associated cognitive impairment: a neuropsychological and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study. AIDS (London, England), 21(14), 1877-86. PMID: 17721095  
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Cysique LA, Jin H, Franklin Jr DR, Morgan EE, Shi C, Yu X, Wu Z, Taylor MJ, Marcotte TD, Letendre S, Ake C, Grant I, Heaton RK, and the HNRC Group.  (2007). Neurobehavioral effects of HIV-1 infection in China and the United States: A pilot study. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 13, 781-790. PMID: 17697409  PMCID: PMC2857379  
 Dawes S, Grant I.  (2007). Neurocognitive assessment of persons with HIV disease. Handbook of Clinical Neurology / Edited By P.J. Vinken And G.W. Bruyn, 85, 93-121. PMID: 18808978  
Scott JC, Woods SP, Matt GE, Meyer RA, Heaton RK, Atkinson JH, Grant I.  (2007). Neurocognitive effects of methamphetamine: a critical review and meta-analysis. Neuropsychology Review, 17, 275-297. PMID: 17694436  
Cherner M, Cysique L, Heaton RK, Marcotte TD, Ellis RJ, Masliah E, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2007). Neuropathologic confirmation of definitional criteria for human immunodeficiency virus-associated neurocognitive disorders. Journal of NeuroVirology, 13(1), 23-28. PMID: 17454445  
Letendre S, Paulino AD, Rockenstein E, Adame A, Crews L, Cherner M, Heaton R, Ellis R, Everall IP, Grant I, Masliah E, and the HNRC Group.  (2007). Pathogenesis of hepatitis C virus coinfection in the brains of patients infected with HIV. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 196(3), 361-370. PMID: 17597450  
Woods SP, Weinborn M, Posada C, O'Grady J.  (2007). Preliminary evidence for impaired rapid verb generation in schizophrenia. Brain and Language, 102, 46-51. PMID: 17161455  PMCID: PMC2043124  
Paul RH, Yiannoutsos CT, Miller EN, Chang L, Marra CM, Schifitto G, Ernst T, Singer E, Richards T, Jarvik GJ, Price R, Meyerhoff DJ, Kolson D, Ellis RJ, Gonzalez G, Lenkinski RE, Cohen RA, Navia BA.  (2007). Proton MRS and neuropsychological correlates in AIDS Dementia Complex: evidence of subcortical specificity. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry And Clinical Neurosciences, 19(3), 283-92. PMID: 17827413  
Ghosh P, Vaida F.  (2007). Random changepoint modelling of HIV immunologic responses. Statistics in Medicine, 26, 2074-2087. PMID: 16969894  
Evans SR, Yeh T, Sacktor N, Clifford DB, Simpson D, Miller EN, Ellis RJ, Valcour V, Marra CM, Millar L, Schifitto G, the AIDS Clinical Trials Group, and the Neurologic AIDS Research Consortium.  (2007). Selegiline transdermal system (STS) for HIV-associated cognitive impairment: Open-label report of ACTG 5090. HIV Clinical Trials, 8(6), 437-46. PMID: 18042509  
Gongvatana A, Woods SP, Taylor MJ, Vigil O, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2007). Semantic clustering inefficiency in HIV-associated dementia. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 19(1), 36-42. PMID: 17308225  
Butler DM, Smith DM.  (2007). Serosorting can potentially increase HIV transmissions. AIDS, 21(9), 1218-1220. PMID: 17502737  
Wyles DL, Kaihara KA, Vaida F, Schooley RT.  (2007). Synergy of small molecular inhibitors of HCV replication directed at multiple viral targets. Journal of Virology, 81, 3005-3008. PMID: 17182685  PMCID: PMC1865997  
Sadek JR, Vigil O, Grant I, Heaton RK, and the HNRC Group.  (2007). The impact of neuropsychological functioning and depressed mood on functional complaints in HIV-1 infection and methamphetamine dependence. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology : official journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 29(3), 266-76. PMID: 17454347  
Letendre S, Marquie-Beck J, Ellis RJ, Woods SP, Best B, Clifford DB, Collier AC, Gelman BB, Marra C, McArthur JC, McCutchan JA, Morgello S, Simpson D, Alexander TJ, Durelle J, Heaton R, Grant I, and the CHARTER Group.  (2007). The role of cohort studies in drug development: clinical evidence of antiviral activity of serotonin reuptake inhibitors and HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors in the central nervous system. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, 2, 120-127. PMID: 18040835  
Salaria S, Badkoobehi H, Rockenstein E, Crews L, Chana G, Masliah E, Everall IP, and the HNRC Group.  (2007). Toll-like receptor pathway gene expression is associated with Human Immunodeficiency Virus-associated neurodegeneration. Journal of NeuroVirology, 13, 496-503. PMID: 18097881  
Antinori A, Arendt G, Becker JT, Brew BJ, Byrd DA, Cherner M, Clifford DB, Cinque P, Epstein LG, Goodkin K, Gisslen M, Grant I, Heaton RK, Joseph J, Marder K, Marra CM, McArthur JC, Nunn M, Price RW, Pulliam L, Robertson KR, Sacktor N, Valcour V, Wojna VE.  (2007). Updated research nosology for HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. Neurology, 69(18), 1789-1799. PMID: 17914061  
Iudicello JE, Woods SP, Parsons TD, Moran LM, Carey CL, Grant I.  (2007). Verbal fluency in HIV infection: a meta-analytic review. J Int Neuropsychol Soc, 13(1), 183-9. PMID: 17166318  
Woods SP, Childers M, Ellis RJ, Guaman S, Grant I, Heaton RK, and the HNRC Group.  (2006). A battery approach for measuring neuropsychological change. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 21(1), 83-9. PMID: 16169705  
Woods SP, Morgan EE, Dawson M, Scott CJ, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2006). Action (verb) fluency predicts dependence in instrumental activities of daily living in persons infected with HIV-1. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 28(6), 1030-42. PMID: 16822741  
Carey CL, Woods SP, Rippeth JD, Gonzalez R, Heaton RK, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2006). Additive deleterious effects of methamphetamine dependence and immunosuppression on neuropsychological functioning in HIV infection. AIDS and Behavior, 10(2), 185-190. PMID: 16477511  
Gonzalez R, Miller SW, Carey CL, Woods SP, Rippeth JD, Schweinsburg BC, Norman MA, Martin EM, Heaton RK.  (2006). Association between dyads and correct responses on the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task (PASAT). Assessment, 13(4), 381-4. PMID: 17050907  
Rossi S, Yaksh T, Bentley H, van den Brande G, Grant I, Ellis R.  (2006). Characterization of interference with 6 commercial Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol immunoassays by Efavirenz (glucuronide) in urine. Clinical Chemistry, 52, 896-7. PMID: 16638958  
Chana G, Everall IP, Crews L, Langford D, Adame A, Grant I, Cherner M, Lazzaretto D, Heaton R, Ellis R, Masliah E, and the HNRC Group.  (2006). Cognitive deficits and degeneration of interneurons in HIV+ methamphetamine users. Neurology, 67(8), 1486-9. PMID: 17060582  
Moore DJ, Masliah E, Rippeth JD, Gonzalez R, Carey CL, Cherner M, Ellis RJ, Achim CL, Marcotte TD, Heaton RK, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2006). Cortical and subcortical neurodegeneration is associated with HIV neurocognitive impairment. AIDS (London, England), 20(6), 879-87. PMID: 16549972  
Woods SP, Twamley EW, Dawson MS, Narvaez JM, Jeste DV.  (2006). Deficits in cue detection and intention retrieval underlie prospective memory impairment in Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 90(1-3), 344-50. PMID: 17175138  PMCID: PMC1851918  
Gonzalez R, Grant I, Miller SW, Taylor MJ, Schweinsburg BC, Carey CL, Woods SP, Norman MA, Rippeth JD, Martin EM, Heaton RK.  (2006). Demographically adjusted normative standards for new indices of performance on the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task (PASAT). The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 20(3), 396-413. PMID: 16895855  
Jin H, Atkinson HJ, Yu X, Heaton RK, Shi C, Marcotte TP, Young C, Sadek J, Wu Z, Grant I, and the HNRC China Collaboration Group.  (2006). Depression and suicidality in HIV/AIDS in China. Journal of Affective Disorders, 94(1-3), 269-75. PMID: 16764941  
Everall IP, Salaria S, Atkinson JH, Young C, Corbeil J, Grant I, Masliah E, and the HNRC Group.  (2006). Diminished Somatostatin gene expression in individuals with HIV and Major Depressive Disorder. Neurology, 67(10), 1867-9. PMID: 17130427  
de Almeida SM, Letendre S, Ellis R.  (2006). Human Immunodeficiency Virus and the central nervous system. Braz J Infect Dis, 10(1), 41-50. PMID: 16767315  
Morgello S, Holzer CE, Ryan E, Young C, Naseer M, Castellon SA, Frol AB, Atkinson JH, Gelman BB, Grant I, Singer EJ.  (2006). Interrater reliability of the Psychiatric Research Interview for Substance and Mental Disorders in an HIV-infected cohort: experience of the National NeuroAIDS Tissue Consortium. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 15(3), 131-8. PMID: 17019897  
Letendre S.L, Woods SP, Ellis RJ, Atkinson JH, Masliah E, van den Brande G, Durelle J, Grant I, Everall I, and the HNRC Group.  (2006). Lithium improves HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment. AIDS (London, England), 20(14), 1885-8. PMID: 16954730  
Woods SP, Morgan EE, Marquie-Beck J, Carey CL, Grant I, Letendre SL, and the HNRC Group.  (2006). Markers of macrophage activation and axonal injury are associated with prospective memory in HIV-1 disease. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology : official journal of the Society for Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology, 19(4), 217-21. PMID: 17159619  PMCID: PMC1939824  
Berman JW, Carson MJ, Chang L, Cox BM, Fox HS, Gonzalez RG, Hanson GR, Hauser KF, Ho W, Hong J, Major EO, Maragos WF, Masliah E, McArthur JC, Miller DB, Nath A, O'Callaghan JP, Persidsky Y, Power C, Rogers TJ, Royal W.  (2006). NeuroAIDS, drug abuse, and inflammation: building collaborative research activities. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology : The Official Journal of The Society On NeuroImmune Pharmacology, 1(4), 351-99. PMID: 18040811  
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Carey C, Woods SP, Rippeth JD, Heaton RK, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2006). Prospective memory in HIV-1 infection. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 28(4), 536-548. PMID: 16676475  PMCID: PMC1853378  
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Scott JC, Woods SP, Patterson KA, Morgan EE, Heaton RK, Grant I, Marcotte TD, and the HNRC Group.  (2006). Recency effects in HIV-associated dementia are characterized by deficient encoding. Neuropsychologia, 44, 1336-1343. PMID: 16504221  
Langford D, Marquie-Beck J, de Almeida S, Lazzaretto D, Letendre S, Grant I, McCutchan JA, Masliah E, Ellis RJ.  (2006). Relationship of antiretroviral treatment to postmortem brain tissue viral load in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-infected patients. Journal of NeuroVirology, 12(2), 100-7. PMID: 16798671  
de Almeida MS, Letendre S, Zimmerman J, Kolakowski S, Lazzaretto D, McCutchan JA, Ellis R.  (2006). Relationship of CSF Leukocytosis to compartmentalized changes in MCP-1/CCL2 in the CSF of HIV-infected patients undergoing interruption of antiretroviral therapy. J Neuroimmunol, 179(1-2), 180-5. PMID: 16901548  
Patterson K, Young C, Woods SP, Vigil O, Grant I, Atkinson JH, and the HNRC Group.  (2006). Screening for major depression in persons with HIV infection: the concurrent predictive validity of the Profile of Mood States Depression-Dejection Scale. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 15(2), 75-82. PMID: 19722288  
Deutsch R, Cherner M, Grant I.  (2006). Significance testing of a cluster of multivariate binary variables: comparison of the Tripartite T Index to three common similarity measures. Stat Methods Med Res, 15(3), 285-99. PMID: 16768301  
Ances BM, Letendre S, Buzzell M, Marquie-Beck J, Lazaretto D, Marcotte TD, Grant I, Ellis RJ, and the HNRC Group.  (2006). Valproic Acid does not affect markers of Human Immunodeficiency Virus disease progression. Journal of NeuroVirology, 12(5), 403-6. PMID: 17065134  
Cysique L, Maruff P, Brew B.  (2006). Valproic acid is associated with cognitive decline in HIV-infected individuals: a clinical observational study. BMC Neurology, 6, 42. PMID: 17150108  PMCID: PMC1702364  
Marcotte TD, Lazzaretto D, Scott JC, Roberts E, Woods SP, Letendre S, and the HNRC Group.  (2006). Visual attention deficits are associated with driving accidents in cognitively-impaired HIV-infected individuals. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology : official journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 28(1), 13-28. PMID: 16448973  
Twamley EW, Narvaez JM, Sadek JR, Jeste DV, Grant I, Heaton RK.  (2006). Work related abilities in Schizophrenia and HIV infection. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 194(4), 268-274. PMID: 16614548  
Woods SP, Scott JC, Sires DA, Grant I, Heaton RK, Troster AI, and the HNRC Group.  (2005). Action (verb) fluency: test-retest reliability, normative standards, and construct validity. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 11, 408-415. PMID: 16209421  
Woods SP, Carey CL, Troster AI, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2005). Action (verb) generation in HIV-1 infection. Neuropsychologia, 43(8), 1144-51. PMID: 15817172  
Schweinsburg BC, Taylor MJ, Alhassoon OM, Gonzalez R, Brown GG, Ellis RJ, Letendre S, Videen JS, McCutchan JA, Patterson TL, Grant I HNRC Group.  (2005). Brain mitochondrial injury in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-seropositive (HIV+) individuals taking nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. J Neurovirol, 11(4), 356-64. PMID: 16206458  
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Woods SP, Scott JC, Dawson MS, Morgan EE, Carey CL, Heaton RK, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2005). Construct validity of Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised component process measures in an HIV-1 sample. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists, 20(8), 1061-71. PMID: 16198529  
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Woods SP, Rippeth JD, Conover E, Gongvatana A, Gonzalez R, Carey CL, Cherner M, Heaton RK, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2005). Deficient strategic control of verbal encoding and retrieval in individuals with methamphetamine dependence. Neuropsychology, 19(1), 35-43. PMID: 15656761  
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Jernigan TL, Gamst AC, Archibald SL, Fennema-Notestine C, Mindt MR, Marcotte TD, Marcotte TL, Heaton RK, Ellis RJ, Grant I.  (2005). Effects of methamphetamine dependence and HIV infection on cerebral morphology. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 162(8), 1461-72. PMID: 16055767  
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Strain MC, Letendre S, Pillai SK, Russell T, Ignacio CC, Ganthard HF, Good B, Smith DM, Wolinsky SM, Furtado M, Marquie-Beck J, Durelle J, Grant I, Richman DD, Marcotte T, McCutchan JA, Ellis RJ, Wong JK.  (2005). Genetic composition of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 in cerebrospinal fluid and blood without treatment and during failing antiretroviral therapy. Journal of Virology, 79(3), 1772-88. PMID: 15650202  PMCID: PMC544082  
Cherner M, Letendre S, Heaton RK, Durelle J, Marquie-Beck J, Gragg B, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2005). Hepatitis C augments cognitive deficits associated with HIV infection and methamphetamine. Neurology, 64(8), 1343-7. PMID: 15851720  
Semple SJ, Zians J, Grant I, Patterson TL.  (2005). Impulsivity and methamphetamine use. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 29(2), 85-93. PMID: 16135337  
Fennema-Notestine C, Archibald SL, Jacobson MW, Corey-Bloom J, Paulsen JS, Peavy GM, Gamst AC, Hamilton JM, Salmon DP, Jernigan TL.  (2005). In vivo evidence of cerebellar atrophy and cerebral white matter loss in Huntington Disease. Neurology, 63(6), 989-95. PMID: 15452288  
Capparelli EV, Holland D, Okamoto C, Gragg B, Durelle J, Marquie-Beck J, van den Brande G, Ellis R, Letendre S, and the HNRC Group.  (2005). Lopinavir concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid exceed the 50% inhibitory concentration for HIV. AIDS (London, England), 19(9), 949-52. PMID: 15905676  
Everall I, Salaria S, Roberts E, Corbeil J, Sasik R, Fox H, Grant I, Masliah E, and the HNRC Group.  (2005). Methamphetamine stimulates interferon inducible genes in HIV infected brain. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 170(1-2), 158-171. PMID: 16249037  
Semple SJ, Patterson TL, Grant I.  (2005). Methamphetamine use and depressive symptoms among heterosexual men and women. Journal of Substance Use, 10(1), 31-47. 
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Semple SJ, Grant I, Patterson TL.  (2005). Negative self-perceptions and sexual risk behavior among heterosexual methamphetamine users. Subst Use Misuse, 40(12), 1797-810. PMID: 16419557  
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Masliah E, Roberts ES, Langford D, Everall I, Crews L, Adame A, Rockenstein E, Fox HS.  (2005). Patterns of gene dysregulation in the frontal cortex of patients with HIV encephalitis. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 157(1-2), 163-75. PMID: 15579294  
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Capparelli EV, Letendre SL, Ellis RJ, Patel P, Holland D, McCutchan JA.  (2005). Population pharmacokinetics of Abacavir in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 49(6), 2504-6. PMID: 15917556  PMCID: PMC1140502  
Lentz MR, Kim JP, Westmoreland SV, Greco JB, Fuller RA, Ratai EM, He J, Sehgal PK, Halpern EF, Lackner AA, Masliah E, Gonz.  (2005). Quantitative neuropathologic correlates of changes in ratio of N-acetylaspartate to Creatine in Macaque brain. Radiology, 235(2), 461-8. PMID: 15798152  
Langford D, Hurford R, Hashimoto M, Digicaylioglu M, Masliah E.  (2005). Signalling crosstalk in FGF2-mediated protection of endothelial cells from HIV-gp120. BMC Neuroscience [electronic resource], 6(1), 8. PMID: 15689238  PMCID: PMC549045  
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Moore DJ, Atkinson JH, Akiskal H, Gonzalez R, Wolfson T, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2005). Temperament and risky behaviors: a pathway to HIV. Journal of Affective Disorders, 85(1-2), 191-200. PMID: 15780689  
Woods SP, Scott JC, Conover E, Marcotte TD, Heaton RK, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2005). Test-retest reliability of component process variables within the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised. Assessment, 12(1), 96-100. PMID: 15695747  
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Letendre SL, Cherner M, Ellis RJ, Marquie-Beck J, Gragg B, Marcotte T, Heaton RK, McCutchan JA, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2005). The effects of Hepatitis C, HIV, and methamphetamine dependence on neuropsychological performance: biological correlates of disease. AIDS, 19(Suppl 3), S72-8. PMID: 16251831  
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Everall IP, Hansen LA, Masliah E.  (2005). The shifting patterns of HIV encephalitis neuropathology. Neurotoxicity Research, 8(1-2), 51-61. PMID: 16260385  
Semple SJ, Patterson TL, Grant I.  (2004). A comparison of injection and non-injection methamphetamine-using HIV positive men who have sex with men. Drug Alcohol Depend, 76(2), 203-12. PMID: 15488344  
Marcotte TD, Wolfson T, Rosenthal TJ, Heaton RK, Gonzalez R, Ellis RJ, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2004). A multimodal assessment of driving performance in HIV infection. Neurology, 63(8), 1417-22. PMID: 15505158  
Langford D, Grigorian A, Hurford R, Adame A, Ellis RJ, Hansen L, Masliah E.  (2004). Altered P-glycoprotein expression in AIDS patients with HIV encephalitis. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 63(10), 1038-47. PMID: 15535131  
Singh KK, Ellis RJ, Marquie-Beck J, Letendre S, Heaton RK, Grant I, Spector SA.  (2004). CCR2 polymorphisms affect neuropsychological impairment in HIV-1-infected adults. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 157(1-2), 185-92. PMID: 15579296  
Roberts ES, Masliah E, Fox HS.  (2004). CD163 identifies a unique population of ramified microglia in HIV encephalitis (HIVE). Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 63(12), 1255-64. PMID: 15624762  
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Archibald SL, Masliah E, Fennema-Notestine C, Marcotte TD, Ellis RJ, McCutchan JA, Heaton RK, Grant I Mallory M, Miller A, Jernigan TL.  (2004). Correlation of in vivo neuroimaging abnormalities with postmortem Human Immunodeficiency Virus encephalitis and dendritic loss. Archives of Neurology, 61(3), 369-76. PMID: 15023814  
Semple SJ, Patterson TL, Grant I.  (2004). Determinants of condom use stage of change among heterosexually-identified methamphetamine users. AIDS and Behavior, 8(4), 391-400. PMID: 15690112  
Cherner M, Ellis RJ, Lazzaretto D, Young C, Mindt MR, Atkinson JH, Grant I, Heaton RK, and the HNRC Group.  (2004). Effects of HIV-1 infection and aging on neurobehavioral functioning: preliminary findings. AIDS (London, England), 18(Suppl i), S27-34. PMID: 15075495  
Letendre SL, McCutchan JA, Childers ME, Woods SP, Lazzaretto D, Heaton RK, Grant I, Ellis RJ, and the HNRC Group.  (2004). Enhancing antiretroviral therapy for Human Immunodeficiency Virus cognitive disorders. Annals of Neurology, 56(3), 416-23. PMID: 15349869  
Semple SJ, Grant I, Patterson TL.  (2004). Female methamphetamine users: social characteristics and sexual risk behavior. Women Health, 40(3), 35-50. PMID: 15829444  
Summers J, Zisook S, Sciolla AD, Patterson T, Atkinson JH, and the HNRC Group.  (2004). Gender, AIDS, and bereavement: A comparison of women and men living with HIV. Death Studies, 28(3), 225-41. PMID: 15053032  
Taylor MJ, Letendre SL, Schweinsburg BC, Alhassoon OM, Brown GG, Gongvatana A, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2004). Hepatitis C virus infection is associated with reduced white matter N-acetylaspartate in abstinent methamphetamine users. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 10(1), 110-3. PMID: 14751013  
Carey C, Woods SP, Rippeth JD, Moore DJ, Gonzalez R, Marcotte TD, Grant I, Heaton RK, and the HNRC Group.  (2004). Initial validation of a screening battery for the detection of HIV-associated cognitive impairment. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 18(2), 234-248. PMID: 15587671  
Everall IP.  (2004). Interaction between HIV and intravenous heroin abuse? J Neuroimmunol, 147(1-2), 13-5. PMID: 14741419  
Woods SP, Rippeth JD, Frol AB, Levy JK, Ryan E, Soukup VM, Hinkin CH, Lazzaretto D, Cherner M, Marcotte TD, Gelman BB, Morgello S, Singer EJ, Grant I, Heaton RK.  (2004). Interrater reliability of clinical ratings and neurocognitive diagnoses in HIV. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology : official journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 26(6), 759-78. PMID: 15370374  
Marcotte TD, Scott JS, Lazzaretto D, Roberts E, Bentley H, Rosenthal TJ, and the HNRC Group.  (2004). Long-term stability of standard deviation of lateral position in neurocognitively normal and impaired individuals. Advances in Transportation Studies, Special Issue, 57-65. 
Rippeth JD, Heaton RK, Carey CL, Marcotte TD, Moore DJ, Gonzalez R, Wolfson T, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2004). Methamphetamine dependence increases risk of neuropsychological impairment in HIV infected persons. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 10(1), 1-14. PMID: 14751002  
Gonzalez R, Rippeth JD, Carey CL, Heaton RK, Moore DJ, Schweinsburg BC, Cherner M, Grant I.  (2004). Neurocognitive performance of methamphetamine users discordant for history of marijuana exposure. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 76(2), 181-90. PMID: 15488342  
Carlson KA, Limoges J, Pohlman GD, Poluektova LY, Langford D, Masliah E, Ikezu T, Gendelman HE.  (2004). OTK18 expression in brain mononuclear phagocytes parallels the severity of HIV-1 encephalitis. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 150(1-2), 186-98. PMID: 15081264  
Carey CL, Woods SP, Gonzalez R, Conover E, Marcotte TD, Grant I, Heaton RK, and the HNRC Group.  (2004). Predictive validity of global deficit scores in detecting neuropsychological impairment in HIV infection. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology : official journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 26(3), 307-19. PMID: 15512922  
Everall I, Grant I.  (2004). Proteomic pointers in HIV neurocognitive disorder. Lancet, 363(9415), 1091-2. PMID: 15064024  
Semple SJ, Patterson TL, Grant I.  (2004). Psychosocial characteristics and sexual risk behavior of HIV positive men who have anonymous sex partners. Psychology and Health, 19(1), 71-87. 
Woods SP, Conover E, Rippeth JD, Carey CL, Gonzalez R, Marcotte TD, Heaton RK, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2004). Qualitative aspects of verbal fluency in HIV-associated dementia: a deficit in rule-guided lexical-semantic search processes? Neuropsychologia, 42(6), 801-9. PMID: 15037058  
Yiannoutsos CT, Ernst T, Chang L, Lee PL, Richards T, Marra CM, Meyerhoff DJ, Jarvik JG, Kolson D, Schifitto G, Ellis RJ, Swindells S, Simpson DM, Miller EN, Gonzalez RG, Navia BA.  (2004). Regional patterns of brain metabolites in AIDS dementia complex. Neuroimage, 23(3), 928-35. PMID: 15528093  
Sadek JR, Johnson SA, White DA, Salmon DP, Taylor KI, Delapena JH, Paulsen JS, Heaton RK, Grant I.  (2004). Retrograde amnesia in dementia: comparison of HIV-associated dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and Huntington's disease. Neuropsychology, 18(4), 692-9. PMID: 15506837  
 Heaton, R.K, Miller, S.W., Taylor, M.J., Grant, I.  (2004). Revised comprehensive norms for an expanded Halstead-Reitan Battery: Demographically adjusted neuropsychological norms for African American and Caucasian adults Scoring Program. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc
Marcotte TD, Scott JC.  (2004). The assessment of driving abilities. Advances in Transportation Studies, Special Issue, , 79-90. 
Semple SJ, Patterson TL, Grant I.  (2004). The context of sexual risk behavior among heterosexual methamphetamine users. Addict Behav, 29(4), 807-10. PMID: 15135564  
Heaton RK, Marcotte TD, Mindt MR, Sadek J, Moore DJ, Bentley H, McCutchan JA, Reicks C, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2004). The impact of HIV-associated neuropsychological impairment on everyday functioning. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 10(3), 317-31. PMID: 15147590  
Letendre S, Marquie-Beck J, Singh KK, de Almeida S, Zimmerman J, Spector SA, Grant I, Ellis R, and the HNRC Group.  (2004). The monocyte chemotactic protein-1-2578G allele is associated with elevated MCP-1 concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 157(1-2), 193-6. PMID: 15579297  
Freeman WR, McCutchan JA, Arevalo JF, Wolfson T, Marcotte TD, Heaton RK, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2004). The relationship between AIDS retinal cotton wool spots and neuropsychological impairment in HIV-positive individuals in the pre-highly active antiretroviral therapy era. Ocular Immunology and Inflammation, 12(1), 25-33. PMID: 15209461  PMCID: PMC1378132  
Langford D, Grigorian A, Hurford R, Adame A, Crews L, Masliah E.  (2004). The role of mitochondrial alterations in the combined toxic effects of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Tat protein and methamphetamine on calbindin positive-neurons. Journal of NeuroVirology, 10(6), 327-37. PMID: 15765804  
Woods SP, Conover E, Weinborn M, Rippeth JD, Brill RM, Heaton RK, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2003). Base rate of Hiscock Digit Memory Test failure in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 17(3), 383-9. PMID: 14704888  
Semple SJ, Patterson TL, Grant I.  (2003). Binge use of methamphetamine among HIV-positive men who have sex with men: pilot data and HIV prevention implications. AIDS Educ Prev, 15(2), 133-47. PMID: 12739790  
Langford TD, Letendre SL, Larrea GJ, Masliah E.  (2003). Changing patterns in the neuropathogenesis of HIV during the HAART era. Brain Pathology (Zurich, Switzerland), 13(2), 195-210. PMID: 12744473  
Ross MW, Mattison AM, Franklin DR.  (2003). Club drugs and sex on drugs are associated with different motivations for gay circuit party attendance in men. Subst Use Misuse, 38(8), 1173-83. PMID: 12901454  
Gonzalez R, Heaton RK, Moore DJ, Letendre S, Ellis RJ, Wolfson T, Marcotte T, Cherner M, Rippeth J, Grant I, and the HNRC Group (listed collaborators include JA McCutchan).  (2003). Computerized reaction time battery versus a traditional neuropsychological battery: Detecting HIV-related impairments. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 9(1), 64-71. PMID: 12570359  
Schweinsburg BC, Alhassoon OM, Taylor MJ, Gonzalez R, Videen JS, Brown GG, Patterson TL, Grant I.  (2003). Effects of alcoholism and gender on brain metabolism. Am J Psychiatry, 160(6), 1180-3. PMID: 12777281  
Ellis RJ, Childers ME, Zimmerman JD, Frost SD, Deutsch R, McCutchan JA, and the HNRC Group.  (2003). Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 RNA levels in cerebrospinal fluid exhibit a set point in clinically stable patients not receiving antiretroviral therapy. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 187(11), 1818-21. PMID: 12751041  
Ellis RJ, Childers ME, Cherner M, Lazzaretto D, Letendre S, Grant I, and the HNRC Group.  (2003). Increased Human Immunodeficiency Virus loads in active methamphetamine users are explained by reduced effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 188(12), 1820-6. PMID: 14673760  
Jernigan TL, Gamst AC, Fennema-Notestine C, Ostergaard AL.  (2003). More "mapping" in brain mapping: statistical comparison of effects. Hum Brain Mapp, 19(2), 90-5. PMID: 12768533  
Grant I, Gonzalez R, Carey CL, Natarajan L, Wolfson T.  (2003). Non-acute (residual) neurocognitive effects of cannabis use: a meta-analytic study. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 9(5), 679-89. PMID: 12901774  
Polich J, Basho S.  (2003). P3a and P3b auditory ERPs in HIV patients receiving anti-viral medication. Clin Electroencephalogr, 33(3), 97-101. PMID: 12192663  
Langford D, Adame A, Grigorian A, Grant I, McCutchan JA, Ellis RJ, Marcotte TD, Masliah E, and the HNRC Group.  (2003). Patterns of selective neuronal damage in methamphetamine-user AIDS patients. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 34(5), 467-74. PMID: 14657756  
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